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Маніпуляція Zelensky was outraged by the preservation of ties between American cities and their Russian counterparts

Zelensky gave instructions to the mayors of American cities. On June 4, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a video address to the Conference of Mayors of the United States, urging American cities to renounce "brotherhood" with Russian ones. Of course, Russian propagandists did not miss this speech and distorted the words in their way, giving Zelensky "anger" and the power to instruct American mayors.

In his address to the 90th Annual Conference of Mayors, which unites more than 1,400 American mayors, the President of Ukraine said: "Chicago and Moscow. Jacksonville and Murmansk. San Diego - Vladivostok. Albany and Tula. What do these connections give you? Probably nothing. But they allow Russia to say that it is not isolated even after such a war. Each of you sees how the Russian army is at war and what it is doing with the peaceful cities of Ukraine. Her cruelty is no different from the tyrannies of the past. "

He stressed that 3,620 settlements of Ukraine came under Russian occupation, many of which are no longer suitable for civilized life.

"This is the reality that Russia has brought: when there is no connection in the cities, there is no electricity, there is simply no water. When bombs and missiles can destroy any building - even a kindergarten or university. When the whole city can just be burned, "the president said.

Zelensky invited the mayors of American cities to implement a project to rebuild Ukraine. As we can see, in his words, there is neither aggression nor a commanding tone on the part of Ukraine.

Due to the war, we remind that twinning ties with Russian cities were severed by several Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Zhytomyr, and others. Also, on September 2, 2014, due to the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, Prague severed twinning relations with Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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