Spilnota Detector Media
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Фейк Sumy hospital announcements about “urgent” blood collection for the wounded in Kursk region

A photo of what appears to be an announcement on the wall of the Sumy Regional Clinical Hospital is being circulated online. It states that the medical institution urgently needs donor blood for the wounded in the Kursk Region. A photo of the “announcement” is added to the publications.

“The need for blood is so acute that it is taken 24 hours a day. This is how Zelenskyi's PR campaigns end”, the propagandists comment.

VoxCheck analysts analyzed the case and found out that the propagandists had faked the photo by editing it in a photo editor. And the original photo shows the daily schedule for patients in the otolaryngology department.

There was no information about the urgent need for donor blood for the wounded in the Kursk region on the official website of the Sumy Regional Clinical Hospital or its social networks. But, for example, on August 6 and August 13, the DonorUA organization announced the need for donor blood in different regions, but Sumy region was not among them.

In addition, the Sumy Regional Clinical Hospital is not on the list of medical institutions accredited to collect donor blood. In Sumy, only the Sumy Regional Blood Service Center does this.

Propagandists have been systematically spreading fakes and manipulations on the topic of an alleged blood shortage in Ukraine. In this way, the authors of the messages are trying to convince that everything is bad in Ukraine and that there are many wounded who are not receiving adequate care because “there is not enough blood”.  We managed to refute several fakes on this topic. For example, one of the fakes said that Ukraine is banning all foreign citizens from becoming blood donors. We also checked the authenticity of a message on social networks about a Ukrainian woman abandoning her husband because he was “transfused with Muscovite blood”.

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