Spilnota Detector Media

Fake Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine would strike Transnistria

The Kremlin media grabbed a quote from the Ukrainian president's statement and picked a clickbait headline. It is about the conversation on June 27 with the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu. Zelensky said: "If there is [an attack on Ukraine from the territory of the PMR], I believe it is a global mistake. Some or other signals we receive are unpleasant. But these people in Transnistria should know: for us, it is not a blow but a slap. And we will definitely respond with a blow... I believe that, first of all, we should all do so that there is no destabilization in the region. We demonstrate it in every way. We are currently at war with Russia on our land, although you have seen that there have been repeated missile strikes from the side of Belarus as well."

Fake The uniform of the Armed Forces is modeled after the equipment of the Wehrmacht

Kremlin propagandist Mikhail Myagkov said on Channel One that the Armed Forces uniforms, significantly changed after the 2000s, allegedly reflect the "reincarnation of Nazism." His arguments include rhombuses on epaulets instead of Soviet stars, the use of the "Nazi" edelweiss flower in the symbolism of units, and the artificially outdated emblem of the Marine Corps.

StopFake fact-checkers refute what the propagandists said, referring to an interview with a heraldist artist who participated in updating the identity of the Ukrainian army in 2014 after the Russian attack. According to him, the development was based on the form of the Ukrainian liberation movements of 1917-1922 and 1938-1950, as well as on the experience of modern armies of the world.

In particular, the diamond-shaped "dawn" was drawn from the samples of the army of the Ukrainian state in 1918, i.e., tens of years before the establishment of Nazism in Germany.

Fake Ukraine refused to join NATO. Propaganda media spread such information

According to the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security Council, as confirmation of their thesis, the Kremlin media cite the Financial Times article concerning the words of the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ihor Zhovkva. However, in this material, Zhovkva did not state that Ukraine refuses to join NATO. The text states that NATO should recognize Ukraine as a "cornerstone" of security arrangements on the European continent. Zhovkva also emphasized that the Alliance "rejected the aspirations" of Ukraine to join, and "we will not do anything else about it."

Manipulation The Russian army is waiting in Lysychansk

The Kremlin mass media spread information that allegedly, all residents of the Ukrainian city Lysychansk dream of the arrival of Russia and are looking forward to it. As StopFake writes, in their reports, the Kremlin mass media refer to the French channel "France 2" report from the combat zone in Lysychansk.

According to propagandists from RT and other pro-Kremlin resources, "most residents of Lysychansk are hostile to the Armed Forces and are waiting for the Russian army." However, this is manipulation. In fact, the TV channel "France 2" report, which Kremlin mass media referred to, was not about all the residents of Lysychansk but only about the majority of those who remained in the city with whom the journalists managed to communicate.n There were 100,000 residents in Lysychansk, and only 15,000 people stayed in the town, most of whom, according to the report's authors, was allegedly waiting for Russia's arrival. The rest of the residents evacuated to other settlements in Ukraine where there were no hostilities. More details.

Fake German General Gerhartz said that NATO is preparing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine

The Russian media is spreading information that the General of the German Air Force, Ingo Gerhartz, allegedly said that NATO should prepare to use nuclear weapons on the territory of Ukraine.

"Speaking at the Seapowers international symposium in the city of Kiel, Gerhartz said that in the current hostilities in Nezalezhna, a situation may arise in which NATO would need a nuclear strike," Russian media reported. However, it is not true. As StopFake writes, General of the German Air Force Ingo Gerhartz did not say anything about the fact that NATO should prepare to use nuclear weapons on the territory of Ukraine. The military stressed that the Alliance needs to be ready to use nuclear weapons in response if Russia does so first. Ukraine was not discussed in Gerhartz's speech.

Fake Russian sergeant Krasnov killed 20 Ukrainian soldiers and rescued his comrades from a downed IFV

Kremlin propaganda media spread this information about the heroism of one of the Russian soldiers, sergeant Krasnov. It is reported that a Russian soldier killed 20 Ukrainian soldiers, and most importantly, he saved his comrades from a downed IFV. However, it is fake. The Security Service of Ukraine denied the information. "The only achievement of Krasnov is that he survived. The rest of his crew died immediately. It turned out that Krasnov did not destroy or save anyone. The SSU learned this from the sergeant's intercepted conversation with his relatives.

Fake The British gladly took in their own homes Ukrainian refugees but lost their enthusiasm

Russian media spread that "the British are tired of Ukrainian refugees and want to expel them." For example, now they are massively asking Ukrainians to look for other housing or leave. However, it is not true. As Melinda Simmons, the ambassador of Great Britain to Ukraine, told in an interview with Suspilne, now the number of British people willing to accept Ukrainians significantly exceeds the number of people seeking asylum in Britain. Currently, there are two protection programs for those who left Ukraine because of the war started by Russia. Under these programs, Britain has already issued more than 130,000 visas to Ukrainians. Ukrainians are hosted by British families registered in the program, and now program workers' main efforts are to find families with the most similar interests and needs to ensure a comfortable stay.

Disclosure Russians are invited for $24 to act in the Donbas as local witnesses to the "atrocities of the damned Ukrainian fascists"

In Saint Petersburg, a vacancy for an actor for mass shooting in the previously occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions was advertised. As StratCom of the ZSU writes in a telegram, this is how they recruit "local witnesses to the atrocities of the damned Ukrainian fascists." Payment for filming - 1,300 rubles (almost $24), travel to the so-called "DPR" and "LPR," "we will shoot there."

Fake "Nationalists" raped women at the "Azot" plant in Sievierodonetsk

Russian mass media, referring to the so-called people's police of the so-called "LPR," are spreading information that allegedly fighters of the nationalist "Aidar" battalion (banned in Russia) regularly raped women who were held hostage at the "Azot" plant in Sievierodonetsk. According to their version, dozens of women were injured; now, they are safe, receiving medical and psychological help from specialists. The media do not provide evidence; they only spread a loud statement about the crime.

On June 18, the head of the Luhansk RMA, Serhii Gaidai, reported that the people hiding in the shelters of the "Azot" plant in Sievierodonetsk refused to evacuate. During the communication with the population, the National Guardsmen recorded the refusal on video. Previously, the Russian media distributed video recordings of interviews with women who escaped from the "Azot" bomb shelter, where they talked exclusively about foreign mercenaries. In fact, the world has already learned more than once about the sexual crimes of the Russian military in Ukraine.

Rape has become a characteristic feature of the Russian occupiers, says the adviser to the head of the President's Office, Oleksiy Arestovych. We will remind that after the liberation of Bucha near Kyiv from the Russian occupiers, it became known about dozens of cases of sexual violence committed by Russians. Former Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Lyudmila Denisova, reported that in Bucha, Russians systematically raped 25 girls and women aged 14 to 24, nine of whom were pregnant. More details.

Fake Ukrainian propaganda is trying to pass off residential buildings as targets of rocket attacks in Kyiv

On the pro-Kremlin channels in Telegram, they are spreading rumors about the explosions in Kyiv. According to the Ukraina.ru channel, one of the targets in Kyiv was the Artem plant, which produces missile weapons. Ukrainian propagandists "are trying to pretend" that residential buildings are the targets of rocket attacks. Kremlin propagandist Volodymyr Solovyov spread information in a Telegram that the Russian Kalibr missiles "remind Ukrainians that bombing Donetsk is bad."

We remind that on the morning of Sunday, June 26, several explosions were heard in Kyiv. According to Kyiv Mayor Volodymyr Klychko, search and rescue operations are ongoing in the residential high-rise building in the Shevchenkiv district where the rockets hit. There are people under the rubble; rescuers found a seven-year-old girl. She is alive. Now they are saving her mother. Some residents were evacuated, and two victims were hospitalized. Adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs head, Anton Gerashchenko, said that at least one person had died.

Fake The Ukrainian Armed Forces deliberately bombed an elevator with 30,000 tons of grain in Rubizhne to provoke a famine

On June 24, the Russian mass media began to actively spread the news that the Ukrainian military allegedly "launched a targeted artillery strike" on the village of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region. It is claimed that as a result of the "Ukrainian attack," the elevator of the "Golden Agro" company, in which 30 thousand tons of grain and sunflower seeds were stored, was destroyed. Russian "experts" assure that the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly "deliberately hit a civilian object" to provoke a famine. "Tens of thousands of tons of bread have been lost due to the Ukrainian shelling," summarizes disinformation publications. According to the StopFake fact-checkers, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were not involved in destroying the elevator in the Rubizhne, Luhansk region. Russia continues to follow scorched earth tactics in Ukraine and purposefully attacks Ukrainian social infrastructure. The Russian occupiers are responsible for the destroyed grain elevator in Rubizhne.

Manipulation Undamaged houses will be demolished in Mariupol, so residents are advised to return to avoid losing their homes

Petro Andryushchenko reported to this fake in his Telegram. According to him, "secret" information about the houses in Mariupol, which are subject to demolition, has been distributed by Russian-controlled media. The information spreads quite quickly and causes a frenzy of resonance among the evacuated residents of Mariupol.

Petro Andryushchenko believes that this information is a deliberate fake.

"Having analyzed the list of buildings, we can confidently say that at least 30% of this list have no damage at all.

The purpose of spreading such disinformation is the same. Through the psychological influence and the fear of losing the last thing, to force the residents of Mariupol from the evacuation to return home to Mariupol, where for the occupiers, there is a catastrophic lack of working population," Andryushchenko emphasized and urged residents of Mariupol not to panic.

Fake In Odesa, "nationalists" have equipped firing positions and sniper points on the upper floors of residential buildings, and they use locals as "human shields"

The Russian mass media disseminated this statement by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The Russians assure that allegedly on Lanzheronivska Street, "nationalists have equipped firing positions and sniper points on the upper floors of residential buildings," and "residents from the apartments have not been evacuated and are being used by nationalists as "human shields."

Also, the Russians returned to the fake that the Ukrainian military placed large-caliber artillery and a foreign-made multiple rocket launcher systems on the territory of the place where the victims of the plague are buried and that in the event of an attack by the Russians on the accumulation of equipment in this area, the Ukrainian side intends to disseminate information to the media about the destruction of graves and the emergence of a biological hazard in Odesa allegedly due to the fault of Russian service members. The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine called these "statements" disinformation. The Operational Command "Pivden" says that the Russians are dispersing such fakes to intimidate Odessans.

Fake Ukrainians do not want to die for Zelensky's regime, so they are running away from mobilization

The video of a boy fleeing from the police in a residential complex was shared on social networks. The captions under the video claim that Ukrainians are running away from mobilization because no one wants to die for Zelensky's regime. Only Nazis and foreign mercenaries fight. However, this video is fake. As Reuters investigated, it was filmed in May 2020 on the territory of a hotel complex in Sochi, Russia. This video has nothing to do with Ukraine or Ukrainians. Note that Russian propagandists systematically use fake videos to portray events in Ukraine.

Fake Twelve foreign ships cannot leave the port in Kherson because of Ukrainian mines

Such information is disseminated by the "authority" illegally installed by Russia in the territory of the temporarily occupied Kherson region. They said 12 ships, most of which belong to Turkey, cannot leave Kherson due to Ukrainian mines. "The crews are not in danger, and the ships are under guard," said collaborator Kyrylo Stremousov. However, it is fake.

There are 14 ships (3 Ukrainian and 11 foreign) in the port of Kherson, which remained under conditions of blockade and occupation. However, it was Russian troops and mines that blocked their way out. Both international organizations and individual countries confirm this. Even though Ukrainian mines seem to interfere with foreign ships, the occupiers spread the statement that "Kherson sea trade port is resuming work and preparing for cargo transportation." So, the occupiers themselves contradict their words.

Message The Ukrainian military refuses to use "Bayraktar"

Russian mass media spread the thesis that "Ukrainian pilots consider the use of American MQ-1C Gray Eagle attack drones dangerous, and the Turkish Bayraktars - actually useless." The seemingly significant strengthening of Russian air defense forces prompts the Ukrainian military to this opinion. Such messages appeared after the information about the "Narodnyi Bayraktar" initiative from the Serhiy Prytula Foundation. Within a few days of work, the fund reports collecting a record amount of donations from Ukrainian citizens, businesses, and even politicians for purchasing three such aircraft for the Armed Forces. So, we can assume that spreading such messages is a way to devalue the help of the Ukrainian army and discredit the work of volunteers.

Fake Rocket launchers were placed in Odesa Polyclinic #23

The Russian propaganda reported it, and the placement of a rocket launcher in a medical facility was written about on local social networks. However, it is not true. The Ukrainian military did not install rocket launchers in the polyclinic and did not store any other weapons there.

The Odesa City Council denied the fake. "Russian propaganda continues to spread fakes about Odesa. This time, the Ministry of Defense of the occupiers announced the presence of military objects on the territory of the Polyclinic #29. The mayor of Odesa, Gennadiy Trukhanov, and British journalists arrived at the medical institution to show that it is an ordinary polyclinic, where daily assistance to more than 300 Odesa residents," the message reads. From the video, it can be seen that the clinic is receiving an appointment, and there are no rocket launchers there. More details.

Manipulation The nine-year-old son of the president of Ukraine is his military adviser

Information that the nine-year-old son of the Ukrainian president is his "military adviser" is being spread by Russian propagandists. In propaganda messages, they refer to the words of Olena Zelenska about how her son reacts to what is happening in the country. However, it is manipulation. Zelenska did not call her son Zelensky's military adviser.

As EU vs DISINFO writes, such statements "distort the comments of the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, to show that the Ukrainian leadership is incompetent and humiliate Ukraine. In fact, Olena Zelenska told the Daily Mail about how she communicates with her children about the war and how the reactions of the eldest daughter Oleksandra and the youngest son Kyrylo differ. Russian propagandists are trying to pass off the reactions of a nine-year-old boy to the war in his country as military advice to the president. In this way, Russian propaganda seeks to ridicule the military leadership of Ukraine to show that he is allegedly so incompetent that he needs childish advice.

Fake NATO was building a military base in Sievierodonetsk

Information that the Alliance was building an army base in one of the cities in eastern Ukraine was spread by Russian propaganda media.

The reports claim that the strengthening of the positions of the North Atlantic Alliance in Eastern Europe was supposed to happen "due to the construction of several military bases in Ukraine." In this way, the Russian media continue to promote the message of "NATO aggression against Russia." However, it is not true. As StopFake writes, there were no plans for the "construction of a NATO military base" in Sievierodonetsk in the plans of Ukraine or the member states of the Alliance. It was about constructing a new infrastructural facility for the military to meet the standards of NATO.

Fake Foreigners who fight in the Ukrainian army are criminals, and Russia should not use the norms of the Geneva Convention against them

Russian propaganda spreads information that foreign mercenaries are not legal combatants and are not subject to the Geneva Convention. At the same time, they claim that those who fight against Ukraine are volunteers and should be protected. These messages were refuted in EU vs DISINFO: "The nationality of the soldier is irrelevant ... Combatants are members of the armed forces in the conflicts or are volunteers. The fact that a person is a citizen of a third country and not a citizen of the armed forces in which he serves is considered irrelevant when it comes to determining the status of a participant in hostilities or prisoners of war," experts say. That is, it is enough for foreigners to officially be part of any Armed Forces unit to protect their rights. That is why the Foreign Legion is officially an Armed Forces unit.

Fake The Ukrainian authorities are using the residents of Lysychansk as human shields, so they are not evacuating

It was stated by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova. She claims that Ukraine is covered with people as a human shield, and the military hides in houses and schools, set up strongholds and ammunition depots there, and in residential buildings - machine guns and sniper nests. Zakharova even mentioned the schools' concrete numbers and the street's names in her speech.

She claims that the evacuation of citizens from dangerous areas is not carried out, people are forcibly detained in them, and there are alleged cases of "the intentional taking of hostages to be placed in nationalist positions." However, it is not true. As The Insider writes, the evacuation of residents of Lysychansk in the direction of Bakhmut is being carried out under continuous fire. For example, as can be seen from the UATV report, an evacuation using an armored car on a truck chassis is shown. The reports of "Sohodni" and the Latvian television company LTV are dedicated to volunteers who take the residents of Lysychansk in their cars to bypass the route under fire. Flights to less dangerous regions of the country are organized from Bakhmut. In addition, on June 5, the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhii Gaidai, reported that 66 people were deported that day, 52 people on June 14, and 19 people on June 19.

According to him, a flight is immediately organized as soon as a dozen people willing to go are recruited. The evacuation of people in the Luhansk Region continues, and the Ukrainian Arya does not use them as a human shield.

Message Ukraine must surrender because "honorable surrender is important for saving lives"

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, Russian propaganda, with the help of Japanese parliamentarian Muneo Suzuki, is trying to persuade Ukraine to negotiate with Russia and surrender. In particular, Suzuki, in a comment to the Russian "RIA Novosti" on June 22, blamed Ukraine for the fact that Russia unleashed a full-scale war. According to him, "Kyiv is responsible for the non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements." As the Center reports, such a statement by a Japanese politician is a continuation of his rhetoric that Ukraine should urgently surrender. "On June 16, Yahoo News Japan published an article by Suzuki, in which the politician stated: if Ukraine cannot fight without the help of the West, "honorable surrender is important to save lives," the Center claims.

Message Russia is not fighting at full capacity

Such information spreads in anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channels. First, thanks to such statements, Russia is trying to justify its defeats in Ukraine.

They said that the Russian army had not yet used all its forces, methods, and weapons, so the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to give them a decent rebuff. In particular, we are talking about the well-known "taking Kyiv" in three days and other unsuccessful operations of the Russian army in Ukraine. Secondly, such messages also perform the function of intimidation.

For example, if you do not surrender and do not make concessions to Russia, the Russian army will fight even more fiercely. However, the Russian military commits war crimes in Ukraine daily: they destroy infrastructure and kill civilians. The fact that the Russian army is suffering losses and gradually losing ground in certain locations is not because it is not fighting at full strength but because the Armed Forces of Ukraine are repulsing it with dignity.

Manipulation Ukraine is threatened with a military coup

This manipulative thesis was spread on the Russian military-propaganda TV channel "Zvezda," namely: the program "Glavnoe with Olga Belova" came out with this "theme." The program repeats several fakes and manipulations, in particular, regarding the split between the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhny; also about Zelensky's surrender of "western Ukraine" to Poland and riots of units in the Armed Forces and requests of captured servicemen of the Armed Forces not to return them to their homeland. The plot also contains fakes about the mandatory mobilization of women in Ukraine to "replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces due to combat losses" and manipulations on the topic of Zelensky signing a decree on sending territorial defense fighters to the front. Propagandists are convinced that both ideas "are not supported by Ukrainian civilians and the military." Most of these manipulations and fakes have already been refuted by "Media Detector."

Fake CNN showed the staging of a missile attack on Lviv

On Twitter, a fake was spread to the English-speaking audience that the video of the CNN channel about the Russian airstrike on fuel warehouses in Lviv on March 26, 2022, is an alleged production, saying that the footage was taken during a fire in Edmonton, Canada. In particular, in these posts, it was noted that firefighters have Edmonton written on their uniforms. It is not the first time that CNN has been criticized for allegedly staging stories about the war in Ukraine; in particular, earlier Russian propaganda accused the channel of "a production about Russian soldiers who shoot two civilian men in the Kyiv region."

In fact, the Russian Ministry of Defense publicly admitted that it launched a missile attack on Lviv that day. This fact alone refutes the report about CNN's alleged delivery of an attack on fuel warehouses in Lviv. However, this fake was analyzed in detail by the fact-checkers of the Poynter project, who studied the geolocation on the CNN video and found Lviv streets from the video on Google Maps. They also confirmed that the Ukrainian rescuers' uniforms had Edmonton written on them. "The real story is that these jackets were given to Ukrainian firefighters by Edmonton firefighters - the non-profit organization Firefighter Aid Ukraine. Edmonton's fire chief also posted a message confirming that the jacket was donated from their stock," the fact-checkers said.