Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The Black Sea Fleet of Russia is heading towards Odesa

Russian propagandists spread such information. Like, the entire Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation is approaching Odesa. However, this is not true. The operational command "South" denied the fake.

According to the report, a part of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian occupiers is operating in the northwest part of the Black Sea, while the other part is at base points. It is known that the enemy's ship formation in the northwest part of the Black Sea currently consists of five ships, one submarine, and four VDK. Instead, the other part of the fleet, contrary to the panicked statements of enemy propaganda, is at the base points.

Message There are problems with discipline in Ukrainian society, and the authorities invent victories for themselves

Pro-Russian Telegram channels distribute messages with this content. For example, Lehytymniy convinces the audience that: "...problems with conditional discipline began in Ukrainian society ... "for a moment, the war in the country continues, and the rear has swum." Another propaganda channel Kartel, along with a report from the previous message, claims that: "...functionaries of the Office of the President are trying to stir up hype in Ukrainian society by heating the topic that Belarus is preparing to attack the Western territories of Ukraine and even Kyiv. Also, a case with the attack of RB was launched for the Western press to somehow revive interest in the Ukrainian crisis. However, a day later, they triumphantly declared that this would not happen since Bankova herself controls everything."

Such messages divert attention, confuse Ukrainian society, spread doubts and panic among citizens regarding the authorities' actions, and undermine trust in Ukrainian intelligence and the Armed Forces. If the government manipulates and deceives, how can you trust it? Although the intelligence not only of Ukraine but also of other countries testifies about the possible invasion of Belarusian troops into Ukraine. Repetition of the message in different channels helps anchor it in the information field. It is how a dispute is artificially created and society splits because emotions prevent an objective assessment of the situation. In this way, the work of the President's Office is being devalued through the manipulation of the thesis that the government itself invents a problem and then "victoriously" reports on its solution.

Remind that Russian propaganda systematically spreads manipulative messages and artificially creates discussions about the professionalism of the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, the integrity of the information it provides to citizens, events at the front, etc.

Fake A Ukrainian woman insulted a Russian woman handing out flowers at a solo rally against the war

The Kurdish channel K24+ shared a video with the caption that a Ukrainian woman beats a Russian woman and calls her a "bitch" because the Russian woman went to a single anti-war rally. As NotaYenota writes, the video is borrowed from the materials of Guardian. The original story tells about a Russian girl who went to the monument to Shevchenko in Saint Petersburg for a solitary protest against the war. Her brother served in the Russian army and was sent to Ukraine as part of a so-called "special operation."

By the way, according to the Russian leadership, conscripts are not fighting in Ukraine, but the video again refutes these statements. The family lost contact with the boy, prompting the girl to express her attitude to the situation publicly. The girl's protest caused the dissatisfaction of another Russian woman, who believes that "if it were not for the war, she [the heroine of the original video] would not have a future." The woman called the protester obscene, but there was no fight. On the same Kurdish TV channel, they wrote under the video that it was a Ukrainian woman who attacked a Russian woman who was protesting against the war in Ukraine. In this way, the Kurds used a classic method of spreading disinformation: take a real video and add a fake caption.

Fake More than 200 Americans, fighters of the International Legion, died in Ukraine

Russian officials and the media report such figures regarding the dead foreigners who were fighters of the International Defense Legion of Ukraine. However, according to International Legion spokesman Damien Magrou, the statistics on the number of International Legion fighters killed in Ukraine, which were cited in Russia, are one more example of Russian disinformation.

"Whoever follows the situation understands that it cannot be like that. Some cases of death of US citizens have become known. However, these situations are actively discussed, and these soldiers' family members come forward and join to talk too. If there were 214, someone would have noticed it, so it is fiction," Magrou said.

Manipulation "Critically" or "catastrophically," there is no blood of certain groups or Rh

Suppose such a thing is reported on social networks; in that case, it is a provocation or deliberate information sabotage - write the fact-checkers of the "NotaYenota" initiative, referring to the Kyiv City Blood Center.

In messages, the enemy tries to appeal to emotions: first, to point out that the army lacks something; secondly, to summarize significant losses. Mention of a specific group is pseudo-specific, fact-checkers write. Instead, people spread fake emotional messages out of a desire to help.

It is necessary to understand that there is never an urgent and acute need for blood due to the lack of a particular group and rhesus, the Center's experts explain. They added that blood is always needed to replenish the blood bank, so the call to become a donor is always relevant.

Manipulation "Nooses" and "anacondas" on the Ukrainian front

Resorting artistic images when government politics do not allow the use of a direct term is a classic propaganda technique. In particular, the image of a "loop" is used in the absence of an environment, which is a clear concept despite the definition.

For example, pro-Russian telegram channels from the "SBU list" increasingly call the combat situation in Severodonetsk a "loop." Propagandists refer to closed data obtained from British intelligence, according to which the Russian army is allegedly deliberately not closing the loop so that more Armed Forces soldiers fall into the trap. We cannot deny or confirm this information, but we pay attention to the manipulative nature of the concept used.

They also compare the situation to the "Anaconda Plan" concept during the American Civil War, which aimed to "suppress" trade by cutting off the connection between the east and west of the Confederacy. In fact, the famous name was invented by journalists, and historians are debating the effectiveness of the plan.

Manipulation "Nooses" and "anacondas" on the Ukrainian front

Resorting artistic images when government politics do not allow the use of a direct term is a classic propaganda technique. In particular, the image of a "loop" is used in the absence of an environment, which is a clear concept despite the definition.

For example, pro-Russian telegram channels from the "SBU list" increasingly call the combat situation in Severodonetsk a "loop." Propagandists refer to closed data obtained from British intelligence, according to which the Russian army is allegedly deliberately not closing the loop so that more Armed Forces soldiers fall into the trap. We cannot deny or confirm this information, but we pay attention to the manipulative nature of the concept used.

They also compare the situation to the "Anaconda Plan" concept during the American Civil War, which aimed to "suppress" trade by cutting off the connection between the east and west of the Confederacy. In fact, the famous name was invented by journalists, and historians are debating the effectiveness of the plan.

Fake In Zaporizhzhia, a list of "volunteers" is being formed for "protection against the Armed Forces of Ukraine"

According to the Kremlin media, in this way, the region's residents want to "secure themselves" and "liberate their territories." StopFake wrote that the statement about the "formation of a battalion of volunteers to protect against the Armed Forces" in Zaporizhzhia was made by a collaborator of Balytskyi, who has nothing to do with the official Ukrainian authorities.

Fact-checkers drew attention to the fact that the occupiers appointed former regional People's Deputy Yevhen Balytskyi as the head of the administration. On May 26, the SSU announced that he was suspected of treason. According to the Armed Forces, the city of Zaporizhzhia is under the full control of the Ukrainian army. In addition, Russia violated the Geneva Conventions by mobilizing Ukrainians in the occupied territories, the fact-checkers added. Read more.

Manipulation "Critically" or "catastrophically," there is no blood of certain groups or Rh

Suppose such a thing is reported on social networks; in that case, it is a provocation or deliberate information sabotage - write the fact-checkers of the "NotaYenota" initiative, referring to the Kyiv City Blood Center.

In messages, the enemy tries to appeal to emotions: first, to point out that the army lacks something; secondly, to summarize significant losses. Mention of a specific group is pseudo-specific, fact-checkers write. Instead, people spread fake emotional messages out of a desire to help.

Fake Ukrainian special services are filming stories about houses in Mykolaiv that were allegedly destroyed due to Russian shelling

More than 40 actors participated in the production filming, and all participants in the filming were paid 25 dollars each. Such lies are spread by the Ministry of Defense of Russia to hide the crimes of which the Russian military is guilty. Russian propagandists played out a similar scenario in April about the cruel atrocities in Buch, when the pro-Kremlin media wrote different versions, for example, that the Ukrainian military is apparently "disposing corpses in Buch" or that these are not corpses but actors, in the video and photos you can see that they are moving, smoke, etc.

On the morning of June 17, Russian troops hit Mykolaiv with rockets. The rocket attack damaged four residential high-rise buildings and an infrastructure facility. Two people died, and another 20 were injured, including a child.

On Saturday evening, the Russians again attacked Mykolaiv with Kalibr missiles. Two rockets hit a plastic window factory, another hit a residential building, and the next hit a sausage shop.

Fake Taira may have been involved in black transplantation in Ukraine

Such an assumption in the stream of Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov written in a telegram by a militant of the self-proclaimed "DPR" Vladlen Tatarsky (Maksym Fomin), who now calls himself a military correspondent. He noted that she was "exchanged for our underground in Kyiv."

On June 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an evening address that paramedic Yuliia Paievska (Taira), whom the Russians had captured in mid-March in Mariupol, had been released from captivity.

Yuliia "Taira" Paievska is a volunteer paramedic who saved the lives of military and civilians in Donbas for eight years.

Taira's husband Vadym and daughter Anna-Sofia lost touch with her on March 14, 2022. Since then, nothing has been known about the paramedic except the fakes spread by Russian propaganda. Taira has the title of People's Hero of Ukraine, President of the Aikido Federation "Mutokukai Ukraine," in 2013, with the beginning of the Revolution of Dignity, she became a doctor on the Maidan. She taught tactical medicine in the projects "People's Reserve" and "Protection of Patriots."

Later, Yuliia Paievska organized and headed the volunteer medical evacuation unit "Angels of Taira," which was based near Mariupol. From 2014 to 2018, she was a paramedic volunteer. From 2018 to 2020, she served under contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in eastern Ukraine and headed the evacuation department of the 61st Mobile Hospital in Mariupol. Then she was demobilized.

Fake The Ukrainian command blew up bridges in Sievierodonetsk to prevent the fighters from leaving Azot

Russian propagandists have launched a spam mailing in the Telegram about the mass betrayal in Sievierodonetsk. According to the press service of the National Guard, there are reports in the network that the bridges in Sievierodonetsk were allegedly blown up by the Ukrainian command so that the fighters could not get out of Azot.

Another manipulative report states that the Ukrainian victims were allegedly thrown into the field or taken to the morgues of the Dnipro and Mykolayiv and then buried in these cities.

The National Guard emphasizes that in this way, Russia continues to carry out information and psychological operations to cause panic in society.

Fake All Ukrainian men under 60 in Poland will be mobilized to participate in the war against Russia

The Government Security Center of the Republic of Poland has found a fake letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland with a request to provide information about all Ukrainian men under the age of 60 who are in Poland. According to the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, this letter is supposed to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine mobilize them to participate in the war against Russia. The fake letter first appeared on the Russian news agency "Krasnaya Vesna" website on February 3, 2022. On June 17, the same fake was repeated by the DNR Joker telegram channel.

In this way, the enemy tries to obtain personal information about Ukrainians abroad for further information and psychological operations to reduce the general trust level in Ukraine.

Fake Pensioners who went abroad because of the war in Ukraine will not receive pensions, and if they do, they will have nowhere to get them abroad, and the money will be lost

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine denied the fakes about receiving a Ukrainian pension abroad.

Pensions are accrued to all retirees! The bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and the social protection of the population carry out monthly accrual of pensions and social benefits for both internally displaced persons and citizens who went abroad due to the war in Ukraine.

The funds of those who received a pension from Ukrposhta will not be lost. If you still want to receive payments abroad, you need to change the method of receiving funds and transfer the charges to the card.

Fake Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov ordered doctors at local hospitals to buy atropine in case of chemical attacks

Information about this is spreading on social networks. Allegedly, the mayor Ihor Terekhov called on the chief doctors to buy a batch of atropine to protect themselves from chemical attacks. However, ше is not valid. The mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, refuted a fake in the address to citizens. "It's a blatant lie as if I called on the chief doctors of city hospitals to buy atropine in case of chemical attacks. Today I gathered the chief doctors of hospitals and staff, but only to say words of gratitude for their work and congratulate them on the Medical Worker Day. I urge you not to believe in fakes. Now they are purposefully produced and distributed. We should not be broken or defeated, so they are trying to intimidate, demoralize and sow panic. But the Russian occupier will not succeed!" Terekhov said.

Disclosure The occupiers are distributing a fake newspaper with an article about the allegedly "lost Zaporizhzhia region"

According to the journalist Andriy Tsaplienko, the Russian occupiers are distributing a fake newspaper about the "lost Zaporizhzhia region," which allegedly quotes the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhny. The newspaper claims that the article alleges that Ukraine allegedly "lost the Zaporizhzhia region" because it "used its reserves to defend Azovstal."

Manipulation More than 100,000 residents of Zaporizhzhia have applied for Russian citizenship

The Russian newspaper Izvestia published an article stating that more than 100,000 Zaporizhzhia residents had already applied for Russian citizenship, and thousands had prepared the necessary documents. The publication refers to the statement of the collaborator Vladimir Rogov, appointed by the occupiers as the head of the so-called council of the military-civil administration of the Zaporizhzhia region, on the air of the Russian propaganda TV channel "Solovyov Live."

"There are already more than 100 thousand people - this is 100% who are now in queues. And thousands of people who have already prepared packages of documents," Rogov said. The article also mentions the following: "In the first three days, the city's passport office [Berdyansk] processed 25 applications for Russian citizenship. There are 70 more people on the list… Several residents of Melitopol have also already been given Russian identity cards, Rogov said on June 11. On the same day, Vladimir Saldo, the head of the Kherson region's Military-Civil Administration (MCA), received Russian citizenship. In addition to him, the first passports of the Russian Federation that day were handed over to 25 more residents of the region."

The high-profile title of the article is another fake propaganda machine. First, Zaporizhzhia is not occupied but is part of Ukraine. Therefore, mentioning Zaporizhzhia in the title is already a manipulation to attract attention. Secondly, in addition to the actual regional center, there are two large cities in the region - Berdyansk (population - of 109 thousand people as of 2020) and Melitopol (almost 150 thousand people as of 2021), which are now temporarily occupied. That is, when the occupiers talk about 100 thousand inhabitants of Zaporizhzhia, it is rather about the number of Ukrainians who remained in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region for various reasons.

In addition, the occupiers are actively spreading information that obtaining Russian passports has also begun in Kherson. However, for Kherson (a regional center with a population of almost 280 thousand as of January 2022), they show much more modest figures - there only 1.5 thousand people "expressed a desire to change citizenship."

Fake Russian air defense shot down a Ukrainian AN-26 aircraft carrying weapons in the sky over Odesa

Information about this is disseminated online. The reports claim that the Russian system allegedly shot down a Ukrainian AN-26 plane with weapons and military equipment consignment over Odesa on June 5. The authors of such posts refer to the message of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. However, it is not valid.

Fake Zelensky signed a decree on the surrender of Avdiivka to the occupiers

Information about this is disseminated in pro-Russian telegram channels. The reports say that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, allegedly ordered to hand over Avdiivka to the occupiers and ordered the living soldiers. They remained there to be declared missing. However, this is not true. There is no such presidential decree. "Avdiivka is Ukraine. It was, is, and will be ours!" This information is an insignificant, clumsy fake. They are cynically trying to destroy us. We are heroically resisting. Victory is ours because it has long been known who will come to us with a sword, die by the sword, " wrote the head of the Avdiivka city military-civil administration Vitaliy Barabash.

Fake Kharkiv communal services ask citizens to leave their apartments open so that territorial defense fighters can enter

Such information is disseminated online, as well as in ads posted on the streets of the city. The reports say that the Kharkiv utility company "Zhylkomservice" allegedly appeals to citizens to leave their apartments open. The ads add that this is allegedly necessary to place territorial defense fighters firing positions in the flats. However, this is a fake. According to the Kharkiv City Council, communal services did not ask citizens not to close their homes. "We urge citizens to be careful and be sure to close windows and doors before leaving the apartment," the city council said. We will remind you that the Russian propagandists repeatedly lied that the Ukrainian military arranged firing points in the territory of civilian objects, for example, on the domain of the Odesa film studio.

Fake The Armed Forces "fires again" on Kharkiv

Russian propaganda media allegedly wrote about this concerning eyewitness accounts - a resident of Kharkiv. According to the fact-checkers of the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center, propaganda reports say that Kharkiv residents who have been in the city since the beginning of the "special military operation" are aware that the Ukrainian Armed Forces brought a large number of civilian casualties. However, this is not true. In fact, Kharkiv, like other cities in Ukraine, is being shelled by the enemy, Russia, which started the war. Instead, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are defending the country and repelling the Russian military. However, it is advantageous for Russian propagandists to claim that Ukraine is killing its own inhabitants to justify the war. However, it was the Russian occupiers who destroyed Pivnichna Saltivka. There is ample testimony from witnesses who said that the shelling came from Belgorod from settlements along the ring road, where Russian troops were stopped. In addition, experts from the Conflict Intelligence Team found that the Russians had fired on Saltivka, including by air, and that the shelling of the Rohani and Horizont areas had ceased after the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to drive the Russian occupiers out of Mala Rohan. The destroyed equipment of the occupiers, from which they fired on the city, can still be seen in the village. "As for the village of Zhukovsky, it is almost daily fired on by Russian troops from the side of Belgorod. It is because the Armed Forces managed to advance the least in this direction. Therefore, as several Armed Forces manage to push the occupiers to a distance from which they cannot reach the city, the shelling stops," experts from the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center explain.

Manipulation An unprecedented war was declared against Russia

It was stated during a so-called international economic forum held in Saint Petersburg, the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov. He spoke about his vision of the financial situation in the world. He assured that "everything will be restored on a new basis in the conditions of the absolutely unprecedented war that was declared and started against us." The fact-checkers of the project "Bez Brekhni" drew attention to the quote of Putin's press secretary. Peskov is probably referring to US and EU economic sanctions imposed on Russia over three months. Hundreds of international companies have also stopped cooperating with the country, causing the Russian economy to suffer. However, calling all these actions an unprecedented war, Peskov forgot to add that it happened as a result of the real war that Russia started on the territory of Ukraine. That is, the war is not going on against Russia, and if it were not for the military actions of this country, as a result of which hundreds of peaceful Ukrainians die and cities are destroyed, nothing would have happened.

Fake Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview that he uses cocaine

A video of an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he allegedly says he uses cocaine, is being spread on foreign networks on social media. In the video, Zelensky speaks Ukrainian, but the subtitles were translated for him. Correctiv fact-checkers drew attention to this fake. This video was edited from excerpts from Zelensky's 2019 interview with Ukrayinska Pravda. At that time, the Ukrainian segment of social networks also distributed videos with stickers from this interview, which allegedly showed that Zelensky admitted that he was using drugs.

Manipulation Putin did not achieve his goals, gaining only Ukraine, not the whole of Eastern Europe

Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan suggested that NATO declare that Putin's goal was the whole of Eastern Europe and that, thanks to NATO's actions, he did not achieve that goal, gaining only Ukraine. "NATO declares that Putin's goal was the whole of Eastern Europe. Or the whole of Europe. And he did not achieve this goal... In the end, Putin received only Ukraine. And no goals. And so, NATO prevented the escalation of the war. Take a good plan," the propagandist said.

In this way, she responded to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's words: "We have a responsibility to ensure that Putin does not achieve his goal, that the war does not escalate. At the same time, NATO must consider how to be a strong player and prevent war from escalating. "

Simonyan resorted to one of the most common tactics of Russian propaganda - the substitution of concepts and artificial blurring of real goals by much broader ones, which no one planned to achieve. In fact, since February 24, 2022, the Kremlin has constantly been changing the purposes of the war in Ukraine, its rhetoric, and its timing. These "updates" of versions show that Russia has failed to achieve its goals either in Ukraine or abroad. Fighting continues in Ukraine, and Ukrainian defenders are resisting Russian invaders. Indeed, some Ukrainian territories are now temporarily occupied by Russia - but this is no reason to say that "Putin got Ukraine."

Manipulation The Armed Forces refuse to fight with weapons provided by the West

Russian media reported that the Ukrainian military allegedly refused to fight with weapons provided by Western partners. This thesis is disseminated concerning a CNN article. CNN does have a paragraph saying that "some units (AFUs) prefer to use commercial drones equipped with explosives" instead of the American Switchblade. In other words, it is already clear from this quote that this is not a mass renunciation of all Western weapons by the Armed Forces, and Russian propaganda has distorted CNN material. Another quote from the material confirms this: "In some cases, according to one of the sources familiar with American intelligence, Ukraine has simply decided not to use unfamiliar Western systems."