Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The Verkhovna Rada wants to reduce the conscription age to 16 years

Russian media and social media users have spread the statement of Ilya Kiva, a former People's Deputy from OPZZh, suspected of treason, that the Verkhovna Rada is allegedly ready to consider a resolution that could reduce the conscription age to 16 and allow women without children to join the army. Kiva also distributed a screenshot of the alleged ruling.

We remind that in Ukraine changes to laws are made through bills. At the same time, the number 7333 on the website of the Ukrainian Parliament registered not "Resolution on Amendments to the Law on Conscription into the Army, providing priority measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities," but the draft law "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the exemption from criminal liability martial law with voluntary compensation. " In addition, the Law on Conscription and Military Service regulates conscription issues in Ukraine. Part of the "Measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities" is in the document "On priority measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities, increase the attractiveness of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the gradual transition to a professional army," entitled Decree, increasing the number and strengthening the Armed Forces. The President of Ukraine signed this decree on February 1, 2022.

Fake Colonel of the Polish Army Dariusz Maichzak is fighting in Ukraine; his documents were found in Severodonetsk

 The Russian media and social networks spread a fake that Polish Army Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak is allegedly fighting on the side of Ukraine, claiming that this is confirmed by "documents" for a KIA Sorento named Dariusz Majchrzak, which the Russian military found in Sievierodonetsk. This fake promote the narrative that "Russia is at war with NATO in Ukraine." StopFake reported that Dariusz Majchrzak is indeed a colonel in the Polish army. However, he did not participate in any hostilities on the territory of Ukraine and is currently in Poland. In particular, on June 6, Majchrzhak participated in a public event at the Academy of Martial Arts, where he works. The Academy also noted that the found "documents" for the car generally belong to another person, as evidenced by the identification number (PESEL). 

Message Referendums in Donetsk and Luhansk regions are the only option to end the war in Ukraine

 According to the Center for Countering Disinformation, this opinion was expressed by US military strategist Edward Luttwak in an interview with Die Welt. He said that "both sides must win the war" because, in his opinion, "it is impossible to defeat Russia, and it is impossible to force Ukraine to surrender." "Edward Luttwak has been promoting the idea of ​​holding a" real referendum "in some parts of Donbas since April. But the latest interview of E. Luttwak was used by Russian propaganda to produce dozens of news that "Ukraine cannot deny the people a choice," the Center notes. They add that Luttwak has been actively promoting pro-Russian narratives in the Western media for more than five years, explaining that his statements about the referendum and the need to "give Putin a small victory" are just correcting the idea of ​​peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. in Davos but did not receive adequate support in the world. 

Fake For three years, Mariupol has been preparing for provocations with chemical weapons by the Ukrainian army

The Russian media spread this information. Reports claim that in Mariupol in 2019, they were allegedly preparing for a Ukrainian provocation using chemical weapons. Such texts refer to the correspondent of the Russian newspaper Izvestia, who found training plans for protection against chemical weapons on the abandoned base of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Mariupol. According to VoxCheck, the program of training seems to have survived from 2019; the Izvestia story shows several of its pages and quotes the representative of the so-called "People's Militia of the DNR" Eduard Basurin, that in 2019 the United States actively imported various weapons to Ukraine, among others - chemical preparation. However, the fact that the ICRC staff was trained on behaving in conditions of chemical danger does not prove that Mariupol was preparing for a chemical attack. "The ICRC is present in many countries affected by armed conflict, so it is justified that the organization prepares its employees to work in emergencies, including chemical attacks. The ICRC conducts similar information activities in all countries with offices and where armed conflicts continue. The ICRC website in Ukraine states that the organization, among other things, does have offices in Sievierodonetsk and Mariupol (as well as in Kyiv, Slovyansk, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Odesa), ” the fact-checkers write.

Fake The Ukrainian army seized the UN office in Kramatorsk

Russian propaganda media reported it. In their reports, Russian media cited the Territorial Defense Headquarters of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic, claiming that the Ukrainian military allegedly seized the United Nations office in Kramatorsk and confiscated three official vehicles with diplomatic license plates. The statement clarifies that the military allegedly does not allow employees to their property and prohibits taking photos and videos. However, this is not true. According to Stopfake, the UN representative in Ukraine denied this information. Currently, the UN no longer rents an office in Kramatorsk, there are no employees in the building, and all the organization's cars are registered.

Fake The National Security and Defense Council has decided to cut off communications in the Zaporizhzhia region

Ukrainians received an SMS-mailing from Ukraine@ with a fake message that allegedly, there was the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to disconnect the Zaporizhzhia region. Earlier, Russian propaganda had already tried to discredit the newsletter from the Ukraine account, which belonged to the State Special Service. So, as in the case of phishing sites, you should pay attention to the correct spelling of the name - any extra letters, symbols, or numbers may indicate the fake account or location.

The State Special Communications Service also denied the information that the National Security and Defense Council had allegedly decided to suspend the provision of services by Ukrainian operators in the Zaporizhzhia region. The Service clarified that the National Security and Defense Council did not and could not give such orders. "Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian authorities have taken a clear and understandable position - in any case, they do not limit the opportunities for mobile and Internet services for our citizens, regardless of whether they live in the occupied territories. It is essential for the state that citizens stay in touch and have the opportunity to contact their relatives, call emergency services and receive truthful information about the war's course. For such opportunities before the Russian invasion and in the first days of the war, the National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks (NCU) at the State Special Communications Service provided appropriate explanations to all Ukrainian operators, " the Service said and added that this mailing was another information and psychological operation in Russia. Earlier, the Russian occupiers cut off Ukrainian communications in the Kherson region and tried to blame the Ukrainian authorities.

Fake Ukrainians are evading mobilization widely

There is a fake on social networks and Russian media that Ukrainians are allegedly evading conscription to army service en masse. Along with the fake, they are distributing a video in which a man tries to escape from several security officers in camouflage uniforms and balaclavas who are harassing him.

According to StopFake, the video was shot in May 2016 in Kazakhstan, in which local security forces detained one of the protesters who went to a rally against land reform. At the same time, the Command of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine denied the information that mass evasion of mobilization is massive in Ukraine. In May, Roman Gorbach, Chief of Staff, said there were individual cases of evasion of military service, but very few and did not affect the overall picture.

Fake Ukrainian "militants" set fire to the All Saints Monastery of the Sviatohirsk Lavra in the Donetsk region

Pro-Kremlin media and telegram channels concerning the Russian Ministry of Defense invented their "truth" about the destruction of the All Saints Monastery of the Sviatohirsk Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Moscow Patriarchate in Svyatogorsk, Donetsk region. They convince everyone that the largest wooden church, consecrated 100 years ago, caught fire after the Kozak machine-gun fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which they called "militants" in their publications.

The priest Dimitri Lee shot the video of the wooden monastery's fire. The UOC MP is neutral about the perpetrators of the crime. The UOC Information and Education Department reports: “On June 4, 2022, due to hostilities, a large-scale fire occurred on the All Saints Monastery of the Holy Mountains Lavra of the Holy Dormition Sviatohirsk Lavra. The flames engulfed the main temple of the monastery. There is no information about the dead and injured at the moment. " The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky noted that "Russian artillery struck the Sviatohirsk Lavra in today's Donetsk region."

"All Saints' Hermitage destroyed. It was consecrated in 1912. It was first destroyed during the Soviet era. Later it was rebuilt. And so, he was burned by the Russian army.

That same week, on Wednesday, Russian shells exploded in the cells of the monastery's monks. Four people were killed, and four others were seriously injured. Sviatohirsk has been under fire since May.

The occupiers know exactly which object is being shelled. They know that there are no military targets on the territory of the Sviatohirsk Lavra. It is known that there are about 300 civilians fleeing hostilities, including 60 children. But still, the Russian army is shelling the Lavra, like the whole Donbas. Like any other territory and any other object of Ukraine that can be reached. They do not care what turns into ruins.

On May 31, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to UNESCO to deprive Russia of membership. Ukrainian diplomacy is consistently working on this. Despite Russia, there is no country in Europe that has destroyed so many monuments and cultural and social sites in Europe since World War II. Every church burned by Russia in Ukraine, every school blew up, and every destroyed memorial proves that Russia has no place in UNESCO. What can we talk about with a barbarian or terrorist state? About what artillery shells are better for destroying the historical heritage?

We expect a logical and fair response from the UN and UNESCO. The United Nations and its charter do not provide for alliances with terrorists. Russia's isolation must be complete and held accountable for its crimes, " Zelensky said.

Fake Kyiv has ordered the mining of 100-ton tanks with nitrate and nitric acid in Sievierodonetsk at the Azot plant

The Russian Ministry of Defense spreads such lies. According to Russian propagandists, Kyiv believes that in this way, it can deter the offensive and bring a chemical catastrophe to Russia. In addition, the Zelensky Office allegedly decided to stop the withdrawal of troops from Sievierodonetsk to Lysychansk to show the West that the fighting spirit justified the supply of weapons. Russian propaganda, working ahead of schedule, regularly disperses allegations that the Ukrainian army plans to mine or undermine and accuses Russia of doing so. Another goal of such a lie is to distrust the Ukrainian military.

Today there are active battles for Sievierodonetsk in the Luhansk region; the Russians are storming the city, throwing all the reserves there now; it is their main goal. At the same time, they are systematically shelling the Azot chemical plant, where people are in bomb shelters. According to the head of the regional military-civil administration Serhiy Haidai, it is impossible to deliver food and medicine to Sievierodonetsk due to constant shelling, and the humanitarian situation is complicated.

Fake Russia launches a missile strike on the Beskydy Tunnel

The adviser, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko, spread this information. On the evening of June 1, Russia launched a missile strike on the railway infrastructure of the Lviv region, killing people and temporarily disrupting the train schedule to and from Transcarpathia. That same evening, Anton Gerashchenko wrote that the Beskydy Tunnel had been hit in his telegram channel. Still, Ukrzaliznytsia's chairman Oleksandr Kamyshin and Lviv's OVA chairman Maksym Kozytskyi denied the allegations. Anton Gerashchenko did not refute his statements but instead edited the post: the updated text no longer mentions the Beskydy Tunnel. We recall that it is essential to use verified sources of information in times of war and not to disseminate information about enemy strikes unless official structures have confirmed it. Such fakes are harmful because they sow panic and shake up the situation in society.

Fake Russian military shot down Ukrainian Tu-143 Flight UAVs

In May, Russian media reported that their troops were shooting down Ukrainian Tu-143 flight UAVs, an old vehicle manufactured in the Soviet Union. According to the “Bez brekhni” project, on May 16 and 26, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that they had shot down two (four in all) Ukrainian Tu-143 Reys UAVs. Also, even before that, in the Rostov region, it was announced that they also shot down "Reys," allegedly Ukrainian. However, this is a fake. According to the fact-checkers “Bez brekhni,” the last appearance of this technique in the war was recorded in 2014, when we first encountered the Russian invasion and did not yet have modern weapons. "Since then, it has become clear that it is impossible to work with them today, and they are used only as training targets for air defense forces. There is no mention on our part of the use of "Reys" at the front, neither in the news nor on social networks - despite the BP-3 tank. Also, we are already recording the downing of the Russian "Reys" by the Ukrainian military or its modification, " the fact-checkers write.

Fake The International Committee of the Red Cross collected data on "healthy organs of children"

Russian propaganda channels have disseminated a video taken at the International Committee of the Red Cross office in Mariupol, which allegedly shows brochures "on teaching children to use weapons," as well as "incubators" and "medical records of children," which reportedly indicate healthy children's organs and data of their parents. The authors of this video claim that these cards prove that the ICRC is involved in "trafficking in children's organs." Based on these fabrications, the Russian Investigative Committee began to "check" the work of the ICRC and the Russian media - to spread this fake.

The ICRC has officially refuted this delusion: the organization's office had brochures on how to behave in areas with many explosive devices, including mines - and these materials are freely available on the Internet. Some of them are needed for people who are actually involved in clearing and demining areas. Concerning "children's medical records," the Committee does not collect such data. Incubators, the ICRC points out in its statement, are needed by people who plan to raise poultry - in fact, within the framework of agro-economic programs agreed with the state.

We remind you that for the last eight years, Russian propaganda has constantly been promoting the narrative that Ukraine is a "supplier of spare parts for Americans and Europeans" and has become a center of illegal transplantation and organ trafficking. It is an outright lie that has no facts.

Fake The "Mriya" plane destroyed by the Russian troops was taken for disposal - "for scrap metal"

The source of this "news" was the site "Strana.ua," which repeatedly spreads fakes and narratives of Russian propaganda. She was picked up by several Russian and Ukrainian media. The video from the news shows parts of the plane being pulled out of the hangar. Allegations about the disposal of "Mriya" were refuted by the state enterprise "Antonov" and called unreliable.

"We emphasize that Antonov closely cooperates with law enforcement and investigative bodies of Ukraine to gather evidence of crimes committed by the Russian occupiers.

The video, which served as the basis for disseminating this inaccurate information, was filmed in a "pirated" way and distributed without the consent of Antonov and the relevant government agencies, " the statement said.

The world's largest An-225 aircraft, the “Mriya,” was destroyed by Russian troops in the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 27. The airport in Gostomel, where the plane was based, was one of the first to be hit by the Russians. Aviation experts believe that the aircraft was explicitly destroyed to prevent its recovery.

The National Police of Ukraine conducts a series of examinations on the consequences of destroying the “Mriya.” The 360war.in.ua volunteer project, which shows the effects of the war in Ukraine, has created a virtual tour of the wrecked plane and airport in Gostomel.

Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine should build a new “Mriya” plane and dedicate it to the memory of the pilots killed in the war.

Fake Sievierodonetsk in the Luhansk region is under the control of the Russian military

Chechen fighters are clearing the city.

It was announced on the night of May 29 by the Kremlin-controlled head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. In fact, he gives out the desire for reality.

On the morning of May 29, the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhiy Haidai, emphasized that the enemy had no success in Sievierodonetsk. He confirmed that the Russians managed to gain a foothold in the Hotel “Myr” in the city's suburb. "They stay there and lose; they can't move further. Our people are constantly kicking them out of the hotel, " Haidai said. And those Kadyrovites who shoot videos for social networks, as if they were with their flag in the Russian-controlled Sievierodonetsk, Haidai advised to go to the city center and shoot the video there. "I hope this will be your last video," said the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration.

Haidai said that Ukrainian defenders drove the Russians out of Toshkivka and secured it. "There are reinforcements. In the direction of Popasna near Komyshuvakha, the enemy was pushed back by 2 kilometers, and the Lysychansk-Bakhmut route is now less shot. Humanitarian cargoes are moving.

Fake The Russian military occupied the Lyman

The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the city of Lyman in the Kramatorsk district of the Donetsk region was completely "liberated from Ukrainian nationalists." The Russian media widely spread this “news.” Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar said on the national telethon that the situation in Lyman is complicated, but it is too early to talk about the occupation. "It's a war. The enemy is strong,, and the Armed Forces are also strong. That's why the fighting is fierce, " the official emphasized. She explained that until a particular stage of the war is over, it is incorrect to discuss any final results and draw conclusions. During the battles, a specific part of the settlement may be temporarily under the control of one side. Later, this situation may change dramatically.

Hanna Malyar said that Lyman is a large railway junction, so some believe that capturing this citywouldl significantly strengthen the enemy positions in the Donbas. However, if we consider all the factors, including the balance of power and the means of delivery of provisions, it is not appropriate to say so. After all, the logistics and average morale of the army must be established. Therefore, according to Malyar, one city Lyman will not significantly affect the ability of the enemy army.

In turn, the head of the Donetsk regional military administration Pavlo Kyrylenko noted on May 27 that Lyman is mainly under the control of the Russian military.

At the same time, Ukrainian defenders managed to take and strengthen new positions.

We will also note that the occupiers have been trying to capture the estuary for a long time. On May 24, Kyrylenko said that they were entering the city and were being beaten out by the Armed Forces. The enemy drove to the subburn and tried to break through to the center of the city.

Fake 80% of the Kherson region residents want to get a Russian passport

Russian propaganda, including Vladimir Solovyov's telegram channel, spreads the fake that 80% of Kherson residents want a Russian passport. Firstly, this figure is taken from the ceiling: there is no independent sociology in the region, and no one has conducted any polls. Secondly, this figure was invented by collaborator Kirill Stremousov - he simply told the Russian media that he "thinks so." That was enough for the Russian media to spread the news with such headlines.

Disclosure The French ex-military man lies when he talks about the "war crimes" of the Ukrainian military, which he allegedly witnessed

Fact-checkers from CheckNews, a subsidiary of the French newspaper Liberation, have exposed lies and manipulation by former military man Henry Boke, who has recently appeared on television in foreign media as a witness to "Ukrainian war crimes, including the Azov," who seem to have seen with their own eyes. In particular, he claimed to have seen members of Azov "systematically shoot at the feet of captured Russian soldiers and then execute Russian officers" - all of which, according to Boke, took place in Bucha. The publication checked his message - and found no evidence that he could even see anything of what he was telling a foreign audience. Yes, the fact-checkers received information that Boke was in Ukraine several times, but most of his trips were for one day - he entered and left on the same date, for example, April 4. All border crossings took place in the Lviv region. And even the only time he was in Ukraine for almost three days (less than 72 hours from April 17 to 19), he was in Lviv and witnessed the Russian shelling of the city on April 18, as evidenced by his photos. He could not physically reach Bucha once when he was in Ukraine. Also, there is no evidence that he communicated with the Ukrainian military - only photos of checkpoints in his photo.

Researchers also spoke to his former colleagues in the military unit he served, claiming he lied a lot. You can read more about Boke here.

Manipulation In the Kyiv region, civilians are not allowed into their own apartments because the Armed Forces have settled there

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov, the Russian particular services-controlled telegram channel NachShtabu, and other pro-Kremlin media outlets reported that civilians were allegedly not allowed into their apartments in the village of Lyutizh in the Kyiv region because military personnel had settled there. However, according to NotaYenota, they call the village of Lyutizh - “Lyutezh,” and there is no such settlement in Ukraine. Along with these manipulative theses, Russian propaganda is also distributing videos.

There was a recreation center in the village of Lyutizh, where the Renaissance Spiritual Center, headed by Volodymyr Muntyan, a self-proclaimed Protestant and the 13th Apostle, holds its meetings. According to the NotaYenota project, this recreation center was transferred to the defenders of Ukraine for use. So in this video, civilians are not trying to get to their apartments, but representatives of the "Renaissance" are holding rallies. "Currently, rallies are being held around the base from sectarians of Renaissance Spiritual Center - this thesis actively posted on his social networks “Apostle” Volodymyr Muntyan and propaganda trash are picked up this thesis in their “news.” On his page, there are dozens of video appeals from the "parishioners" of the church, which tell either about the Armed Forces or about those disguised in the uniform of the Armed Forces, that there is looting, and so on. There is no evidence other than emotions in the video of the sectarians. As a result, the information on the video is completely distorted. "Renaissance sectarians are provoking the military," the fact-checkers said.

Fake Two battalions of Poles arrived in Ukraine to fight in the east

Russian media and pro-Kremlin telegram channels reported that two battalions of Poles had allegedly arrived in Ukraine and would soon be sent to fight in the Donbas. This fake began to spread against President Volodymyr Zelensky's statement about the bill on the special legal status of Polish citizens in Ukraine, which should become a "mirror respect" for Poland, which passed a law on support for Ukrainian citizens. It came into force on March 13 and regulated the legality of Ukrainians' stay in Poland and provided them with comprehensive support.

Despite this, StopFake writes, Russian propaganda spreads the thesis that the Ukrainian bill aims to " legalize Poles who want to take part in hostilities against Russia." In fact, for this purpose, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine was created in Ukraine, where citizens of other countries serve. It includes Poles and volunteers from the Netherlands, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, and other countries. But there are no separate Polish battalions in Ukraine. Only Belarusians have their battalion named after Kastus Kalinowski, recently enlarged to the regiment. The Polish Government Security Center also denied allegations that Polish troops had arrived in Ukraine.

Manipulation The Kremlin has deliberately slowed the pace of Russian military advances in Ukraine

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said that the pace of the Russian military in Ukraine had slowed down consciously, allegedly deliberately, "to avoid casualties among the civilian population." Russian politicians and officials have spread similar messages that the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine "not in full force" or "everything is going according to plan." In particular, in this way, Russia is trying to justify its defeats in Ukraine and create the illusion of control over the situation.

Thousands of peaceful Ukrainians, including children, have fallen victim to Russian aggression. A report by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights shows that as of May 24, 3,942 civilians had been killed in a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. As of May 25, according to the Prosecutor General's Office, 238 children had died, and another 433 had been injured in the Russian aggression.

Fake The Ukrainian military surrendered to Russia to not die for Zelensky's ambitions

A pro-Russian resource published photos of documents allegedly belonging to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which reportedly "surrendered to Russia." Borova village council reported that one of the photos showed a resident of their community who does not serve in the Armed Forces and at the time of the occupation was in the village and working at one of the local farms. "The occupiers came to him and took him away, but the boy returned home three days later. Therefore, we can assume that other photos of the documents from this post were obtained similarly and have nothing to do with reality, " the Borova village council said.

Manipulation Ukraine "cut off" gas supplies to Donetsk and Luhansk regions

The Russian media spread this manipulative thesis, StopFake reports. It is part of a widespread message that Ukraine allegedly "abandoned" the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, saying that "people are forced to survive on their own, cook food in makeshift field kitchens." In fact, gas supplies to these areas have been cut off because shelling by the Russian military has damaged the main gas pipeline. On May 23, the gas transmission system operator of Ukraine announced that the damaged section of the gas pipeline had been located. Still, it was currently impossible to resume gas transportation due to active hostilities. The Luhansk Regional Military Administration clarified that the gas pipeline was damaged when the Russian military tried to cut off the Luhansk region from the Lysychansk-Bakhmut highway. In Donetsk Region State Administration added that the central hub through which gas went to the Donetsk region is now in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk region.

Manipulation Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia seems unrealistic

In an editorial, The New York Times reported that Ukraine's success in the war with Russia now looks unrealistic and that Ukraine may have to cede territory. According to the NYT, if the conflict leads to actual negotiations, "Ukrainian leaders will have to make painful territorial decisions, which will require any compromise." Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, does not consider it impossible for Ukraine to win the war with Russia and regain the territories occupied by the Russians.

"According to experts, Ukraine should freeze three times in winter, run out of electricity in March, and the Russian flag would rise over half of the country. Remember when you hear another horror story that the country will not survive next winter and people will be left on the streets without work. If every time someone said "it is impossible," we would give up, and our country would not exist. If you hear that "Ukraine will have to sacrifice territories because Russia is strong," these are the words of a loser who has already lost. We have no other country; we know what we are fighting for. That is why we will win,” Podolyak wrote on Twitter.

Fake A hospital in Rubizhny was repaired with money from the Kadyrov Foundation

This is the information disseminated by the Russian media. Reports claim that the hospital in Rubizhny, "neglected due to lack of funds and resources," was allegedly repaired with funds from Ramzan Kadyrov's mother's fund. A video showing a tour of the new hospital was also made public on the Telegram account of the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. In that video, the Chechen fighters claim that before their arrival in the city there was "not a single institution that could not provide professional care. However, this is a fake. As StopFake fact checkers write, the infectious disease department of the Central City Hospital in Rubizhne was rebuilt with funds from the United Nations Development Program and the Japanese government back in 2017. Serhii Haidai, chairman of the Luhansk Military Regional Administration, said that before the war, this infectious disease department of the city hospital in Rubizhne had modern equipment and was considered one of the best in Ukraine.

Manipulation The creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) was one of the reasons for the military invasion of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate accused the fifth president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine of Russia's attack on Ukraine - allegedly receiving the Tomos on autocephaly and the creation of the PCU became one of the reasons for the military invasion of Ukraine. Recall that Ukraine received Tomos on January 6, 2019, while Russia invaded Ukraine and occupied Crimea and parts of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions back in 2014.

At the same time, the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience (SSF) reacted to the statement of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, noting that it contains statements that can be regarded as inciting religious hatred, insulting the feelings of believers and justifying the war of Russia against Ukraine. They recalled that the PCU is an officially registered religious association that responds to the request of millions of Ukrainian Orthodox believers to belong to such an Orthodox Church, which has no affiliation with a religious association in Russia. The PCU, in turn, accused the UOC MP of spreading the ideology of the "Russian world" in society: "For decades, its representatives have consistently promoted, spread, supported and propagandized both among their faithful and in Ukrainian society the ideology of the "Russian world" - and the key justification for Russian aggression against our state It is this fascist-type ideology that now dominates in Russia, one of the main creators, inspirers and propagandists of which is the head of the Moscow Patriarchate Kirill Gundyaev, was and remains the basis for justifying the Russian war against Ukraine, occupying our land, killing our people, destruction of our cities and villages, attempts to destroy our statehood and the very identity of the Ukrainian people.