Spilnota Detector Media

Fake An updated list of diseases that are not accepted into the army

An updated list of diseases with which conscripts are deemed unfit for service is being circulated on social networks. The fact-checkers of the "Brekhunets" project noted that the specific laws in this regard have not changed since April, and the changes made do not concern the list of diseases. In particular, on March 18, changes were made to the Regulation of military medical examination in the Armed Forces. The modifications introduced on April 21 to the law "On mobilization training and mobilization" were related to the separation of powers between central executive bodies regarding state policy in civil protection.

The list of citizens who are not subject to conscription is defined in Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization." The regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces specifies a list of diseases in which conscripts may be temporarily or not recruited into the army in peacetime and/or wartime.

Fake Two Polish brigades will take control of Western Ukraine in August

Another continuation of the message that Poland will attack Ukraine in the west was voiced by Kremlin propagandist Yaakov Kedmi. He noted that he relies on the data received from Polish intelligence. Stanislav Zharin, a representative of the Polish special services, denied the information on Twitter. He noted that it is part of the Kremlin's disinformation campaign against Poland.

It will be recalled that the message about Poland's attack appeared as early as March 2022 after the visit to Ukraine of Polish Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczyński. In May, it was activated with new fakes. At the same time, the thesis about the division of Ukraine between Poland and Russia and the preservation of the "neutral" third of Ukraine with its center in Kyiv has been promoted by Russian propaganda since at least 2014.

MythDetector adds that political scientist Yaakov Kedmi appears in the "Putin List" created by "Free Russia" as a person who cooperates with the Putin regime and is involved in the propaganda of Russian TV channels. Since the 2010s, he has been a frequent guest of the TV channels "Russia 1" and ITON.TV. Kedmi regularly criticizes Ukraine, accusing it of anti-Semitism and Nazism. More about the propagandist.

Fake Ukraine strikes at its own cultural heritage

The Russian media report it concerning the reports of politicians. They said that the Russian army has nothing to do with the destruction of cultural objects - historical buildings are deliberately destroyed by Ukrainians themselves with "Western weapons." It is not true.

Ukraine's UNESCO experts and international partners recorded Russian attacks on 160 cultural objects: 72 religious objects, 12 museums, 32 historical buildings, 24 buildings for cultural events, 17 monuments, and 7 libraries. The occupiers also destroyed 2,100 buildings of educational institutions in Ukraine. Three-quarters of destroyed cultural objects are located in Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Kyiv regions. However, there is destruction all over the country. The Russians are looting museum exhibits and other cultural values in the temporarily occupied territories. According to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the number of destroyed objects has increased to three hundred. The fact of the destruction of Ukrainian cultural values ​​by the Russians was confirmed by the UN Security Council during a special meeting, "Destruction of cultural heritage as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine," the holding of which was supported by 38 UN member states. Other international organizations recognized the destruction and promised Ukraine to help overcome the war's consequences. StopFake writes about this in more detail.

Russia, on the other hand, continues its tactics of denying deliberate missile strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine. Moreover, Russian politicians accuse the West of hypocrisy, as they allegedly first provide weapons to destroy cultural heritage and then funds for its restoration. In this way, Russia is trying to avoid punishment for crimes committed in Ukraine.

Fake The UN is convinced that the internal politics of Kyiv and the war in Ukraine have led to the prosperity of illegal drug production worldwide

Such information is distributed on social networks. In particular, in pro-Russian Telegram channels. For example, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that "Kyiv's internal politics and the armed conflict in Ukraine have opened wide opportunities for the thriving of illegal drug production." And this year, the number of drug laboratories in Ukraine has increased several times, and anyone no longer controls the drug production process in Ukraine. Accordingly, Ukraine has become a kind of "Afghanistan" in Europe.

Fake Margaret Thatcher said, "if you spit on Russia, it will be cleansed; if Russia spits, the world will sink"

Such a quote by the ex-prime minister of Great Britain is being shared on social networks in Russian, particularly in the Georgian segment of Facebook. The quote mentioned above by Thatcher seems to emphasize Russia's power and strength, which other countries should not argue because if it is angered, the world will simply sink.

However, Thatcher did not say such words. According to fact-checkers from Myth Detector, the quote attributed to Margaret Thatcher has been appearing on Russian-language social networks since 2014. However, finding an exact or similar quote on the Thatcher Foundation website or in other English- and Russian-language authoritative sources is impossible. Accordingly, there is no evidence that the former Prime Minister of Great Britain said such things.

Fake Roman Ratushny was a neo-Nazi militant and involved in protests in Hong Kong

Such information in Russian has been actively disseminated on social networks since June. Reports claim that Roman Ratushny is a "neo-Nazi militant" involved in anti-government riots in Hong Kong in 2019. All this is not true.

As VoxCheck writes, Roman Ratushny supported actions in support of the democratic movement in Hong Kong in Ukraine. Still, there is no evidence of his direct participation in the protests in Hong Kong in 2019. Also, Roman Ratushny was not a "neo-Nazi." He is a Kyiv activist, founder, and leader of the "Protect Protasiv Yar" initiative. He fought in the intelligence of the 93rd SMBr and died near Izyum in Kharkiv Oblast on June 9, 2022. Roman Ratushny supported the Free Hong Kong Center (FHKC) — an independent information project of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine public organization aimed at highlighting political processes in Hong Kong and the Chinese democratic world. 

Manipulation Representatives of the White House claim that Ukraine has no chance of returning the occupied territories by Russia

The Russian media spread such messages concerning CNN publications. It is not true.

The Administration of the President of the USA did not make such statements. It is the personal opinion of some officials. VoxChek fact-checkers investigated the manipulation. In fact, the author of the CNN article, Natasha Bertrand, regarding anonymous comments of White House officials, writes about the doubts of some representatives of the Biden administration about the possibility of returning territories to Ukraine. However, this opinion is only the "internal discussions" of the advisors of the US president. The article emphasizes that the US will not pressure Ukraine for territorial concessions and hopes that Ukraine will return the territories during the counteroffensive. The opinion of individual officials cannot be considered the official position of the Administration of the President of the USA. Russian propaganda systematically uses distorted quotes from Western media to discredit the world's support for Ukraine and devalue the actions of its partners regarding military aid to Ukraine.

Message The war will last several years. It is beneficial to the Kremlin

Anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channels continue to modify the message about Russia's lightning victory. Now, referring to unknown sources, propagandists write that the war will be long since it is precisely what benefits Russia. Allegedly, the Russian Federation will not stop until it cuts off Ukraine from the sea to reduce its role in the international arena. The continuation of the message that "Odesa is more important than Kyiv" was predicted by the Center for Combating Disinformation.

In addition, propagandists returned to accusing Volodymyr Zelensky of unleashing wars because he allegedly "renounced the Minsk agreements." In fact, it was Putin who "tore the Minsk agreements to pieces," US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said when he recognized the LDR/DNR terrorist group.

Fake A "secret biolaboratory" was found in Rubizhne, where "experiments were conducted on humans"

The news of the Russian state television channel "Russia 1" showed a story about a "secret biolaboratory" in Rubizhne, which, on the order of Western countries, conducted experiments on residents "for pennies". Russian propagandists visited the "MICROCHEM" enterprise, known to all of Europe. They stated that it produced all kinds of drugs for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including drugs to dull pain and fear, and tested "biological developments" on residents and their employees. However, it is not true! The head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhiy Haidai, noted: "Of course, not without documents labeled "secret" and drug testing on "young residents.'' Russian propagandists fit so many fictions into one video that they can be congratulated for the record in absurdity."

"How can a sober person believe in this? Sober - no. But it is the Russians. "Because the limited liability company "Scientific and Production Firm "MICROCHEM" has become one of the leaders of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, producing more than 70 names of ready-made medicines and seven names of pharmaceutical substances for the production of ready-made medicines," Haidai shared.

Since Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine began, the Russians have repeatedly claimed laboratories for developing biological weapons. The last of the fakes was spread by the Russians at the beginning of July, alleging that the Americans were breeding ticks in Ukraine to increase the incidence of borreliosis in the border areas of Russia.

You can read more about the so-called biolaboratories at the link.

Fake An improvised explosive device was discovered at a bus stop in Energodar, Zaporizhzhia region

In the temporarily occupied Energodar, the Russians published a fake through their Telegram channels about an alleged "warning of a terrorist attack" at a public transport stop, where an improvised explosive device was found.

The mayor of Energodar, Dmytro Orlov, denied information about a possible "terrorist attack." He urged the city's residents not to believe the occupiers and to trust only verified sources of information. The mayor of Energodar reported the purpose of the Russians staging such provocations.

"Why is this for r(f)ashists? Firstly, you must report "to the top" about your stormy activity. Their commanders are as stupid as they are, raised on Nightingale/Skabeeva television, so they believe the delusion they are sent in reports. Secondly, in this way, they want to justify all the terror they are doing in the city. Allegedly, all their kidnappings and torture of residents are a struggle against the underground.

Moreover, they are wrong in assessing the local population's critical thinking- the residents laugh at the invaders, realizing their worthlessness. Thirdly, it is beneficial for the orcs to create the image of "guerrillas" on whom they can write off their sloppy miscalculations. Please, use verified sources of information, enable critical thinking, and do not trust invaders and occupiers," Dmytro Orlov wrote.

Fake Dnipro is infected with a poisonous toxin - a component of rocket fuel

Such a fake was spread by Russian propaganda. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security notes that reports of the release of heptyl began to apply after the enemy attack on "Pivdenmash" in the Dnipro. But all of them are fakes.

On July 15, in Dnipro, the Russians hit the Southern Machine-Building Plant and the street nearby with six rockets.

The Center for Strategic Communications said that the Russians could have caused the leak of heptyl and carried out a terrorist attack comparable in scale to a nuclear disaster.

However, even at the beginning of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, heptyl and its derivatives were urgently disposed of in Pivdenmash, the local ground defense headquarters reported.

"There was no leak. And rumors are spread by enemies to spread panic. Heptyl is a hazardous component of rocket fuel for humans," the Center said in a statement.

Fake Ukraine is preparing to strike at Belarus

Such messages are distributed in the Russian and Belarusian mass media. It is not true.

The information was denied by the Public Relations Service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. "Such publications are completely untrue, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to protect our state from the invaders, strictly observing the norms of international law," the press service reports. The department notes that Russia spreads such messages intending to drag Belarus into a war on the territory of Ukraine and conceal war crimes committed and still being committed by the Russian occupiers on the territory of Ukraine.

Fake A Ukrainian military officer shot a soldier for disobeying an order

A photo of an alleged "report" on the shooting of a soldier is circulating on social networks. The document in the photo states that the soldier was allegedly shot for disobeying an order. With this fake, Russian propaganda is trying to intimidate with "atrocities in the Ukrainian army" and discredit the Armed Forces. Previously, a similar fake was spread that, by order of the commander of the National Guard, "Ukrainian soldiers who surrender themselves are to be shot."

The anti-corruption center drew attention to the spelling and factual errors of the new so-called document, namely: the "molodshy leytenant" was called «mladshy

leytenant"; the surname Kutsyn was translated to "Kutsin"; "04.06.22h" - the letter at the end means "hod," and it should be: r. - rik. In addition, the "report" was written in the name of Colonel Dmytro Bryzhynsky, the commander of a separate mechanized brigade of the Kholodny Yar Armed Forces until January 21, 2022. Colonel Ruslan Shevchuk became the commander instead.

Fake NATO has been preparing for war with Russia for 8 years

Russian media are spreading reports that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has "spoken" that the Alliance was "purposefully" preparing for war.

It is not true.

The Russian media took Stoltenberg's quote out of context and added it at their discretion. Jens Stoltenberg reflected on the foundations of European security, which Russia undermined in 2014 due to its occupation of Crimea and eastern Ukraine. "In fact, we have long been preparing for such a possibility [a large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine]. It's not like NATO suddenly woke up on February 24 and realized that Russia is dangerous... That's why we've been working on a new Force Structure [NATO's defense capability] for some time," Stoltenberg said. He also once again refuted the propaganda thesis about the planned "attack" of the Alliance on Russia and emphasized that NATO is not a party to the conflict in the Russian war against Ukraine, but will continue to support Ukraine in its struggle.

StopFake writes that Russia's aggression against Ukraine in 2014 became the impetus for revising NATO's collective security standards. After February 24, 2022, the Alliance changed its Strategic Concept and recognized Russia as the "biggest direct threat" to European security. A separate clause was written by NATO stating that "NATO does not seek confrontation and does not pose a threat to Russia" to fight against Russian propaganda. However, Russian media continue to try to justify Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine with messages about "anti-Russian Western aggression."

Fake Belarusian saboteurs tried to cross the Ukrainian border in the Rivne region

The message was circulated on Facebook, which says that allegedly on the morning of July 10, a unit of the fifth special brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus tried to cross the state border in the Zarichnen community of the Rivne region.

The saboteurs got into a minefield and were under mortar fire. This news was also spread by the local media Volodymyrets.City. However, it is a fake.

As the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets project write the message in a comment to the publication Rayon. Varash was refuted by Bohdan Kvachuk, the head of the Zarichnen community of the Varash district of the Rivne region: "The border in the community has not been violated!". It is not the first time that fake reports about the crossing of the Ukrainian border by Belarusians have spread. In this way, propagandists are trying to draw Belarus into active hostilities and intimidate Ukrainians, saying that the opening of the "second front" is close.

Fake Kyiv cut off the gas supply to the Zaporizhzhia region. The administration of the Zaporizhzhia region is asking Russia to help with the gas supply

The Kremlin media spread this "news" regarding Yevhen Balytskyi, a deputy of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council from the "Opposition Bloc" party, who went over to the side of the Russian occupiers. The Russians appointed a Zaporizhzhia collaborator as the so-called "head of the temporary civil administration" in the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region. Remind you that it is a fictitious authority and "position," and they have nothing to do with the official Ukrainian authorities in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Today, the Zaporizhzhia region has real problems with the gas supply, without which, as of July 8, 101,768 subscribers in 137 settlements of the region are without it. 48 settlements of Berdyansk and Melitopol districts remain disconnected from gas supply due to damage to the main gas pipeline in the Donetsk region.

On July 7, the gas supply to 26 settlements (16,760 consumers) in Vasylivskyi and Pologivskyi districts was wholly cut off due to damage to the main gas pipeline. But this happened not because Kyiv cut off the gas supply to the Zaporizhzhia region. Still, because of hostilities on the part of the Russians, the occupation of part of the territory, and the refusal of the regional utility workers to carry out emergency restoration work at the damaged sites due to enemy shelling, the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration reported.    

Fake Ukrainian special services and security forces are preparing to conduct punitive raids in Mykolaiv

It was announced on July 8 by the head of the Russian National Defense Management Center, Colonel-General Mykhaylo Mizintsev. According to him, the operation will be aimed at identifying and further public repression of residents who are dissatisfied with the politics of Kyiv and generally pro-Russian residents of Mykolaiv and the region. Allegedly, SSU employees and up to 500 fighters of the Nazi battalion "Tsunami" were transferred from Kyiv, Odesa, and Lviv to Mykolaiv to carry out this operation.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia dispelled a similar fake in April. At that time, Russian propagandists invented that the territorial defense was already carrying out punitive raids to detect any signs of pro-Russian views among residents.

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine emphasizes that it is false.

In the spring, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Kim, answered a question about pro-Russian sentiment in the city: "in Mykolaiv, there are those who showed their love for Russia solely to achieve their political goals, in fact, a tiny percentage were ideologically for Russia. Now all forces have united in the city, and pro-Russian narratives are a thing of the past."    

Message The battle for Donbas will end before Putin's birthday. Ukraine will lose this battle

Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels combine three messages into one:

  1. By October 2, as a "conditional gift" to Putin on his birthday, the "Battle for Donbas" will end.
  2. "Ukraine, without a doubt, will lose Donbas."
  3. Referendums on the occupied lands will be held by the same date if "the West cannot convince Ukraine to start peace talks and make territorial concessions by the end of the summer."

Such a combination, similar to an ultimatum, aims to demoralize Ukrainians and further promote to Europeans the idea of ​​the need for peace talks. At the same time, we draw attention to the fact that according to the classic scheme, propagandists base their messages on gossip and anonymous sources. In addition, anonymous telegram channels are moving the dates of occupation referendums in this way: before that, they were announced for September 11.    

Fake The West wants to conclude an urgent peace treaty with Russia because Ukraine will face disaster — Politico

Russian mass media and social networks spread this message concerning Politico. The site, which allegedly published this news, does not contain any material about the possibility of peace between the West and the Russian Federation, the fact-checkers of the StopFake project write after checking the publications of the publication. On the contrary, they added that Politico cites politicians' statements about the EU and the US setting up long-term support for Ukraine. More details.    

Fake The Russian army destroyed the Georgian legion near Lysychansk

Russian propaganda media spread this information. They refer to the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense. They said that during the battles for Lysychansk, the Armed Forces of Russia allegedly destroyed 14 "mercenaries" fighting for Ukraine, including fighters of the Georgian Legion. However, it is not true.

Some propagandists even stated that the Russian military allegedly succeeded in destroying the entire volunteer Georgian National Legion, which has been fighting in Donbas since 2014. As StopFake writes, this information is refuted by the commander of the Georgian National Legion, Mamuka Mamulashvili, and the Georgian fighters fighting in Ukraine. Members of the Legion claim that it is another disinformation campaign by the Kremlin against Georgian fighters who are fighting against Russian aggression. The mass death of Georgian Legion fighters is also not confirmed by other sources, particularly the Armed Forces of Ukraine. More details.    

Fake The Kharkiv Teroborona is holding local residents hostage

The Russian propaganda media spread this information regarding the words of the head of the national defense management center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mykhailo Mizintsev. Reports say that in Kharkiv, territorial defense fighters have equipped firing positions on the lower and upper floors of residential buildings on Rymarska Street. At the same time, locals are not allowed to leave their apartments because they are held hostage. Russian propagandists add that local radicals harshly stop any attempts to move civilians through the territory of Kharkiv. However, all this is not true.

Journalists of the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center turned to the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Kharkiv City Council for a comment. They refuted the information spread by the propagandists and explained that the city council had not received any complaints from the residents of Kharkiv about there being held hostage by the armed forces. The city council also denied a fake about the arrangement of armed forces firing positions in residential buildings on Rymarska. We will remind you that it is not the first time propagandists have reported that the military is firing positions in residential buildings, hospitals, and schools in various cities, including Kharkiv and Odesa. However, all these cases of "capture of civilian objects by the Ukrainian military" were not confirmed.    

Manipulation The UN claims that the Ukrainian military violates the norms of humanitarian law

Materials with this content appeared in Russian propaganda media. Reports claim that UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet announced during the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. It is said that Bachelet accused the Security Service of Ukraine of violating the norms of humanitarian law in the eastern regions of Ukraine and expressed her fears about the arrests of pro-Russian collaborators. The military commissar reported on the war in Ukraine. Still, the main complaints about human rights violations and humanitarian law in the context of the military actions that Russia is conducting in Ukraine were addressed to the Russian military.

According to StopFake, among the facts of such crimes, the report mentions shelling of civilians, destruction of the civilian infrastructure of cities and villages, murders not related to hostilities, arbitrary detention of civilians, and cases of rape. However, the pro-Kremlin mass media drew attention exclusively to violations of international humanitarian law by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the eastern regions of Ukraine to discredit Ukraine and the Ukrainian military. Fact-checkers emphasize that the report on the Ukrainian military mentions only the problem of pro-Russian collaborators, the guarantee of their rights, and the problem of Russian prisoners of war.

Manipulation The West blocks mass media that tell the truth about events in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spread a manipulative thesis about Western countries, accusing them of blocking mass media that allegedly "tell the truth about the events of Ukraine." He did not specify which media it was about. It is known that the EU and Britain block Russian state propaganda media such as RT or Sputnik. These publications are financed by Russia and systematically spread Russian disinformation; Ukrainian and foreign experts have repeatedly written about this. In particular, the Council of Europe explained that on March 2, the European Union urgently banned the broadcasting of Sputnik and Russia Today on the territory of the Union until the Russian Federation and its related mass media "cease actions of disinformation and information manipulation against the EU and its member states." In addition to the direct blocking of the activities of these media, the Facebook accounts of these publications are also blocked in Britain and EU countries (with this request, the governments of the countries addressed to Meta). On the other hand, several foreign publications have recently been blocked in Russia: Voice of America, BBC, Radio Liberty, Euronews, and The Telegraph. They were blocked precisely because of informing about Russia's actions on the territory of Ukraine and the course of the war.

Fake In Ukraine, the departure of women abroad was restricted due to mobilization

Such information is disseminated on social networks and Russian media. They said there would be forced mobilization of women, so they could not go abroad. It is not true.

Currently, there are no grounds for the mobilization of women; therefore, there are no restrictions on them traveling abroad. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported this. "In the Russian media space, a fake about the mobilization of women in Ukraine was once again launched. We picked up this fake. Yes, it is a topic that will give many views, but there is no need to speculate on it during the war," Deputy Minister Hanna Malyar noted. The official also added that there is not a single forcibly mobilized woman in the Ukrainian army. Since 2014, they have served exclusively voluntarily.    

Fake The head of "Khersonoblenergo" Ihor Safronov, cooperates with the occupiers

The so-called government of Kherson spreads this thesis. In particular, the occupying Internet publication News Front distributed information about the cooperation of the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Khersonoblenergo" with Russia and allegedly posted a video of the seizure of Igor Safronov's house. The report of cooperation is false.

The press service of the enterprise denied the information. "Chairman of the Board of JSC "Khersonoblenergo" Ihor Safronov has never cooperated with Russia. At the beginning of April, together with other representatives of the Society's board, he left the Kherson region and remotely managed Khersonoblenergo JSC," the press service reports. The message adds that the company operates by Ukrainian legislation. It is not the first attempt by the occupiers to put pressure on the enterprise. According to the press service, on June 27, representatives of the so-called "Kherson military-civilian administration," with the support of representatives of the FSS RF, seized JSC "Khersonoblenergo," in particular, documentation and accounting. Separate objects were also seized, ensuring the supply and distribution of electric energy to consumers of the Kherson region. The occupation authorities pressure the company's employees and force them to write applications for cooperation. Also, during the seizure, the occupiers "presented" the so-called new head of enterprises, Zhahanovych, who has no relation to the executive bodies of JSC "Khersonoblenergo."