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Fake Edemus tags have appeared on Google maps, Russians use them as targets for shellings and air strikes.

On March 3, there was information on social networks that new Edemus tags had appeared on Google maps in Kyiv en masse, with their help the Russian military targeted artillery shelling, missiles or air strikes.

The map shows Edemus as buildings of district administrations, hospitals, maternity hospitals, kindergartens, retirement homes. In fact, Edemus is a network of funeral services. The State Special Communications Service said that the information about the "new tags" is not true and stressed that Google in Ukraine has limited the ability to add new labels to maps. The appearance of such information in the Service is called an information-psychological operation to sow panic and misinformation among the population.

Fake Ukrainian rocket has hit Kharkiv city center.

In fact, Freedom Square has been hit by a Russian cruise missile of the "Caliber" class, as a result third of the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration was destroyed, according to Stop Fake. Despite this, information spreads throught the network that on March 1, Ukraine deliberately fired a missile at Kharkiv. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko reports that a "Caliber" cruise missile has hit in Freedom Square. The combat radius of "Caliber" cruise missiles is about 2,500 km. There are no such missiles in the service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Message . Propagandists discrediting Ukrainian territorial defense.

They spread stories, supposedly from «witnesses», who are afraid to die not from Russian invaders but from armed Ukrainian citizens. Propagandists try to reassure people about those who joined the territorial defense. They claim territorial defenders as vigilantes, who now have legal weapons. Russian propaganda machine is trying to undermine people`s trust in territorial defense and disrupt the esprit of the Ukrainian defenders.

Fake A landing party landed on Sofiivska Borshchahivka.

Photos of the alleged landing on Sofiivska Borshchahivka are being spread on social networks. Victor Tregubov, co-founder of the "Demokratychna sokyra" party and editor-in-chief of the "Petro i Mazepa" website, denied landing. According to him, the photo shows gaps from air defense shells. "Babel" also denied this information.

Fake Ukrainians receive text messages and in messengers demanding to lay down their arms and with threats.

Some of them have calls to surrender weapons, fake information that Zelensky surrendered, threats. All this is not true. The Ukrainian army does not lay down arms, Zelensky does not flee the country. The Armed Forces hold the defense. In particular, in Kyiv, according to Mayor Vitali Klitschko, the night was difficult, but there are no Russian troops in the capital. There are sabotage groups in Kyiv, there have been several clashes. 35 people were injured, including two children.


The information that the Ukrainian army is retreating and surrendering weapons is spreading across the Internet. However, this is another fake. It was refuted by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who published a video address to Ukrainians. "There is a lot of fake information on the Internet now as if I'm calling for weapons to be laid down and de-evacuation. So: here I am, we will lay down no weapons, we will defend our state, because our weapons are our truth", Zelensky said.