Spilnota Detector Media

Fake In Slovakia, a bulldozer destroyed the cemetery of Russian soldiers of the tsarist army

With reference to the statement of the Russian consul in the Slovak Republic Ihor Bratchykov, Slovak websites that regularly distribute Russian propaganda wrote about this. Allegedly, in the Slovak village of Ladomyrov, two months ago, at the direction of the village headman, “with the help of a bulldozer, the burial place of soldiers of the tsarist army was razed to the ground”.

The police of the Slovak Republic called it an outright lie. The head of the Ladomyrov village, Vladyslav Tsuper, also absolutely denied the destruction of the cemetery.

According to him, the military cemetery of the dead soldiers of the Russian tsarist army during the First World War was equipped by the municipality in 2014. A chapel was erected at the cemetery, wooden crosses were installed. Concrete curbs were cemented into the ground around the crosses. “Recently, we chose only these borders – for better care of the territory”, the head of the village says about the situation at the military cemetery. The curbs made it difficult to clean and mow the grass. No grave was damaged - this can be seen in the photographs.

But Russian propagandists need to constantly come up with fakes, so they do not disdain anything in their business, writes Mukachevo.net.

Disclosure The Russians stole a video of Anton Herashchenko from a church in Izium and attributed the “pigsty” to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

A video from the Holy Trinity Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the village of Mala Komyshuvakha, not far from Izium, liberated after the Russian occupation, was distributed in a telegram by Russian propagandists, in particular, Volodymyr Soloviov and the Wise Thoughts | Orthodox magazine. Like, the Armed Forces of Ukraine set up a dirty barracks in an Orthodox church, “the holy altar is disgraced”.

They were not stopped by the fact that the video was signed by @Pravda_Herashchenko, that is, from the telegram channel of the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Herashchenko.

On September 14, Anton Herashchenko was in Izium with a group of foreign journalists during the flag-raising with the participation of Volodymyr Zelenskyi. On September 15, on his telegram channel, he published a video from the temple near Izium.

“The Rashists have turned the temple in Izium into a pigsty hospital. Details: judging by the situation, the wounded were buried right here by their commanders. As usual with orcs, the church turned into a barn. Ukrainians do not even keep animals in such conditions. No one doubts that the “second army of the world” has come to us to fight against the civilian population, schools, hospitals and churches”, wrote Herashchenko.

On September 6, in the morning report of the General Staff, it was reported that the Russians use the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Mala Komyshuvakha as a field hospital.

On September 10, the Ukrainian military liberated Izium. Later, during an inspection of the temple, the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shocked the “military hospital” of Russian infidels in the Kharkiv region: “A putrid stench and complete unsanitary conditions”.

This is not the first time Russian propagandists have attributed to Ukrainian soldiers the mess that their army actually made. But before, at least they didn’t steal the video filmed during the inspection by the Ukrainian military of the territory liberated from the Russians.

Message IAEA is an anti-Russian organization

This thesis is spread by propaganda media, in particular, it was voiced at the Permanent Mission of Russia to International Organizations in Vienna. The report says that the IAEA is an anti-Russian organization that panders to Ukraine and has shown its pro-Ukrainian nature in the resolution. However, this is not true.

According to Reuters, the text of the resolution states that the IAEA board calls on Russia to “immediately cease all actions against and in relation to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and any other nuclear facilities in Ukraine”. 26 countries voted for the approval of the resolution, two voted against (Russia and China). The resolution entered into force on September 15, 2022.

Message The successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the merit of the direct participation of the Pentagon in the development of the plan

This thesis is circulating in the pro-Russian media, in particular, it was mentioned by the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatolii Antonov. He argues that significant successes on the Ukrainian fronts were achieved thanks to the participation of the Pentagon in developing a plan for the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, they say that the United States is another side in this war.

According to The New York Times, the Ukrainian side was really developing a plan for a counteroffensive with both Washington and London. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine keep their military strategy and data on the state of the army in secret, so all parties were only consulting with each other.

Also, in the words of the publication, US Intelligence does not have the information about Ukrainian operations that it would really like. Washington even has a better idea of the Russian military, its planned operations, successes and failures.

Manipulation The US goal is to use the war in Ukraine to weaken the EU and Russia and maintain world leadership

Such messages are distributed by propaganda telegram channels, in particular MediaKiller. Such reports say that allegedly the United States will not grant Russia the status of a State Sponsor of Terrorism as because of this Washington will lose a number of privileges. In particular, this will lead to a rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia and will reduce the influence of the United States in the international arena. However, this is manipulation.

Indeed, according to Reuters, the US Senate recently introduced legislation that could recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. “The need for this action is more urgent than ever before”, said one of the authors of the bill, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal. Washington is not afraid to take such decisive action, and even more so actively supports Ukraine in the fight in the war unleashed by Russia.

Previously, it was indeed said that Russia should not be given such a status. The Biden administration did not comment further on the decision.

Thus, Russia wants to show its power and world support, as if the United States does not recognize it as a terrorist state because this will only make it worse. Like, it is not profitable for anyone to quarrel with Russia.

Fake Ukrainians are scammers: they go to Germany, draw up social benefits and immediately return home

Such information was massively distributed on social networks. In particular, Whatsapp. A voice message circulating on the messenger said that Ukrainians are social scammers because they come to Germany on Flixbus, receive a Hartz IV payout, sometimes even without a registered address, and immediately return to Ukraine. The message also added that the authorities of the country tolerate all the falsifications carried out by the Ukrainians because they have such an instruction to do so.

However, as the analysts of the Corrective project write, there is no confirmation that such cases of fraud were actually recorded. Analysts asked Flixbus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Employment Agency if they were aware of alleged massive cases of so-called social fraud by Ukrainians. However, none of the authorities interviewed were able to confirm the story or had evidence of such incidents.

Indeed, in order to receive the Hartz IV social payment, you need to have a legal address in Germany. This is exactly the payment that the unemployed in Germany will receive; people with no income; those who cannot live on their income. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs says that only those people who have a registered address and are permanently located in Germany can receive a Hartz IV.

Message Former NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark acknowledged that the Russian army is very competent and strong

This thesis is spread by Russian propaganda. According to the Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, propagandists present their own disinformation interpretation of Clark's words as a fait accompli. In particular, they claim that he seemed to have "cooled the ardor of Ukrainians" against the background of the successful de-occupation of the territory in the Kharkiv region. Like, the former NATO Secretary General recognizes the high competence of the Russian army, which detracts from the joy of the Ukrainians.

However, Clark did not belittle Ukraine's achievements or claim that the Russian army is stronger. As the Center writes, in fact, Wesley Clark's rhetoric has remained unchanged since February 24, 2022. According to him, the only way to end the war in Ukraine is to defeat Russia. Clark is simply convinced that "you shouldn’t underestimate the enemy" as Ukraine continues to fight. However, Russian propaganda uses information manipulation to form new messages about the invincibility of the Russian army against the background of Russia's retreat under pressure from the armed forces of Ukraine. Propagandists seek to downplay the successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, demonstrating that, despite the de-occupation, Western experts, including the NATO military, consider the Russian army to be more powerful.

Message Russia, as the largest nuclear state, cannot lose to Ukraine in a war

This message is spreading in pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels.

To promote the message, they use quotes from a Russian scientist who believes that in order for the West to stop providing weapons to Ukraine, Russia must demonstrate “nuclear power and nuclear deterrence.” The main attention supposedly should be given to intimidation of states that have common borders with Russia - Poland, the Baltic countries, Romania and Bulgaria. According to the Russians, "the fear of a devastating nuclear retaliation must be constantly present in the opinions of the leaders of NATO states." Propagandists justify the use of brute force as a determining factor in international relations.

Message The discussion of the war in Ukraine is "boring" and already "irrelevant"

Russian media spread the image of the restaurant's alleged billboard, where a Japanese sushi chef covers the mouth of a Ukrainian woman with the call: "Let's change the subject - let's talk about delicious sushi."

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security Council together with the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan turned to the Sushinomidori company management for an explanation regarding the provocative billboard.

The refutation of the fake appeared on the official website.

The company said it does not support discrimination against any country or nationality, and the image shared is not related to it.

Russian propagandists launch such messages to say that the situation in Ukraine is no longer of interest to anyone in the world, people want to live an ordinary life and are ready to silence Ukrainians who will try to prevent them with their protests, etc.

Fake In the Kharkiv region, foreign mercenaries shoot at local residents who did not want to give up their homes

This information was spread by the Russian media. Allegedly, as a result of the conflict, 9 civilians were injured. The Center for Combating Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine reports that this is a fake.

Message Ukraine has no opportunity for a counteroffensive

Russian propagandists write about this with reference to Western media. Apparently, Ukraine does not expect to receive a sufficient amount of foreign weapons, and therefore does not have the opportunity and does not plan counterattacks on any part of the front. As evidence, the Kremlin media manipulates the materials of the Western media. But, it is not so.

Manipulation The West keeps silent about the events in Olenivka because Ukraine is guilty of the crime

Russian media write about this. Like, in any tragedy that takes place in Ukraine, the West always unjustifiably blames Russia. But, in this case, American weapons were allegedly used, so the Western press keeps silent. It is not true. Fact-checkers of the StopFake project checked the reaction of the Western press to the events in Olenivka. In particular, publications such as CNN, The New York Times, Guardian, AFP, Le Monde, Il Fatto Quotidiano, and others quoted the representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell. He said the EU condemns the atrocities committed by the Russian military, which are "inhumane, barbaric acts and seriously violate the Geneva Convention". The European versions of Politico published the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that France would support the investigation of the events in Olenivka and would seek to hold Russia accountable for the mass murder of prisoners of war. Information about the involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the investigation in Olenivka was covered by Reuters, The New York Times, and Deutsche Welle. Materials on the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war were published by The Guardian and CNN. Therefore, the report of the Russian media about the "silence of the West", which allegedly confirms the Ukrainians’ guilt, is false. Earlier, propagandists were convinced that the US justified the Ukrainian strike on Olenivka, using a distorted quote from a Pentagon representative. In this way, Russia tries to hide its crime. 

Manipulation Russia is ready for peace talks with Ukraine

According to the wife of the President of Ireland, the Kremlin media write that "the conflict in Ukraine will continue until Moscow and Kyiv agree on a ceasefire." Through the ex-chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder, the Kremlin is trying to inform Western society that Russia is ready to sit down at the negotiating table. This is manipulation.

Message A hybrid military campaign has been launched against Russia, as a result, it may be a direct conflict between nuclear states

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry said this at the UN conference. Allegedly, as a result of such actions against Russia, the situation in world strategic stability is rapidly deteriorating.

Message "Washington is the director of all world swings"

Anonymous Telegram channels write a lot about the US involvement in China's conflict with Taiwan. Propagandists write that the USA has been "pumping Taiwan with weapons" for a long time and that it was the same with the "Ukrainian crisis". This generalized and manipulative message is probably designed to shift the emphasis once again, blaming the USA for starting a major war in Ukraine and not mentioning that Russia started the offensive. 

Fake In Dnipro, a school and a dormitory house ground territorial defense units and military equipment

Information is spread by the Russian media concerning the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Allegedly, in Dnipro, a school and a dormitory are used as cover for Ukrainian military and equipment. Similar reports are being spread about Kryvyi Rih, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly settled in residential buildings. It is not true.

Fake Hypersonic missile "Kinzhal" hit the warehouse of the Armed Forces

Russian users of social networks share a video in which the Kinzhal hypersonic missile allegedly hits a military base at a depth of 136 meters, and the event supposedly happened in May. However, it is a fake video. As VoxCheck writes, the widespread video appeared on the network in February of this year. The video`s author is a visual effects artist known on social networks as InsanePatient2. The video has the title: "What if Russia Started Nuclear War?" ("What if Russia started a nuclear war?"). The description of the video states: "What if Russia/Putin Started Nuclear War with Ukraine and the rest of the world?" ("What if Russia/Putin started a nuclear war with Ukraine and the rest of the world?")." In the artist's YouTube and TikTok accounts, there are other works created using computer graphics. On May 9, 2022, Russia launched three "Kinzhal" missiles over Odesa, as noted by OK "Pivden", then destroyed 5 buildings. Moreover, on March 19, 2022, in the village of Delyatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region. As a result of the strike, the ammunition depot was destroyed," the fact-checkers write.

Message Russia will expand the geography of the "special operation" to "demilitarize" more cities

Russian propagandists systematically use manipulative and fake information to justify the "necessity" of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Crimean collaborator Olga Koviditi reported the need to "expand the geography of the special operation". The same opinion was recently expressed by another collaborator, Denys Pushylin. He said, "it's time to liberate Kyiv, Poltava, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kharkiv, Lutsk, and Zaporizhzhia." Ramzan Kadyrov has been talking about taking Kyiv "shortly" for the fifth month. Tactics of systematic repetition of a certain message are used by propagandists to subconsciously consolidate this information in the target audience.

Manipulation Missile strikes on the Antoniv Bridge do not harm Russian troops

Propaganda telegram channels spread the message that rocket strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Antoniv bridge in Kherson are irrelevant - it is "a matter of three beams and two liters of concrete." These messages were recorded by the Center for Strategic Communications in its study of propaganda telegram channels.

In fact, although the bridge is currently standing, it is closed to all types of vehicles. Moreover, according to the standards of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the army must stop moving on the bridge in the event of any, even minor, damage. However, according to satellite images, the bridge cannot be patched with "two liters of concrete", it has significant surface damage.

The other two bridges are a single-track railway bridge across the Dnipro and a bridge over the Kakhovska HPP dam in Nova Kakhovka. The latter was also shelled earlier, the Russians tried to repair it. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine previously attacked the Daryiv Bridge across the Ingulets River, which connects two parts of the right-bank Kherson Oblast occupied by the Russians.

It is obvious that all these bridges are now under the fire control of the Armed Forces and the supply of equipment to the occupiers in the region has been substantially closed. That is why the Russian army is trying to build a pontoon bridge instead of the closed Antoniv bridge. At the same time, propaganda tries to convince the audience that the destruction of bridges will not affect the situation in the region.

Disclosure The Russians have created a directory for supporters of the Putin regime in Ukraine

The Russians have created a "Handbook for Ukrainian citizens on organizing resistance to the Kyiv puppet leadership," in which they advise to sabotage work in socially significant areas - in administrative positions, office workers, employees of government bodies, in the medical and educational fields, law enforcement activities, etc. It is reported by the HUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The manual has 14 pages, which repeatedly use terminology that reinforces the propaganda of hatred towards everything Ukrainian: "Kyiv hunta," "puppet leadership," etc.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine claims that the "tips" encourage people to promote the Russian language (pretending not to understand Ukrainian), slow down the pace of work of state organizations, send various incorrect requests to state structures, make mistakes in the documentation and use more materials, including the number of medical, than required.

Fake Terrorists from Libya can get passports in Ukraine

Anonymous Telegram channels spread information about this; later, it also appeared on the pages of Kremlin propaganda media. The authors illustrated such news with alleged photos of the Libyans and their Ukrainian passports, which they allegedly received.

The reports also said that the terrorists could migrate to Poland with these documents. In fact, Libyan terrorists did not obtain the passports of Ukrainian citizens and did not try to use these documents to leave for Poland. As StopFake writes, the footage of the detention was taken long before the alleged arrest, and the image of the "detainee's" passport was taken from the Internet and processed in a photo editor. 

Fake Two battalions of Polish infantry fought in Ukraine; they were destroyed

Russian media spread information that two battalions of the Polish army allegedly arrived in Ukraine and were sent to Pavlograd (Dnipropetrovsk region). Reports say that these Polish battalions were destroyed on the territory of Ukraine. However, it is not true.

Polish regular troops do not take part in Russia's war against Ukraine. In a comment to the Polish publication Konkret24, the General Staff of the Polish Army denied information about the participation of Polish battalions in the war on the territory of Ukraine, calling such reports another fake of systematic Russian propaganda. Poles can fight in Ukraine as part of the International Legion, which is subordinate to the Armed Forces. Therefore, Poles or any military personnel with foreign citizenship who fight in this legion are Ukrainian military personnel. More details. 

Fake The Russians plan to launch an operation from Belarus "in the morning"

In the Telegram chat "Shatskyi Tereveni," they spread the message about the beginning of the attack by the Russians from Belarus "in the morning." It is advised to collect all important things and prepare for the absence of electricity and the Internet.

Reports of military activity in neighboring Belarus have become more frequent since the start of military training near the border of the Volyn and Rivne regions was announced.

Currently, there are no facts about an attack from Belarus. Such messages are most likely sent to sow panic and destabilize the situation, write the fact-checkers of the "Rayon. Shatsk."

Several things indicate that a message is fake. For example, "in the morning" - but there is no exact date on which morning it will happen.

Later, a message appeared: "Let it not happen, but it is better to prepare." A seemingly unobtrusive message, however, makes the reader tense up. Many questions and the source of information - "Oleg, a journalist from Stryi, who was transferred from the USA."

Message Russia will end the war within a month

Former colonel of the US Army Douglas McGregor, known for his pro-Russian position, stated this in an interview with foreign media. According to him, the Russian army has already rested and is ready to deliver a devastating blow to Ukraine. Since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, McGregor has been talking about "Russia's invincible army" and intimidating the world with "Putin's nuclear button."

According to his forecasts, Russia was supposed to capture Ukraine in mid-March 2022. Such statements are an element of Russia's informational and psychological operation aimed at a Western audience. In this way, Russia is trying to prevent supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine from allied countries.

Fake The entire Volyn Territorial Defense Brigade refuses to fight

This information was spread by Russian publications concerning the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Apparently, after refusing to participate in hostilities, the brigade was disarmed, and the fighters themselves were arrested. It is not true.

The 100th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of Ukraine in the Volyn Region refuted fake Russian propaganda on its official Facebook page: "The personnel of our Volyn Territorial Defense Brigade continues to fully control the situation in its area of ​​responsibility along the border of the Republic of Belarus with the support of other component forces defense of our region.

The brigade's command again asks to trust only official information and not to spread unverified, fake news."