Spilnota Detector Media

Fake Ukraine refuses to repair power lines at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

According to StopFake, in fact, Ukraine is ready to start the renovation of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at any moment, but Russia is preventing this. The International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group call on Russia to immediately restore Ukraine’s control over all nuclear facilities.

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Fake Ukraine does not need Kherson, it has surrendered the city.

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council, the enemy is producing a wave of disinformation aimed at the residents of Kherson. "Kherson is the only large Ukrainian city that has been under temporary Russian occupation since the beginning of a new phase of the war. Russian propaganda is actively "working" with the minds of the local residents, and through its agents in Kherson is spreading false messages that are beneficial to Russia and discredit the actions of the Ukrainian authorities," the Center said in a statement. Among the messages there are the following: "Kherson has been left", "Ukraine does not need Kherson", "Ukraine has left the civilians without means of subsistence."

In fact, this is not the case at all. "Ukraine will never leave the people of Kherson in trouble. Сonsidering the situation at the front line, the Ukrainian army is reckless to start fighting within the city, sacrificing civilians. Ukraine highly appreciates the efforts of the local residents, who, despite the temporary occupation of Russia, go out to rallies in support of Ukraine," the Center added.

Fake . Lists of citizens whose utility bills are canceled during martial law have been created in Ukraine.

This fake is refuted by Zakarpattiaoblenerho (electric utility company in Zakarpattia). According to the company, in recent days they have received calls from consumers saying that in Ukraine there are lists of citizens whose payment for utilities during martial law will be canceled. In fact, this is not true. "Such fake messages are aimed at destabilizing the situation and destroying the system of public utilities in Ukraine!", says the statement. Please be reminded that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has banned the fines in case of late or incomplete payment for housing and public utilities during martial law. However, this does not mean that there is no need to pay for public utilities during the war.

Fake A bridge was mined in Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi.

The head of the Khmelnytsky regional military administration, Serhii Gamaly, denied information about the mining of the bridge over the Smotrych River in Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi ( the bridge is called "Running deer"). Gamaliy said that the bridge is guarded by territorial defense fighters and there is always someone there.

Fake Putin has the support of Svatovo.

The Luhansk regional state administration reported that ten unknown people in Svatovo impersonated the local residents and recorded a video in support of the Putin regime. The occupiers are distributing this video and propaganda letters. This is psychological pressure, the purpose of which is to "expose to as many Ukrainians as possible that everyone is supposedly waiting for Russia." The Luhansk regional state administration has also made public the instructions on recording such videos.

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Fake The United States planned to use Ukrainian birds and mosquitoes to transmit disease to Russia.

It's hard to believe, but Russia's Defense Ministry continues to report "findings" that seem to confirm the "development of biological weapons" in laboratories allegedly set up by the Pentagon in Ukraine. For example, on March 10, the Russian Defense Ministry said it had found evidence of "experiments with bat coronavirus", hinting that it was in Ukraine that they could create a covid. Earlier, the pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels and the Russian media wrote a lot about the fact that the COVID was created in Ukraine with the help of the Pentagon багато писали проросійські анонімні телеграм-канали та російські ЗМІ – the last wave of such fakes was at the end of 2020. But this time, the Russian Defense Ministry added more fantastic details. Now they have come up with a "project to study the transfer of pathogens of birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia," The Pentagon tried to create birds that would carry "African swine fever and anthrax" to Russia. Moreover, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, Foreign Minister Lavrov and propagandist Tina Kandilaki, all these viruses were "adapted to the Slavic ethnic group". For this purpose, biological samples collected in Ukraine were allegedly sent from Ukraine to the United States.

In general, the United States planned to use not only birds but also insects as weapons against the Russians: "Adaptation of viruses to the Slavic ethnic group in Ukrainian laboratories is the most terrible and dangerous threat to our country. There is no war worse: there is protection against a missile flying in our direction, but against a mosquito infected with polio or meningitis (no)… "- writes Kandilaki. Lavrov also announced today the creation of "ethnically oriented" biological weapons in Ukraine. However, Lavrov and the Russian Defence Ministry have not yet decided how mosquitoes will distinguish Slavic-Russians from Slavic-Ukrainians, and how migratory birds define Kandelaki's state borders.

It will be recalled that there have never been "American Pentagon bio laboratories" in Ukraine — this is a Russian fake, which has been circulating since 2010 and has been debunked many times. Only during the war in Ukraine was it denied by the Pentagon, the US State Department, EU representatives, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Fake Pregnant with a photo after the shelling of a maternity hospital in Mariupol — a model.

was bombed.

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Fake Arsen Avakov was killed in Kharkiv.

Russian propagandists have spread fake news that former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov allegedly died during the Russian bombing of Kharkiv. Avakov recorded a video in response to this message. "First I want to see how Putin dies, his stinking empire falls apart, and Ukraine wins and prospers! This is what would happen! And together with many Ukrainians, I am here in Kyiv! There is no f*cking way you will succeed, comrade propagandists,", — he said.

Fake Ukraine threatens the European Union to cut gas transit.

This statement is spread in the Kremlin media with the emphasis that Ukraine is blackmailing the EU by cutting the transit of gas in order to obtain new arms supplies and air defense. According to StopFake, this is not true.

"Officially, representatives of the Ukrainian government say that any restrictions on gas supplies should be a part of a package of sanctions against Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine," the fact-checkers said.

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Fake . Zelensky is ready to admit that Crimea is Russian and that the "republics" in Donbas are independent.

This information is spread as propaganda through the Russian media. In this way, they proliferate the idea that Ukraine is ready to surrender and capitulate in the near future.

Fact checkers from StopFake disproved the story. According to their report, President Zelensky had not spoken about Ukraine's intention to recognize Crimea and the Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics as Russian. He has reiterated that the responsibility for the deaths of Ukrainians lies entirely on Russian terrorists and Putin personally. Read more

Fake . The Ukrainian military was hiding ammunition within the energy blocks of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plan and attempted to attack the station.

In reality, the Zaporizhzhia NPP was captured by the Russian military, although propaganda media sources state that Ukraine handed over the station to them after "negotiations." Additionally, Russian media state that their military allegedly fought off a "carefully planned attack from neo-nazis of the Zaporizhzhia NPP" and of the Russian "patrol." All of this is false.

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Fake The shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol is staged.

Russian media and propagandists have spread fake information that the March 9 shelling on the maternity hospital in Mariupol was staged. Propagandists spread similar statements that there were no staff or women in labor present at the maternity hospital. Instead they allege that only Azov fighters had been based there. The Russian media referred to a fake report on the Russian website Lenta.Ru (published before the bombing of Mariupol), which stated that the city maternity hospital №2 in Mariupol had been seized by "fighters of either the Armed Forces or Azov battalion.” Russia 1 further reports that the maternity hospital had been bombed by Right Sector fighters.

In reality, the air raid on the maternity hospital by Russian occupiers was confirmed by the President of Ukraine, local authorities, as well as the police. As a result of the air strike, 17 people (children, women, doctors) were injured, three died, including one child – a girl. The police have launched an investigation under Article 438 (violation of the laws or customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Fake Ukraine was preparing an offensive on Donbas in March 2022.

Pro-Kremlin media are spreading a document - a "secret order of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine" - which allegedly states that "Ukraine was preparing an offensive" on the occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in March 2022. In addition, the published documents refer to a training fee in the Lviv region. However, the National Guard told StopFake that the document published by the Russian media was not secret and had nothing to do with Donbas, nor did it mention any offensive targets. In addition, the Ukrainian leadership has repeatedly stated its commitment to a diplomatic approach to resolving the conflict in Donbas and Crimea.

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Fake More than 2 million Ukrainians want to be evacuated to Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Defense is spreading unreliable information - allegedly, 2.5 million Ukrainians are asking to be evacuated to Russia. Instead, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is constantly updating data on Ukraine, which shows that from February 24 to March 8, 2022, about 99,300 Ukrainians left for Russia (5% of the total number of refugees). In total, about two million people left Ukraine due to the war, most Ukrainians going to Poland and from there to other European countries. At the same time, the Russian media is trying to create the impression that Ukrainians are helping the Russian military, fleeing Ukraine to Russia and seeking residence and citizenship certificates. According to StopFake, these plots are staged.

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Fake Jews are being attacked en masse in Ukraine.

According to the Institute of Mass Media, according to the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Osman Moshe Reuven, some Hebrew and English-language media spread the news that in Zhytomyr, "local Ukrainians are attacking Jews en masse." However, this is fake. According to the Zhytomyr rabbi, there were no such situations.

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Fake Ukraine evacuates only international students from Sumy.

Russian propaganda media spread such a message which is not true. As a result, civilians were evacuated from the city: international students and Ukrainian residents.

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Fake . In Ukraine, all government websites have been hacked.

Russian propagandists have been spreading such information on social networks since the beginning of March. Allegedly, due to the hacker attack, "755 websites of the Ukrainian authorities" were hacked, and "the entire government Internet" stopped working.

According to VoxCheck, these are sites with the domain gov.ua. "Some posts include screenshots of several such sites, which now display calls for the Ukrainian military to "lay down their arms," as well as fake appeals on behalf of Volodymyr Zelensky that he allegedly signed a peace treaty with Russia," VoxCheck writes. However, all this is fake. According to fact-checkers, hackers hacked only specific sites of regional authorities. Read more

Fake Ukraine threatens to seize Russia.

Pro-Kremlin media are spreading a message about "Ukraine's aggression against Russia", in the framework of which they created a new fake - allegedly "the Ukrainian leadership is threatening to seize Russia." According to StopFake, this fake is dispersed regarding the "decision" of the National Security and Defense Council, which allegedly states that "Ukraine can launch an invasion of Russia." This fake news is based on a letter from the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Alexei Danilov, who spoke about the criminal prosecution of the Russian leadership for their crimes in Ukraine.

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Fake . There is a problem with water quality in Kyiv.

It is rumoured that delays in logistics caused by the war have cut off chlorine supplies to the capital's Vodokanal. This has allegedly led to a deterioration in drinking water quality. However, this is not true.

This fake is refuted by the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. Kyivvodokanal has sufficient reagents stocks for water disinfection following sanitary requirements. The centre adds that 40% of water in Kyiv is disinfected without chlorine, more modern reagents.

Fake . Ukrainian military mines apartment buildings in Mariupol.

This statement is spread by Russian propaganda media but illustrates the news with the explosions that the Russian military staged in Irpen. “Fake also published propaganda Telegram channels. The message appeared simultaneously on dozens of channels. But the propagandists did not provide any additional details, except for the statements of the separatist Denis Pushylin, ”StopFake writes.

In fact, according to the Mariupol City Council, Mariupol and Volnovakha are under constant fire from the occupiers, who began to mine the city. Read more

Fake Anthony Blinken, during his visit to Lithuania, said that the Russian army is far superior to the Ukrainian one and can "grind" it.

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council states that this is deliberate misinformation in the framework of the information war against Ukraine.

"In fact, in an interview with CNN on March 6, US Secretary of State E. Blinken said that the Kremlin leader's war against Ukraine was doomed to failure and that despite gaining control of some Ukrainian cities, Putin was destined to lose because of the courage and fierce resistance of Ukrainians." - it is said in the message.

Fake To stay in touch, you need to send an SMS to 5010 and join the promotion for free.

The SBU office in the Vinnytsia region has warned about a new fake sent to mobile phones. «Everyone who has run out of money on a mobile phone and is not able to top up the phone number, send an SMS to number 5010 with any text, the communication campaign is automatically connected for free. Please disseminate this information», — the statement reads. The SBU of the region urged to use only official sources of information.

Fake Territorial defence exceeds its authority.

Russian propagandists say that territorial defence detains, searches and inhumanely treats civilians for no reason. They give no evidence, but they keep repeating that the territorial defence consists of "criminals" with weapons.

Fake . Former Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Valery Chaly advocated for Ukraine's declaration of neutrality.

This fake is spread by Russian propagandists. However, this is a lie that has already been refuted by the fact-checkers from StopFake.

“Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States (2015-2019) Valery Chaly did not make any statements about the need to declare Ukraine a neutral status. On the contrary, Chaly emphasized that the Constitution of Ukraine clearly determines the country's integration aspirations," — said in the report.

Fake . Conscripts and cadets from Russia are not fighting in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials have repeatedly stated that only professional soldiers, officers and contractors, are involved in the war in Ukraine. However, this is a lie. According to StopFake, there is some evidence that Russia uses conscripts in the war with Ukraine. In particular, this was confirmed by a member of the Russian Federation Council, Lyudmila Narusova. "On Friday, March 4, she announced during a meeting of the chamber about significant losses among conscripts," the fact-checkers wrote.

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