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Fake In recent years, the Ukrainian government and the European Union have only worsened the situation of farmers in the Kherson region - the Russian propaganda media spread this thesis

Reports say that Ukraine allegedly deliberately worsened the regions' economies currently temporarily occupied, while Russia "is engaged in their development." In particular, the propagandists claim Kyiv "worsened the situation of farmers" in the Kherson region. The European Union is also to blame for this, as the purchase of large volumes of agricultural products from EU countries has allegedly led to a drop in demand for Ukrainian goods and a reduction in crops.

According to StopFake, the Russian media attribute the statement about the "oppression" of Kherson farmers by Kyiv to Vladyslav Shybaylov, the so-called head of the agricultural department of the Henichesk district of the region. "After all, he is a protege of the occupying power, a local supporter of the pro-Russian party "Opposition Platform - For Life, " StopFake writes. In fact, according to fact-checkers, before the arrival of the occupiers in the Kherson region, agricultural production increased, farmers could receive subsidies, and exports of goods went to different countries. Instead, due to the ban of the Russian occupiers from taking anything out of the region, farmers of the occupied Kherson region are forced to sell their products at a minimum price because they are allowed to trade only with the occupied Crimea. In addition, the Russian occupiers are massively exporting Ukrainian grain from the region, and with the new harvest, the threat and theft are growing. Read more.

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