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Fake The so-called letter of the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov about the "extraordinary meeting of the NSDC Office of Ukraine" is being spread in pro-Russian telegram channels.

In fact, this document does not exist, as well as the so-called “meetings of the Office”. Such form of work does not exist in the Office of NSDC. The fake letter says that the meeting should consider issues related to the alleged "destruction of the Armed Forces", "NATO's refusal to help", the "conflict between the Armed Forces and Azov", and other delusions.

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation at NSDC states states that this information is fake and provocative.

Fake . Television tower in Melitopol was taken over, occupiers are now broadcasting Russian TV.

Such information is shared online, but according to the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine, this is not true. “No digital television transmitter on the TV tower in Melitopol is currently working. Broadcasting in Melitopol is carried out with the help of an analog transmitter located outside the TV tower, which is not related to Broadcasting, Radiocommunications & Television Concern,” — the statement says.

Fake social media pages of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense were created on the web.

The Ministry of Defense reminded that their page has a verified badge. In addition, fake pages launched paide advertising. The Ministry of Defense say that they do not buy ads at all. Instead, the Security Service of Ukraine urged not to open the advertisement launched by Russia. «There are scripts hidden under the pictures to gain access to the Telegram channels», — the intelligence service said.

Fake . Volodymyr Zelensky left Ukraine.

In Kherson region, the occupiers are spreading another fake that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has left the country. But this is not true. Olena Shulyak, the head of the Servant of the People political party, writes about this. “The President is in Kyiv. He is with his people! The footage broadcasted in the Kherson region by occupiers is a lie,” the statement reads.

Fake . Western partners became frightened and abandoned Ukraine.

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council, such fake is dispersed by enemy propaganda. “This lie has been spread in order to demoralize Ukrainians and break our powerful resistance to the Russian invasion! Now the world is more united than ever! We are given weapons, ammunition, planes, financial aid! And these are the real actions that everyone sees,” the Center says in a statement.

Fake The Ukrainian military is intentionally not releasing civilians from Mariupol.

Such fake is spread by the Russian media. In particular, sm.news, Channel One Russia, Argumenti.ru, Vzglyad, Moskovskij Komsomolets, TASS and others. However, according to StopFake, these statements are untrue. In fact, the city is being blocked by the Russian occupiers, shelling critical infrastructure and preventing food from entering the city.

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Fake . Ukrainian army is bombing the residents of Donbass.

This information was shared by French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnell. Fake has already been refuted by fact-checkers from StopFake. According to the report, since the beginning of the open invasion of Ukraine, the Russian occupation forces have been intentionally shelling residential areas and civilians in Donbas.

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Fake There is information spread on the web that at the beginning of the war, on February 24th, the people of Mariupol tried to disarm the Ukrainian military and take control of the checkpoints.

However, as VoxCheck writes, this is not true. "The video that was allegedly recorded in Mariupol, which shows outbreaks and should confirm this fact, was actually shot in late January," the fact-checkers note.

More details.

Fake . Ukrainians are grateful to Russia for humanitarian aid and liberation.

Russian and pro-Kremlin media spread fake information that Ukrainians are allegedly grateful to Russia for “the humanitarian aid and liberation”: “the Russian military provides local residents of the liberated settlements with food supplies.” The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine denied this information, emphasizing that the Russian military does not provide any humanitarian aid to the citizens, and Ukrainians do not welcome the occupiers “with smiles on their faces”.

Fake Edemus tags have appeared on Google maps, Russians use them as targets for shellings and air strikes.

On March 3, there was information on social networks that new Edemus tags had appeared on Google maps in Kyiv en masse, with their help the Russian military targeted artillery shelling, missiles or air strikes.

The map shows Edemus as buildings of district administrations, hospitals, maternity hospitals, kindergartens, retirement homes. In fact, Edemus is a network of funeral services. The State Special Communications Service said that the information about the "new tags" is not true and stressed that Google in Ukraine has limited the ability to add new labels to maps. The appearance of such information in the Service is called an information-psychological operation to sow panic and misinformation among the population.

Fake Melitopol is waiting for Russia.

Such message has been spread on Russian propaganda television. In particular, RT channel broadcasts a story from March 2, in which military correspondent Murad Gazdiyev, at the entrance to the city, claimed that "it was not possible to get to the city of Melitopol, although the situation is calm." According to StopFake, the video shows the recording time—14:43. “But just at that time a big pro-Ukrainian march took place in the city and united the people of Melitopol. According to the local residents, two people were wounded by the Russian military during the march—they opened fire from the seized Security Service of Ukraine building," the statement said. According to RT correspondent, locals are allegedly wearing white ribbons to support the Russian army. But the residents of Melitopol deny it.

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Fake Kherson and Vinnytsia have capitulated, they are asking to join Russia.

Pro-Kremlin media and the web spread fakes that Kherson and Vinnytsia regions have surrendered and are asking to join Russia. The head of the Kherson Regional State Administration, Hennadiy Laguta, denied reports in the pro-Russian media that say that the Kherson region is allegedly asking to join the Russian Federation. The Vinnytsia Regional State Administration also stated, that Russia was trying to spread information that Ukraine had capitulated. "But Ukrainians do not give up! No one can break Ukrainians," the Vinnytsia authorities added. The Kyiv Regional State Administration also warns of possible misinformation. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security urged неnot to believe the fakes of the occupiers.

Fake Zelensky called on Ukrainians to lay down their arms.

A picture where the President Volodymyr Zelensky allegedly calls on Ukrainians “to lay down their arms and stop fighting” was shared on social networks. Earlier, the Security Service of Ukraine warned that Russia was preparing a fake about the alleged capitulation of the Ukrainian leadership and government.

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Fake PrivatBank warned about a fraud scheme with SMS and bailiffs.

The messengers began to spread an old fake that PrivatBank had warned about a fraud scheme in Russian. The warning said that users recieved messages from “bailiffs” about the “seizure of property” as if, after you open it, all the money would be charged off fom the card.

This message has been spreading since 2017, when similar ads appeared in the branch of the Russian “Sberbank”. It was distributed in Ukraine in 2020, when the fake was denied by the project “Behind the Ukrainian News” (“По той бік новин”).

Fake The strategically important objects shelled in Dnipropetrovsk.

Fake voice messages have been spread on social media, with employees allegedly saying that "troops from the south plan to shell infrastructure facilities in Dnipropetrovsk." This information was shared on "Stop Fake Dnipro", the channel of the Dnipro authorities. The channel reminded that "Dnipropetrovsk" has not existed since 2016.

Fake . 1000 orphans are heading to Uzhhorod.

There has been information on social media that children are moving to Uzhhorod en masse and therefore, there is a need to collect all the necessary stuff for them. In particular, mattresses, clothes, etc.

Fake . Television Center "Suspilne Kherson" is under the control of Russian troops.

The Russian occupiers seized the premises of the Kherson branch, but the Public Broadcasting in Kherson continues to work and inform people. "We work remotely to provide you with information about everything happening in the region on the site and on social networks," - said said in a public statement.

Fake Lists with the personal data of Russian diversion intelligence group members have been shared.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security, citing Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, warns that the "lists with personal data of Russian diversion intelligence group members" were thrown by the enemy: the list includes real Ukrainian security officers, who are pretended to be "enemies". The purpuse of this is to sow chaos so that Ukrainian defenders would fight against each other.

Fake Belarusian pilots cannot fight in Ukraine because they died long time ago.

When Ukrainian intelligence published lists of the leadership of the Air Force of the Republic of Belarus who were involved in the shelling of Ukraine, agitprop immediately responded and said that these lists included Marfitsky and Zhuravlevych, who died long ago. According to StopFake, the propagandists claim that these people could not take part in the war against Ukraine because they allegedly died in 2009. But statements that Ukraine is creating fakes to accuse Belarusian pilots are not true.

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Fake The Ukrainian military is surrendering positions en masse, their leadership has left them, and Russia has taken care of them.

According to StopFake, this is not true, because the videos disseminated by the pro-Kremlin media involved actors portraying Ukrainian military, and the same video series is used in different publications.

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Fake УкраїThe Ukrainian military uses foreigners as a "living shield".

Propaganda messages are spreading on the Internet that Ukraine is "doing everything possible to ensure the return of Indian students from Kharkiv to their homeland" because they are "taken hostage by Ukrainian security forces who use them as human shields." This was reported by the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council.

It is another fake. "Ukraine promotes the evacuation of foreigners as much as possible. Ukrzaliznytsia has organized evacuation corridors for them. The railway forms foreign groups to transport them in separate carriages, and volunteers with foreign languages ​​work at the stations. "As for isolated cases of domestic conflicts involving foreigners, they are taking place against the background of their misunderstanding of the UZ rules on the priority evacuation of women and children (regardless of race and origin) and are fueled by enemy propaganda," the statement said.

Fake There has been information spread on the web that the Facebook page of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is fake.

However, this is not true, writes the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. "In fact, this page was created by the Strategic Communications Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the statement says.

Fake SSU introduces new communication rules.

Security Service of Ukraine has denied fake information that phone calls would be allegedly recorded in Ukraine, and messages and calls in Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook as well.

Details are here and here.

Fake . Information is spreading on the internet that Ukrainian nationalists took over 20 SMM OSCE automobiles.

According to the fact-checking organization StopFake, this information is not true. OSCE Mission`s representative in Kramatorsk commented on this item to StopFake. He denied the message about SMM OSCE automobiles taken over.

Fake Ukrainian rocket has hit Kharkiv city center.

In fact, Freedom Square has been hit by a Russian cruise missile of the "Caliber" class, as a result third of the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration was destroyed, according to Stop Fake. Despite this, information spreads throught the network that on March 1, Ukraine deliberately fired a missile at Kharkiv. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko reports that a "Caliber" cruise missile has hit in Freedom Square. The combat radius of "Caliber" cruise missiles is about 2,500 km. There are no such missiles in the service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.