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Fake The countries that did not vote at Eurovision 2022 will be excluded from NATO and the EU.

Propagandist Solovyov published such "news", referring to Bloomberg. Recall the performances of the artists from 25 countries were evaluated by the jury and the audience of 40 countries. The national jury evaluated the performances even before the final concert, after the last rehearsal of the artists. The maximum 12 points were given to Ukraine by the jury of only 5 countries and spectators from 28 countries. Among them, there are countries that are not members of the EU or NATO, such as Australia and Azerbaijan. The TV audience vote takes place after all the artists' performances; each committed vote costs the viewer money. Ukraine scored a record 439 viewer points, according to Bloomberg. And the publication referred to by the propagandist is not on the pages of the publication. Which countries voted for Ukraine you can read here.

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