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Fake The first group of Ukrainian military from Azovstal came out with a white flag, the defenders began surrendering

 This was the information disseminated by Russian propaganda media this morning. According to the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, Rospropaganda further reported that under the white flag came out the negotiators who are negotiating the surrender of most of the Ukrainian military. "In fact, this "information noise" was only a justification for the possible removal of wounded Ukrainian soldiers trapped on the territory of the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works. Such information 'cover-up' is necessary for the Kremlin for two reasons: to destroy the image of the invincible defenders of Mariupol, who 'did surrender,' and to reassure Russians, who might have been outraged at such a concession by Putin to 'neo-Nazis,'" the Center said in a statement. Recall, the fake that Azov fighters came out with white flags, propagandists have already spread before - on May 8. At that time, Azov fighters explained that the white flag near the Azovstal plant was used to evacuate civilians, which by no means meant that the defenders were surrendering.  

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