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Fake "Militants of national battalions" are preparing a provocation in Sumy using poisonous substances

It is alleged that the Russian Ministry of Defense received such information from captured Ukrainian soldiers. The report used a standard set of Russian propaganda: "Neo-Nazi" plan to fire on Russia's border area from a residential area of ​​the city, provoke a retaliatory strike, and then blow up containers with chemically hazardous substances. Journalists of foreign news agencies are in Sumy for photo and video shooting. And, of course, the goal is to accuse the Russian military of allegedly using chemical weapons and striking civilians who are not being evacuated but left in the city for "maximum resonance."

Such nonsensical Russians are throwing into the media to either intimidate people in the region where they announce the provocation or plan to commit a war crime and absolve themselves of responsibility.

The Security Service of Ukraine reminds us that the Russian military regularly shells peaceful Ukrainian cities, kills civilians, uses them as a "living shield," rapes women in the occupied territories, takes children to "filtration camps," and tortures men.

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