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Fake Lithuania wants to annex the Kaliningrad region

Russian media reported that Lithuania allegedly intended to annex the Kaliningrad region; Lithuania is provoking Russia into a military conflict with NATO to achieve this goal. The Lithuanian newspaper Delfi noted that, in fact, Lithuania did not claim and did not claim the territory of Kaliningrad and the region. And the purpose of this fake story is to "cause a sense of threat and fear, to create a false picture of what is happening."

The publication emphasized that Lithuania, unlike Russia, firmly adheres to the 1975 Helsinki Final Act provisions and does not take any aggressive action against its neighbors. In particular, the country's Foreign Ministry reminded me of this. It stated the absence of territorial claims in 2017 when Russia once again began to talk about the alleged "encroachment on its territory." "The thoughts of both Russian media and pro-Russian bloggers that the Lithuanian government may decide to block transit through its territory to Kaliningrad. Therefore, the Lithuanian issue must be resolved: misinformation and an attempt to find a reason to pressure Lithuania. The transit from Russia through the territory of Lithuania to Kaliningrad is the subject of an agreement (signed on November 11, 2002) between Russia and the European Community, so Lithuania cannot unilaterally terminate it. The decision to block transit to Kaliningrad or not can be made only by the European Union, which, unlike Russia, adheres to the norms of international law and therefore continues to refrain from such a radical decision, " Delfi writes.

Russian propaganda often uses the message that Western countries are allegedly "encroaching on the territorial integrity" of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc. In fact, despite the Kremlin's spread of such messages and conspiracy theories, Russia occupied parts of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Japan, and Chechnya. Read more about the Russian-occupied territories in Transparency International Ukraine. You can also read more about the armed conflicts and wars Russia has participated in during the last 30 years in the Ukraїner article.

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