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Message Poland is planning to annex the western regions of Ukraine

Telegram channels related to the Kremlin's foreign intelligence («Lehitymnyy,» «Spletnytsa,» «ZeRada,» etc.) are taking part in a planned disinformation campaign aimed at convincing readers that Poland intends to seize part of Ukraine. As proof of this, they are distributing photos of billboards, allegedly placed in Poland, with the image of the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces Jaroslaw Miki with the quote - "Time to remember history." This phrase calls for the annexation of Ukrainian regions, part of Poland before the Second World War. DFRLab researchers believe these images are fake; these posters do not exist as there is no BBC material, which allegedly showed the order of Mika with a plan to capture the Ukrainian regions. Fact-checkers have previously refuted this fake from Reuters and the BBC itself: such a plot did not exist, graphics, captions, and even advertising the BBC application was used to create a fake, which was distributed by many telegram channels in European languages.

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