Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 04 March, on the 1104th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure What Medvedchuk said on Belarusian television: key pro-Russian messages

Accused of high treason, Viktor Medvedchuk, a former people's deputy from the pro-Russian OPZZh (Opposition platform — for life) party, gave his first interview after a full-scale invasion. More precisely, he joined the show via Skype on the Belarusian state channel STV. The host Nadiia Sass, a former journalist of his TV channels, who in 2020 ran for the Dnipropetrovsk regional council on behalf of the Opposition Platform - for Life, spoke with Medvedchuk.

In his speech, Medvedchuk said that he was returning to the big game, launching a new political project, “The other Ukraine”, and would try to “demonopolize the right of President Zelenskyi to represent Ukraine at the international level”. Detector Media collected five key points from Medvedchuk's speech. All of them are in tune with the rhetoric of Russian propaganda, which during the year of the war spread dozens of disinformation messages to different audiences.

1. Ukraine constantly failed in peace negotiations, and tried to “get rid” of Donbas. Here, Medvedchuk resorts to a classic reflection technique, a tactic that involves accusing Ukraine and the West of accusations that were once made against Russia. A typical attempt to turn everything upside down and make the victim of aggression guilty of the attack. This mantra was heard on the air of Medvedchuk's channels for years. In particular, the audience was convinced that Ukraine was “bombing the Donbas” and that it itself did not want the reintegration of this territory, because, they say, without this region, Ukraine would vote the way the authorities needed. According to Medvedchuk, it is his participation that is needed in the negotiations to achieve peace between the two countries. Despite this, he disclaims responsibility for the allegedly failed Minsk agreements, because he was an intermediary and did not influence its implementation. In fact, any peace agreements with Russia do not work not because of the fault of Ukraine, but precisely because Russia violates them.

2. The West was interested in destabilizing the situation near the borders of Russia. The event did not put pressure on Kyiv to comply with the Minsk agreements. The purpose of this thesis is to remove any accusations from Russia for unleashing a war in eastern Ukraine and shift the blame to the ephemeral “West”. According to Medvedchuk, it is not the Russian army that is destabilizing the situation in the East of Ukraine, but the “West” is destabilizing the situation near the borders of Russia in order to harm it. This is a typical Russian accusation against Ukraine and Western states. Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to justify the war that Russia unleashed. They say that the peace agreements were not implemented through the fault of Ukraine and the Western countries, and if Russia had not intervened and started a war, everything would have been even worse.

3. Ukraine is a failed state because it has lost its sovereignty, independence and democracy. This is one of the common narratives about Ukraine that Russian propaganda has shared. Propagandists regularly nourish it with messages that Ukraine is not a real state, because it does not have its own history and culture; that Ukraine was created by Lenin; that the Ukrainian government failed to build a normal system; that corruption is widespread in Ukraine, etc. By spreading such messages, Russia also justifies itself and seeks to create the appearance that the ongoing war on the territory of Ukraine is justified. Like, Russia is fighting for the lands that have always belonged to it. However, the failed state has dispersed basic power functions and an atrophied ability to implement collective decisions. Over the past year, Ukraine has effectively resisted the aggressor and gradually liberated the occupied territories. By the way, amid the escalation, more and more political scientists are talking about Russia as a failed state.

4. Ukraine underestimated Belarus and did not thank Lukashenko for assistance in the peaceful settlement of the Donbas issue. Like, Ukraine did not appreciate Lukashenko's efforts to provide a platform for dialogue between Ukraine and Russia. In fact, Belarus does not support Ukraine in the conditions of war with Russia. On the contrary, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Oleksandr Lukashenko, admitted that Belarus is participating in the war on the side of Russia and has repeatedly repeated Russian propaganda messages that it is Ukraine that is the aggressor. There were also theses that Ukraine was allegedly preparing an attack on Belarus. Thus, Lukashenko is trying to justify his support for Russia and the fact that Belarus has actually become a springboard for the Russian army. In particular, part of the Russian missiles that hit Ukrainian cities and villages are launched from the territory of Belarus. That is why the attitude towards Belarus and its self-proclaimed leader in Ukraine is ambiguous.

However, because of such messages, it seems that Ukraine is not ready to negotiate with Russia, because it did not appreciate Lukashenko's efforts in organizing a platform for this. However, the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly stressed that they are not ready to negotiate with Russia on its terms, which provide for the annexation of the occupied territories and a neutral status.

5. Ex-deputies of the Opposition Platform - for Life who fled to Russia are launching the political project “The other Ukraine”, so that President Zelenskyi would not represent Ukraine abroad, but Medvedchuk. According to Viktor Medvedchuk, there are millions of Ukrainians who want friendship with Russia (according to the results of a sociological survey, now only 3% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude towards Russians). It is their interests that he is ready to represent with his team. The name of the new political force “The other Ukraine” is associated with the political project of the Russian national bolshevik Eduard Limonov “The Other Russia”. The organization was in opposition to Putin, for which it was recognized as extremist. In addition, this name contains the idea of a split and division of Ukraine and Ukrainians into sorts, however, this “has already happened”. For example, it was Russian propaganda that divided Ukrainians into Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking, into Western and Eastern, etc. Viktor Medvedchuk himself is deprived of Ukrainian citizenship and is in Russia. That is, he cannot lead any political organization in Ukraine. Therefore, they are probably talking about the creation of a Russian organization with the word “Ukraine” in the title.

A month ago, Medvedchuk already tried to signal his political ambitions: in the Russian media “Izvestia” (News), he published an article about the alleged “anatomy” of the modern military confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, as well as about the role of the West in this war. We have already analyzed it in detail.

Message In Ukraine , air raid sirens will not be activated so that Ukrainians do not panic

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that, according to the order of the Office of the President, the air raid sirens have been turned off. Like, this will ensure the peace of Ukrainians who are traumatized by them. The authors of the report add that the leadership of Ukraine does not immediately report some hits, so doubts and mistrust creep in among Ukrainians. According to the authors, with each new air raid signal, Ukrainians are preparing for explosions, they feel in total danger, because they expect an explosion. At the same time, Zelenskyi allegedly independently decides whether to turn on the air raid sirens, which is a manifestation of arbitrariness and “manual leadership”.

This thesis has no confirmation, since the air raid signal is activated with each new threat to the airspace of Ukraine. Between the moment of fixing the aircraft / missile / enemy aircraft and the actual launch of the siren, a few minutes pass, and maybe even less than a minute. One phone call is enough. After that, the siren in the desired regions is turned on by local authorities. That is, this process does not depend on one person, Zelenskyi in particular, but on a number of specialists who lead various processes. For example, according to the alarm map of Ukraine as of February 13, it was today when the air raid spread across Ukraine for the last time: in Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions and lasted about an hour and a half. The air raid in the Luhansk region has been going on since April 4, 2022. And during the period of February 6-12, there were 277 air raid signals throughout Ukraine.

By spreading such a message, the propagandists want to nourish the narrative that supposedly Ukraine does not care about Ukrainians and leaves them to their fate, for example, by turning off air raid sirens. Thus, they want to arouse distrust in the state among Ukrainians, whom, they say, no one will protect.

Manipulation The attitude of many Poles towards Ukrainians got worse

This thesis was spread in social networks and in the media of the Polish segment. Reports say that Poles' attitude towards Ukrainians has worsened. Like, the majority of Ukrainians speak Russian and boast of expensive cars, which is typical for the “Russian world”. Therefore, the Poles allegedly feel hostility towards certain categories of Ukrainian refugees and say with confidence that the attitude has indeed changed for the worse. Later, the material was picked up by users and the media of the Ukrainian segment. The authors of the original article for Rzeczpospolita refer to a likely study conducted by the University of Warsaw, which allegedly refers to the deterioration of attitudes, and cite the words of the President of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland, which allegedly confirm these studies. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the NotaYenota project, who found that there was absolutely nothing about the “Russian world” or expensive cars in the study. The quote taken by the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita for their article belongs to the President of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland Myroslav Skorka. That is, this quote belongs to one person, although an official representing the interests of both Poles and Ukrainians, but this was not in the study and the quote does not represent its results. In the material itself, they are talking about the deterioration of the attitude of Poles towards Ukrainians, which was noted by Rzeczpospolita at the beginning of the article: “Many Poles are changing their attitude towards them [ed. Ukrainians] for the worse, research shows”.

According to the study, in January 2023, 80% of respondents had a positive attitude towards refugees from Ukraine. 8% of respondents perceived Ukrainians negatively, and 12% - presumably neutrally. When asked if the attitude towards refugees from Ukraine has changed over the past 6 months, that is, since June 2022, a quarter of Poles surveyed (25%) answered yes. Accordingly, for 75% the attitude towards Ukrainians has not changed. These 25% of respondents answered that the attitude has changed, without specifying how. That is why of the one quarter of those surveyed who further answered that their attitude had changed, 68% said that the attitude had changed in a negative direction. However, this is not representative, because in general nothing has changed for 75% of the respondents.

So, Rzeczpospolita journalists manipulated the data and used a quote from the President of the Union of Ukrainians as justification for their thesis, although according to the study, 75% of Poles have not changed their attitude towards Ukrainians.

Fake Relatives of the dead Ukrainian military are given toys as “compensation”

Russian publications disseminate information that the only “compensation” from the state for relatives of the dead Ukrainian soldiers are toys. The authors of such messages in Russian telegram channels are ironic. Like, the life of the Ukrainian military is worth nothing for the state. It's fake.

StopFake analysts came to the conclusion that the basis for the fake is the real message of the Facebook page of the Third branch of the Lubenskyi district territorial center for acquisition and social support of the Chornukhy village, Poltava region. However, toys are only part of the help. According to the legislation of Ukraine, the families of the dead Ukrainian soldiers can receive monetary compensation in the amount of up to 12 million hryvnias. In addition, there are a number of non-governmental initiatives that provide material and psychological assistance to such families. The local authorities of the Poltava region also provided them with financial assistance in the amount of 50,000 hryvnias.

With such messages, Russian propaganda wants to show that human life is worthless to the Ukrainian government. Thus, Russia wants to demoralize the Ukrainians and persuade the government to negotiate. Like, the Ukrainians will be able to put pressure on the authorities, because without decent compensation, these efforts are worthless. However, as practice shows, compensations only in the form of food packages or items of clothing are the most common thing in Russia.

Fake Russia will hand over Transcarpathian POWs to the Hungarian government

Such a fake was distributed in the Hungarian segment of social networks, including Facebook. The reports say that allegedly Ukrainian prisoners of war among the Hungarian national minority of the Transcarpathian region, will be handed over to the Hungarian government by Russia. Like, despite the fact that the military are Ukrainians, they need the protection of the Orban government, because they are ethnically Hungarians and no one will take care of them in Ukraine. The messages of the authors were picked up by Ukrainian users of the social network and began to distribute it in various groups on Facebook. It is not true.

Analysts of the Infopost project took the case and examined that this claim is unfounded, since Ukrainian prisoners of war are under the protection of Ukraine, regardless of whether they belong to any of the national minorities. According to the publication, the fake news was published by the Békekör Egyesület organization. According to journalists, this is a typical pro-Russian group. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, this organization has dealt exclusively with the issue of Hungarians as a national minority in Transcarpathia.

This organization also joined marginal rallies, the purpose of which was to stop the mobilization of national minorities, in particular Hungarians, in Transcarpathia. As the journalists explain, representatives of the Russian special services, with whom the head of the pro-Russian organization is in close contact, were involved in the preparation of the action.

Disclosure On Ukrainian Telegram, there are networks of "draft notice" channels that distribute probably unverified information

Oleksii Pivtorak, Olha Bilousenko

There are about 80 telegram communities in the Ukrainian telegram segment, whose users report the movement of military personnel allegedly distributing draft notices in Ukrainian cities. In these channels, messages can be added by everyone who sees the military with draft notices on the streets with the help of special bots. However, the administrators of telegram communities do not check whether each message about the likely distribution of draft notices on a street is true.

According to the Telemetrio platform, which provides analytics on the work of telegram communities, at the end of January 2023, about 80 channels and groups were operating in the Ukrainian segment of this messenger, having the words “draft notice” or “mobilization” or their equivalents in Russian. The audience of these communities ranges from 120 to 115 thousand people. The oldest of the currently active community with the name “Where do they distribute draft notices? Dnipro” appeared on March 12, 2022. Now this channel has 1.1 thousand subscribers. The total audience of these communities in the telegram is about 1.2 million messenger users.

As Detector Media analysts found out, Ukrainian telegram channels and groups that talk about draft notices cover an audience of 21 regions and Kyiv city. As a rule, most telegram communities operate in regions where the largest cities of Ukraine are the administrative centers. Nine are oriented to Kyiv and the region, 7 - to Kharkiv region and 7 - to Odesa region, 6 - to Lviv region.

In the Ukrainian segment, channels that operate on the territory of Donbas, Luhansk, Kherson and Crimea could not be found yet.

There are two types of communities where draft notice handouts are reported. The first includes those where one can exchange messages without the help of administrators or telegram bots. The second, respectively, include those where they publish only messages that were written to the bots, or subscribers cannot be told anything at all and the authors of the channel create the content themselves, but do not indicate the sources of information in the messages.

As an example of telegram channels of the first group, we can name the “Mobilization Draft Notice Ukraine News” channel, which has 17.6 thousand subscribers. Its participants write in the chat questions of varying complexity regarding how mobilization is taking place in Ukraine. For example, if a person who is the stepfather of three children will be allowed to go abroad. Most of the telegram communities where they communicate and warn about the issuance of draft notices belong to the second category. Either one can’t write messages there at all, or one needs to write them through a bot that publishes these messages. Judging by the names of the bots and the design of the telegram channels, there are at least three networks in the Ukrainian telegram that moderate the so-called draft notice communities. These networks control about 30 telegram communities.

For example, the @moderatorukr_bot network operates in the telegram, which is run through a bot with the nickname @moderatorukr_bot. It covers at least 22 channels covering 21 regions and Kyiv city. The telegram channels of the network are easily recognizable by their yellow logos with the word “draft notice” in black in the middle. These channels appeared in October-November 2022. One can publish messages only through the bot @moderatorukr_bot. First, in the bot, you need to select the area in which you have information about the distribution of draft notices, and then write a message. However, the bot does not delay the publication of any messages too much. And this can be abused to spread false or unverified information. For example, living in one end of Ukraine, one can report the distribution of draft notices in another part of the country. And this information will be published without verification. In the first months after the creation of telegrams, the channels of this network were probably seen as a source of profit. For example, from October to November, in the description of the “Zhytomyr Draft notices” channel, it was possible to contact the user @marcuss92 with promotional offers.

Also, in the Telegram there are networks of such communities as “Solidary friend” and “gde” (Where).

Thanks to the archive of these telegram channels, Telemetrio managed to find the contacts of the administrator of Solidary Friend Oleksandr. He was the only one of the moderators of telegram channels with draft notice information who answered the question of how he fights disinformation on the channels. “Today, our bot has a ban system, if a person spreads false information several times, he or she loses the opportunity to use the bot. We also have chats for each channel, where people actively help us in content moderation”, Oleksandr explained in a comment to Detector Media. He added that users of the telegram channel who communicate in the chat, the link to which is contained in the description of the telegram channels of this network, help to verify the veracity of the information. That is, the verification method is again unreliable, because messages are first published, and only then checked.

The danger of such networks of telegram channels is that they are run by anonymous people. Therefore, it is impossible to find out the purpose of creating specific networks of so-called draft notices channels, just as it is impossible to verify the information they publish. It should be understood that the distribution of draft notices to men of military age in the conditions of mobilization is legal, however, representatives of the Territorial recruitment centers do not say where and when they will distribute draft notices to men. Also, employees of the territorial recruitment centers took part in the spread of anxious moods in society. For example, when draft notices were handed over to defendants in criminal cases of rape; issued them to people who had sex in a public place or to visitors of mass events or just to men on the streets. That is, such actions probably provoked the emergence of such telegram communities.

The public importance of the topic and the great interest of people in it, as evidenced by the same search queries in Google, the authors of anonymous sites can use to make money and promote messages that are beneficial to them. In addition, information about the distribution of draft notices in different cities of Ukraine only nourish the level of tension in society. In conditions of war, when mobilization is underway, the dissemination of such messages can provoke panic and undermine confidence in the army command and government. Also, messages in such channels can be misleading, because due to the fact that the networks themselves are anonymous, it is impossible not only to verify the accuracy of the information referred to in the messages, but also to find out the algorithms by which the authors of such channels try to check the facts, or attempt to do so.

Fake In Ukraine, sowing campaign is under threat as all the grain was taken out

Such a fake was spread on social networks, in particular in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Reports say that the grain agreement, under which grain from Ukrainian ports was “actively exported to Western countries”, allegedly “turned into a disaster” for Ukraine itself. Allegedly, as a result of the grain corridor, almost all grain, about 20 million tons, including sowing grain, was exported from the country. Ukrainian farmers have nothing to sow the fields with. It is not true.

Analysts of the StopFake project investigated this case and turned to Denys Marchuk, deputy chairman of the All-Ukrainian agrarian council, for a comment. The expert said that the information about the “disruption of the sowing campaign” is not true, since the strategic provision of Ukraine with grain fully meets domestic needs. At the same time, not all grain was exported from Ukraine. As the expert explains, the current sowing campaign, as in 2022, will take place in the most difficult conditions. He emphasizes that Russia's largest-scale invasion undermines the foundations of food security not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world.

Propagandists have repeatedly manipulated the issue of food supply for Ukraine. Thus, they nourish the narrative that Ukraine does not care about Ukrainians, but only tries to please Western countries by allegedly supplying all the grain.

Tactics and tools How Russian propaganda uses devalue tactics

Devalue is a propaganda tactic that Russia uses to spread messages both in the internal (Russian) and external information spaces. Propagandists deliberately downplay the importance, effectiveness, or success of certain events, decisions, processes, and so on. Like, if some actions are “meaningless”, there is no point in continuing to do so.

For example, Russian propaganda uses devaluation tactics when covering the topic of Western sanctions against Russia. In particular, the EU has already introduced the ninth package of sanctions. In contrast, Russia accuses the West of “the irrationality and illogicality of the sanctions that provoked chaos and destabilization of world economic ties”. Russian propaganda is constantly trying to convince the world that the sanctions are invalid. That's why they need to be canceled. In fact, if the sanctions were inactive, Russia would not have to make so much effort to avoid them.

Also, Russian propaganda systematically devalues the Ukrainian army. Like, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are losing their combat capability. As if the Ukrainian military is already exhausted and the majority of people cannot stand the test of military realities. Allegedly, the United States no longer believes in Ukraine's military victory over Russia and considers the chances of success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield “low”, and therefore will soon stop helping Ukraine. Russian propaganda also spread the message that it makes no sense to donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and help volunteers, because volunteer donations allegedly will not save the country, whose economy is bursting at the seams, and foreign partners are in no hurry to support it. In fact, the Ukrainian army has been protecting Ukraine and Ukrainians for almost a year now and is holding back the “second army of the world”, which planned to “conquer Kyiv in three days”. And foreign states systematically provide regular packages of military assistance in order to increase the defense capability of Ukraine.

Another example: the European Parliament supported a resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism on November 23, 2022. After that, Russian propaganda began to spread messages that the European Parliament is extremists without real power, and the EU as a whole “sacrifices” its already “spoiled” reputation, calling Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. Thus, the propagandists tried to devalue the European institutions and their decisions on Russia.

Manipulation Bill Gates stated that “the greatest danger in the next few years will be from Ukraine”

This thesis was spread in social networks, in particular in telegram channels and in propaganda media. Reports say that Bill Gates allegedly called Ukraine the biggest danger to the world and said that all evils will happen because of it. Like, Bill is convinced that in a few years aid to poor African countries will decrease against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. The authors of the messages refer to the website of the German publication Handelsblatt, which allegedly mentioned this. This is manipulation.

Analysts of the StopFake project investigated this case and found that the context of the material was distorted. Gates spoke about the latest challenges facing humanity, including the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war against Ukraine. At the same time, the philanthropist did not say that the biggest danger to the world in the next few years would come through Ukraine. On the contrary, Gates emphasizes that war is a great tragedy not only for the country where it takes place, but for the world as a whole. That is, there was no mention of Ukraine as the center of global danger.

By spreading this manipulation, propagandists want to show Ukraine as a failed country and create the appearance that the whole world is supposedly opposed to it.

Manipulation Ukraine will become “uninhabitable”

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukraine will soon collapse due to Russian shelling of energy infrastructure. They say that it will become unbearable to live in Ukraine, and the number of victims due to lack of electricity “may be more than from nuclear weapons”. The authors add that Ukraine is paying for the shelling of the Crimean bridge, because before that Russia did not shell civilian infrastructure. In addition, the authors refer to the publication of Foreign Affairs and its probable material, which dealt with the collapse of Ukraine. This is manipulation.

Analysts of the StopFake project investigated this case and found that the context of the article was completely distorted. Foreign Affairs did publish an article “Ukraine's Coming Electricity Crisis. How to Protect the Grid from Russian Attacks”, which talks about the problems of the energy system in Ukraine. The material also predicts what could happen if effective measures are not taken to counter Russian shelling.

However, in the article, such a “forecast” is possible only under the worst-case scenarios, the journalist says that without “the support of the West”, and also “in case of further successful attacks by the Russian army on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure”, a collapse of the energy system is possible. At the same time, the author notes how such a catastrophe can be avoided.

By spreading such a message, propagandists want to nourish the narrative that Ukraine is allegedly uninhabitable due to a lack of electricity or high utility prices. Thus, the authors want to sow panic among Ukrainians in order to destabilize moods and create a feeling that “nothing will change”. Also calling the so-called collapse revenge for the Crimean bridge, the Russians once again seek to shift the responsibility for what is happening to Ukraine. Like, Russia is destroying the infrastructure solely because of the aggression of Ukraine. However, it is Russia that is the aggressor, and it is this country that started the war.

Fake Romania and Moldova are building a road to deploy NATO forces in Odesa

Such a fake was spread on social networks and in propaganda media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Romania and Moldova have begun urgent construction of a road to Odesa. The construction project, according to the authors, is allegedly aimed at further transfering NATO forces into Ukraine. The reports refer to the words of the Minister of transport and infrastructure of Romania, who allegedly spoke about this. It is not true.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case and investigated that on January 26, following the meeting of the Ministers of infrastructure of Romania and Moldova, the representative office of Romania really reported that both countries are considering the possibility of continuing the Romanian-Moldovan highway being built on the territory of Ukraine to Odesa. The ministers did not make any statements that the route was needed to “transfer NATO forces into Ukraine” or that the road was being built as part of military assistance to Ukraine. In particular, the statement about “the continuation of the highway to Odesa” only sounded like a possible version of the project and is not an officially approved point, because there were no agreements with Ukraine.

By spreading this fake, propagandists once again nourish the narrative, as if Russia is fighting not only against Ukraine, but also against the collective West, led by NATO. Thus propagandists justify the war and their defeats on the battlefield.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.