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Fake Romania and Moldova are building a road to deploy NATO forces in Odesa

Such a fake was spread on social networks and in propaganda media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Romania and Moldova have begun urgent construction of a road to Odesa. The construction project, according to the authors, is allegedly aimed at further transfering NATO forces into Ukraine. The reports refer to the words of the Minister of transport and infrastructure of Romania, who allegedly spoke about this. It is not true.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case and investigated that on January 26, following the meeting of the Ministers of infrastructure of Romania and Moldova, the representative office of Romania really reported that both countries are considering the possibility of continuing the Romanian-Moldovan highway being built on the territory of Ukraine to Odesa. The ministers did not make any statements that the route was needed to “transfer NATO forces into Ukraine” or that the road was being built as part of military assistance to Ukraine. In particular, the statement about “the continuation of the highway to Odesa” only sounded like a possible version of the project and is not an officially approved point, because there were no agreements with Ukraine.

By spreading this fake, propagandists once again nourish the narrative, as if Russia is fighting not only against Ukraine, but also against the collective West, led by NATO. Thus propagandists justify the war and their defeats on the battlefield.

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