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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Zelenskyi allegedly bought a hotel-casino in Cyprus

Propagandists claim that the adoption of changes to the Ukrainian law on mobilization allegedly led to increased “raids” on potential recruits for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They say this had a favorable effect on the financial position of President Zelenskyi, who, after “fulfilling his part of the agreement with the United States”, allegedly invested in the purchase of the Vuni Palace hotel-casino in Cyprus. However, this is fake.

The Insider specialists drew attention to it. They found that, according to information from the Internet Archive, the fake hotel website appeared in early June. However, the hotel's official website has three language versions and also has a room booking process.

Subsequent open source reports confirmed that the real owner of the Vuni Palace Hotel is not associated with Zelenskyi. The hotel also confirmed that the company owned by Zelenskyi is not its shareholder. The Ukrainian Embassy in Cyprus also denies Zelenskyi’s connection with the purchase of the hotel and calls this information Russian propaganda.

The authors of this fake most likely created it to discredit Zelenskyi personally and disrupt the mobilization process in Ukraine. This is one of many fakes on this topic, debunked by Detector Media.

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