Меседж The war will last several years. It is beneficial to the Kremlin
Anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channels continue to modify the message about Russia's lightning victory. Now, referring to unknown sources, propagandists write that the war will be long since it is precisely what benefits Russia. Allegedly, the Russian Federation will not stop until it cuts off Ukraine from the sea to reduce its role in the international arena. The continuation of the message that "Odesa is more important than Kyiv" was predicted by the Center for Combating Disinformation.
In addition, propagandists returned to accusing Volodymyr Zelensky of unleashing wars because he allegedly "renounced the Minsk agreements." In fact, it was Putin who "tore the Minsk agreements to pieces," US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said when he recognized the LDR/DNR terrorist group.