Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк In Kyiv they allegedly introduced a new design of a travel card with a man's kiss

Propagandists are disseminating information on social networks that a new design of a public transport pass with the image of LGBTQ+ flags and kissing men was allegedly presented in Kyiv. Russian propagandists joke that Ukrainian soldiers are supposedly “dying for the sake of a new travel card design”, and ask Ukrainians: “Do you really need independence from Russia for this?”. But in fact, this information is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that the information about the new travel card design turned out to be untrue, which was disseminated along with homophobic statements. In fact, this design was not adopted for the pass. The Russian propaganda statement was refuted by Digital Kyiv, which provided StopFake with a comment on this case.

It is worth noting that a number of Ukrainian companies, projects and organizations, as in many other countries of the world, joined the celebration of Pride Month, dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ people and protecting their rights.

Russian propaganda is actively using the LGBTQ+ theme in Ukraine with the aim of discrediting LGBTQ+ members in the country and mobilizing conservative segments of the Russian population against them. All this is to justify Russia’s crimes against Ukrainians. Detector Media also wrote about other Russian inventions on this topic.

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