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Викриття How Russia manipulates numbers to create the illusion of prosperity in the occupied territories

The Russians are spreading information that the volume of steel production in the occupied territories allegedly increased by 25% in 2023 - it is about 2.33 million tons. In reporting this, the propagandists refer to the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov.

However, in reality, the figures cited by the Russian official are meager compared to the volume of work of the metallurgical industry in the region before the full-scale invasion and occupation. The Azovstal plant alone, which the Russians destroyed with massive shelling, produced twice as much steel in 2021 as the entire current metallurgical industry in the occupied territories. This is written by the Center for Countering Disinformation.

By talking about “successes”, the Russian minister is pushing a propaganda narrative that Russia is allegedly bringing stability, investment, and economic development to the occupied regions, something that did not exist under Ukrainian control. In this way, he is trying to justify the occupation of Ukrainian territories and create the illusion of greater prospects for the region.

Earlier we wrote that in the occupied territories the Kremlin has stepped up measures of so-called disruptions.

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