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Конспірологічні теорії How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: The theory of “Kamala Harris' headphones” during the election debates

Propagandists are spreading a conspiracy theory that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris allegedly wore earphone earrings during the September 10 debates, according to the rules of their conduct. They say that is why the other candidate, Donald Trump, looked losing against her background. However, this theory is unfounded. It was refuted by journalists from The Washington Post.

Rumors that Kamala Harris' earrings are hidden headphones may have arisen from misinterpretations of photographs or videos. Conspiracy theorists note that Harris' earrings allegedly resemble headphones available for sale. However, upon closer inspection, journalists found that the earrings are not headphones and were found for sale.

The spread of this conspiracy theory has occurred primarily through social media and “alternative” media, which specialize in spreading unverified information. Conspiracy theories are often used to discredit political opponents or create distrust in the political process. This theory against Kamala Harris is actively used by the Russians and is part of their larger strategy to undermine her credibility and credibility as a politician, especially given that the candidate expressed support for Ukraine during this debate. Such conspiracy theories fuel polarization in American society and distract attention from important issues.

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