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Фейк Deepfake: supposedly the White House press secretary said that only Americans and Ukrainians won World War II

Propagandists are actively distributing a video on social networks in which White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre allegedly stated that World War II was won only by the Americans, together with the Ukrainians who fought against Stalin, in response to a “question” about “ignoring neo-Nazism in Ukraine”. However, this video is a deepfake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that the original portion of the press conference, where Jean-Pierre answered a question about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, was cut and edited to create a false context. There were no mentions of neo-Nazism in Ukraine at the briefing.

This falsification is used by propagandists to justify their invasion of Ukraine, but the international community, including the UN, condemns these actions of Russia, and calls for an end to the aggression and abandonment of false narratives. This technique of rewriting history takes on special significance in the context of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, when such manipulations become a way to justify violations of international law.

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