Spilnota Detector Media

Manipulation The chief of staff of the Azov brigade said that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is very publicized, and Russia is invincible

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that the chief of staff of the Azov brigade, Bohdan “Tavr” Krotevych, allegedly said in an interview that the Ukrainian counteroffensive was greatly promoted, and Russia has never lost in wars. This is manipulation.

As fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project noted, Bogdan Krotevich spoke in an interview about the strong PR of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, but this was in the context of predicting the end of the war - no one can predict this. However, he did not say that Russia never lost wars. Krotevych noted that it has not yet been destroyed. He also added that there is no scenario where Ukraine will lose. Propagandists manipulated, taking words out of context and distorting them.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian military and spreading the message that no one even believes in the victory of Ukraine, not even the military who defend it. Previously, we refuted the fake that Joe Biden admitted that Putin cannot be defeated.

Manipulation Zelenskyi “admitted the failure” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive

Anonymous telegram channels disseminating pro-Russian rhetoric and Russian media claim that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly admitted the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive. Like, he made such a statement in an interview with CNN. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that in the interview cited by the propagandists, one of the topics was counteroffensive. However, in response to a request to evaluate its pace, Zelenskyi said that it was “not a film with a happy ending” and that it “will not have a happy ending” because the country has already “lost a lot of people”. This quote was taken out of context by the creators of the manipulation. The president did not once call the counteroffensive a failure throughout the interview.

With this manipulation, Russia wants to strengthen its narrative about the “failure of the counteroffensive” and discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In addition, in this way she wants to force Ukraine and its population to make concessions. They say that the Ukrainian military cannot cope and it is time to end the war on Russia’s terms. Detector Media has more than once debunked other fakes related to the topic of the counteroffensive.

Manipulation Due to the order to send more than 50 medical workers to the front, two departments will be closed in a hospital in Volyn

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that the Rozhyshche hospital in the Volyn region allegedly received an order to send more than 50 medical workers to the front. Russian propaganda refers to the Ukrainian media. It is not true.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. They found that in one of the hospitals in Volyn they plan to reduce staff due to lack of funding and because of this, two departments will be closed. However, there is no mention of sending doctors to the front or there is no corresponding order.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to sow panic among Ukrainians, they say, there are not enough people in the Ukrainian army, so hospitals receive orders to send doctors to the war zone. Earlier, we talked about the manipulation that in Ukraine they created a military uniform for pregnant women in order to send them to the front.

Manipulation Poland deports men of military age to Ukraine

Such information was disseminated by anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports note that in Poland they decided to “get rid” of Ukrainian refugees, so they will be mobilized. Like, this applies, first of all, to those evading to mobilize. It looks like they will be deported. The authors refer to the material of the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita. This is manipulation.

The material says that Poland forcibly returned those citizens of Ukraine who transported illegal immigrants to Europe. As for the evaders themselves, the material says that the extradition procedure for such persons may begin when Ukraine issues an international arrest warrant for each of them. And it is about possible scenarios from the Polish officials themselves. The authors of the propaganda publication distorted the meaning of the material. Moreover, in order for a person to be recognized as an evader, he needs to be handed over a draft notice. That is, one needs to find a person abroad and personally hand it over to him. From a practical point of view, this is difficult to implement.

And the “deportation of men liable for military service” is not possible at all, since there is no legal basis. Certainly. The Border Service of Ukraine can investigate crimes of illegal border crossing under martial law, and, for example, try to return a man liable for military service to Ukraine if he illegally crossed the border.

The EU is consolidated in its position that they do not deport anyone against their will. According to EU law, all Ukrainians who arrived there after the start of a full-scale invasion fall under the protection of the Temporary Protection Directive.

Manipulation The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recognized that Ukraine is no longer a constitutional state

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that allegedly the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights admitted that Ukraine is no longer a constitutional state. That is, such a state, which is led by the so-called “Kyiv regime” in its own interests. However, this is manipulation.

VoxCehck specialists analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that in the report, experts did not indicate that Ukraine is a non-legal state, pointing out possible gaps in the legislation that should be corrected. The monitoring focused on massive violations of human rights by the Russian side and individual cases of violations by Ukraine.

The report, for example, says that after the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the authorities received broader powers to detain persons who pose a threat to national security. According to the authors of the report, these changes may have contributed to the spread of the practice of arbitrary (illegal) detention. Also, in propaganda publications, they completely ignored the part that deals with the crimes of the Russian military. In particular, the report documented 864 cases of arbitrary detention of persons by the Russian side.

The authors of the report also described in detail the moments of “filtering” in the temporarily occupied areas. When people were arrested in their homes, on the streets or at checkpoints. The Russians searched them, took fingerprints and looked through the contents of mobile phones. To each fact cited were added real stories of surviving eyewitnesses.

That is, the report itself was created with the goal of highlighting moments when Russia violated human rights. As for the Ukrainian side, the report also described characteristic moments, but most of the cases were recorded on the Russian side, which the propagandists did not mention.

Manipulation Ukrainian military infected a soldier of the International Legion with an “unknown disease”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that allegedly in the Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian military infected a Polish fighter of the Foreign Legion with an “unknown disease”.  According to the authors, after the infection, the Polish fighter was allegedly put into a medically induced coma in order to find out “what kind of disease the Ukrainians infected him with”. Subsequently, the “sick” was sent to the Polish city of Rzeszow, where he allegedly spread the virus to the Poles. The publications refer to the material of the Associated Press. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project investigated this case and determined that the material really refers to an investigation into the cause of an outbreak of legionnaires' disease in the city of Rzeszow, which killed 7 people and infected more than 100. And this is not an “unknown disease”, but legionellosis. One can get sick from small drops of water containing the causative agent of the disease - the Legionella bacterium. The disease is not transmitted from person to person. Weapons for Ukraine are being transported through the city, so Stanislav Zharyn, Deputy Minister-Coordinator of the Polish intelligence services, explained that the services will check Russia’s involvement in the spread of the disease.

However, there was no talk of any International Legion and Polish fighter in the material. This is just an invented story of propagandists. At the same time, they used the topic of the material to create a false impression that the infection started from the Ukrainian military. In fact, the authors distorted the context of the material and added false information from themselves. Moreover, the first case of legionellosis infection was found in Poland, that is, in the city of Rzeszow. Meanwhile, not a single case of legionellosis has been registered in Ukraine over the past year. Russian media regularly spread misinformation about disease outbreaks in Ukraine. Including in order to intimidate people with various ailments. Also to show that Ukrainian officials do not care about the sanitary and epidemiological state of the country and leave everyone to the mercy of fate. Propagandists seek to discourage Ukrainians to the state.

Read similar fakes on the topic: an infectious disease with leptospirosis is allegedly spreading among the Ukrainian military, or how an outbreak of cholera was allegedly recorded in Odesa. Kyiv and Mykolaiv also suffered from this propaganda story. But finally, pay attention to the message that cholera in Ukraine is the work of the United States and their “biological laboratories”.

Manipulation In Polish online stores, Zelenskyi's book is sold in the section about the Nazis

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that the book with the speeches of Volodymyr Zelenskyi is allegedly sold in Polish online stores in the same section as books about the Nazis. “In the “You may like” section, the store automatically offers books about the Volyn massacre, the UPA and, unexpectedly, Mein Kampf”, the telegram channel says. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The book on the screenshot from the online store belongs to the author Wojciech Rogachin and is called Zelenskyi  Biography, it was published by the publishing house Wielka Litera, it is about the life path of Zelenskyi. Also, on the screenshot distributed by the propagandists, the site allegedly says “Może i się spodobać” – “I might like it”, although the correct word would be “Może ci się spodobać” – “Perhaps you will like it”. Fact-checkers have established that, probably, Russian propaganda distributed a screenshot from the website of the Tania Książka bookstore. There are also differences in the recommended books, and in the price, and in the title of the headings. Moreover, the site does not sell Hitler's book Mein Kampf, but only a critical edition with comments by the Polish historian Eugeniusz Krul.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Poland and continues to promote the narrative that Volodymyr Zelenskyi is a Nazi, like all Ukrainians. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that a stamp with Zelenskyi in the image of Hitler was issued in Poland.

Manipulation Volodymyr Zelenskyi called Crimea Russian territory and said he was afraid to transfer hostilities to Russia

The Kremlin media are spreading information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi said in his interview that he is “afraid” to transfer hostilities to the territory of Russia, therefore he “will not attack the Russian Crimea”. Russian propaganda concluded that the President of Ukraine allegedly “hinted that he was ready to give up” the peninsula. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. Russian propaganda fabricated statements by Volodymyr Zelenskyi about Crimea by combining two different excerpts from an interview he gave to the 1+1 TV channel. The President of Ukraine did not make statements about the “Russian” status of Crimea, the “belonging” of the peninsula to Russia and about Ukraine's readiness to abandon Crimea.

Zelenskyi said that Ukraine does not need to transfer hostilities to the territory of Russia, because only the de-occupation of Ukrainian lands is important for the Armed Forces. And on the de-occupation of Crimea, Zelenskyi noted that the liberation of the peninsula and its demilitarization by political means would help Ukraine save the lives of its citizens.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and cause mistrust among Ukrainians. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that Zelensky had “usurped” power in Ukraine.

Manipulation The UN said that Ukraine poses a threat of a nuclear catastrophe

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, spread information that the head of the UN General Assembly, Csaba Kareshi, allegedly said that Ukraine threatens nuclear security in the world. Propaganda reports in its media that confirmation of the possible occurrence of a nuclear catastrophe is that Ukraine will be given F-16 fighter jets that can carry missiles with nuclear warheads. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. At the UN meeting dedicated to the International Day against Nuclear Tests, the head of the General Assembly Csaba Kareshii noted that Russia regularly threatens to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. Russian propaganda did not translate some of the words about Russia, but added information about the “aggression of Ukraine” on its own behalf.

And the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Ms. Bonnie Denise Jenkins, said they “are concerned, however, by the disturbing nuclear rhetoric from the Russian Federation over the past year and a half – in particular, President Putin’s statement in February about Russia’s willingness to resume nuclear explosive testing”. None of the countries has accused Ukraine of the threat of a nuclear catastrophe, and the F-16s do not carry a nuclear threat.

Russian propagandists use the tactic of reflection - they attribute their actions to opponents. Russian propaganda accuses Ukraine of a nuclear threat, although it is a non-nuclear state, and Russia itself systematically uses nuclear blackmail. Earlier, Detector Media said that the Russians were spreading information that Ukraine was allegedly creating a “dirty nuclear bomb”.

Manipulation All Ukrainians will be obliged to pay for water from wells and boreholes

A video is circulating on social networks in which the author claims that the government of Ukraine has obliged the population to install meters on wells in order to collect water fees from citizens. Like, now Ukrainians need to install meters and pay for water. However, this is manipulation.

Specialists in the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that although on July 11 the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding changes in the Procedure for the State Register of Artesian Wells was issued, the statement that the new changes would allegedly affect all those who have wells and boreholes is not true. The well register, water use fees, and the duty to obtain permits apply only to businesses. At the same time, Ukrainians who use well water for their own needs do not need to install meters and pay for it. Ruslan Strilets, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, announced this on the air of the telethon.

By creating and spreading such manipulations, propagandists want to cause panic among the population and discredit the Ukrainian authorities. Like, in addition to the war, it still wants to rip off money from people for water.

Manipulation Ukrainians are fleeing Ukraine en masse because of Zelenskyi, Polish general says

This thesis was spread in social networks, in particular in the Russian segment of Facebook. Reports say Polish General Waldemar Skrzypczak allegedly claimed a “mass flight” of Ukrainians abroad. Like, they are fleeing because Zelenskyi cannot achieve peace with Russia and does not make concessions. The authors refer to the material of the Polish edition Wprost. This is manipulation.

StopFake fact-checkers took up this case, they explained that Waldemar Skrzypczak actually published his material in the Polish media with the title “How to end the war in Ukraine?”. In it, the Polish general reflected on possible options for ending the war. He also wrote about the problems of forced migration to the EU countries. However, the material does not contain the thesis at all that Ukrainians are migrating abroad because of Zelenskyi, who “will not come to an agreement with Russia in any way”. This is an invention of fake robs, distorting the context of the entire material. Moreover, in the text, the Polish general explained that the migration was caused by the war.

Propagandists spread this manipulation to show that Ukrainians are allegedly positive about cooperation with Russia and are waiting for “reconciliation”. Like, Zelensky’s policy does not suit the Ukrainians and they “run away”.

Manipulation Supermarket chain Novus sells military energy drinks

In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, a video is being circulated where the Novus supermarket chain allegedly sells a batch of Ukie energy drinks, which was allegedly intended for the military. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The video does not show the entire inscription placed on the bank with the energy drink. In fact, it says: “Monthly, a free supply of Ukie energy drinks is donated to the military”. Consequently, the energy producer gives a batch free of charge every month, but nowhere is it indicated that this particular batch in the Novus supermarket chain was intended for the military. Producers of the energy drink “First Private Brewery” also talked about the campaign in their social networks. The author of the video manipulated by showing only part of the inscription.

Thus, they are trying to sow discord among Ukrainians, saying that some people profit during the war. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Ukrainian military equipment is being sold at the car market in Poland.

Manipulation Ukraine is going to attack the Hasidim in Uman to get the Israeli air defense system

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that Ukraine is preparing to carry out armed provocations against Hasidic pilgrims. The Ukrainian military will allegedly launch a missile attack on Uman during Rosh Hashanah New Year celebrations to blackmail Israel into getting their air defense system. They refer to the words of Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniichuk. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. In an interview with Liga.net, he said that Russia may resort to provocations against Hasidic pilgrims who come to celebrate the New Year in Ukraine. That is why Ukraine offered Israel to provide air defense to protect its citizens. The Russian media distorted what the ambassador said and said that Kyiv was preparing a provocation against the Hasidim.

Russian propaganda uses repulse tactics to shift the responsibility for Russia's crimes to Ukraine - to accuse it of shelling Ukrainian territories. However, it is Russia that is shelling Ukrainian cities. Also, propagandists are trying to quarrel Ukraine with Western partners. Earlier we talked about the message that the Russian military “destroyed” an ammunition depot in Uman.

Manipulation Ukrainian military plan to kidnap 523 children in Kharkiv region

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that the Ukrainian military is allegedly preparing the kidnapping of 523 children in the Kupiansk district of the Kharkiv region. The children are planned to be sold, and the money to be divided between Zelenskyi's officials and Western patrons. This is manipulation.

The case was studied by the fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications. The Ukrainian military does not kidnap children, unlike the Russian military, but evacuates them from dangerous areas. After the shelling of the Kupiansk district became more intense, it was decided to evacuate part of the population. Precisely because Russian troops are shelling the civilian population and infrastructure, the issue of forced evacuation of minors is being considered, but only accompanied by parents or guardians. They are promised to be provided with free housing in Kharkiv or in the West of the country and all necessary assistance.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the military, and also diverts attention from the crimes of Russians who are kidnapping children in the temporarily occupied territories. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Ukraine is taking away children from families living in the war zone.

Manipulation Ukraine confirms that Russia carries out high-precision strikes exclusively on military targets

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, after the August 11 Russian attack on Ukrainian cities, began to disseminate information about “precision” strikes. They refer to the words of the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat, who allegedly stated about the “accurate attack” of the Russian occupiers “only on the military infrastructure of Ukraine”. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. Russian propaganda took the words of Yurii Ihnat out of context. He commented to the Ukrainian media on the attack of Russian Kinzhal missiles on Ukraine on August 11 and said that the target was the airfield in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ukrainian pilots, who were soon to go for aerobatic training, in particular, on the F-16. On that day, the Russians killed a small child and wounded civilians. Ihnat clarified: “This is another attack by terrorists with X-47 missiles, which, as the Russians write, “fly right on target”. Today a child died, and one of the missiles hit the housing sector”.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian army and convince the whole world that Russia strikes exclusively at military targets, and the civilian population does not suffer. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Russia strikes only Ukrainian military facilities and never attacks temples and cultural sites.

Manipulation UN says drone attacks on Moscow must stop

In the Russian segment of Facebook, information is being disseminated that the United Nations (UN) has allegedly stated that “drone attacks on Moscow must stop”. They refer to the words of Deputy Spokesman of the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. The information that drone attacks on Moscow will stop is taken out of context. The transcript of the July 31 press briefing recorded Farhan Haq's response to the question: “What is the reaction of the Secretary General to this incident”. He replied that they had no data on who was involved in the attack and “we are against any attacks on civilian objects and we want them to stop”.

Thus, propagandists are trying to sow discouragement among Ukrainians, saying that the UN does not support them, and accuse Ukraine of crimes against Russia. Earlier, we talked about the message that Ukraine is allegedly no longer supported by the West.

Manipulation Office of the President of Ukraine threatens Poland with rupture of relations after the war

Russian media are actively spreading information that Ukraine threatens Poland with a “complete break in relations” after the end of the war. Like, adviser to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podoliak said that “Ukrainian-Polish friendship is over”. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts of the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that Podoliak did indeed make a statement about competition with Poland, but only in the context of free trade and a market economy. He noted that although Ukraine and Poland take different positions on some economic issues, this does not threaten the relations of both states. In an interview with the FreeDom TV channel, Podoliak stressed that bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland are at the highest level. He also cited the Polish-Ukrainian negotiations in the field of agriculture as an example, saying that “this discussion will not lead to breaks or anything like that”.

By spreading such manipulations, propagandists want to discredit relations between Ukraine and Poland. In addition, in this way they want to set the Poles to be skeptical towards the Ukrainians and help them. Like, the Ukrainians are really ungrateful and only use Poland in their own interests. However, this is not the case – Ukrainians help develop the Polish economy and make a valuable contribution to the culture of the state. This is evidenced by the level of cooperation between Poles and Ukrainians in a number of industries.

Manipulation Western leaders say they seek to “eliminate” Zelenskyi

Such information was disseminated in social networks and propaganda media. Reports say that the US is unhappy with Zelenskyi’s policies “because of the constant shelling of Moscow”. Like, Volodymyr Zelenskyi is engaged in arbitrariness and lawlessness reigns in Ukraine. The authors add that Western leaders dream of “getting rid of and eliminating” Zelenskyi. They assure that the United States is already looking for the next president of Ukraine. The publications also cite Politico publications. This is manipulation.

Analysts of the StopFake project took up this case and determined that the Politico material does not refer to the “liquidation of Zelenskyi”, that is, the assassination or removal from power. They are talking only about possible scenarios in the event of an attempt by Russians on the President of Ukraine. The material itself is called "Ukraine's plan if Russia assassinates Zelenskyy”. In his column, an American journalist analyzed the situation with the likely murder of Zelenskyi.

Indeed, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, there were several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Zelenskyi. The journalist described the course of actions of the Ukrainian authorities in such a situation. That is, the material did not talk about the murder or removal from power of Zelenskyi. In the author's column, the media worker described his thoughts and predictions. At the same time, the propagandists distorted the context of the material and invented the theses that were beneficial for themselves.

By spreading this manipulation, the authors seek to show that the world is dissatisfied with Zelenskyi and they want to get rid of him. Thus, propagandists present the President of Ukraine as an “incompetent” leader who is engaged in arbitrariness.

Manipulation Joseph Biden says US overcomes cancer

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that during one of the briefings of US President Joe Biden, he said that cancer was “overcome” in the United States. The authors add that Biden once again turned out to be speaking up. The reports are convincing: such behavior indicates the “old age” of the official. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project took up this case and found that on July 25, 2023, the President of the United States gave a speech about expanding access to mental health care. He also commented on the administration's plans for other aspects of the medical sector. So he said that he seeks to reduce the incidence of cancer in the United States. During the speech, he explained that if he had the opportunity to do anything, he would first of all cure cancer. Currently, he is considering the possibility of reducing the incidence of cancer as much as possible. That is, the propagandists distorted the context of the speech and came up with their own theses.

Propagandists are systematically trying to discredit the US President, showing his “clumsiness” and “senselessness”. Allegedly, the strategic partner of Ukraine is not competent at all and does not deserve recognition. Thus, the authors ridicule Western leaders.

Analysts have recently refuted similar cases about an official where they want to undermine his authority. For example, how Joe Biden seems to be buying books about dementia, “sniffing” a teenager, or, they say, fell asleep during a meeting with the President of Israel.

Manipulation Due to mobilization, 4 million veterans will appear in Ukraine after the war

On anonymous telegram channels, propagandists spread information with pro-Russian rhetoric that after the end of the war there will be 4 million war veterans in Ukraine. They argue that this is an indirect confirmation of the scale of mobilization and losses in Ukraine. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found that Minister for Veterans Affairs Yuliia Laputina spoke several times about the number of people who might need help from the relevant ministry after the war. So, on May 8, 2023, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, she stated that until February 24, there were “about 500 thousand people in Ukraine who are directly participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and the Joint Forces Operation”. At the same time, Laputina emphasized that if one adds to this figure the family members of those killed and injured during the Revolution of Dignity, as well as “all other categories”, including participants in the Second World War and persons equated to them, participants in peacekeeping missions, the number of these persons will be “approximately 1.2 million”. The minister only added that after the war this figure would be many times higher and could reach “4-5 million people”.

By manipulating the statements of Ukrainian officials, propagandists want to give out the desired for reality and create a false impression that Ukraine has lost. In fact, Laputina spoke about the total number of people to be supported by the Ministry of Veterans, namely the military and their families, civilians who suffered as a result of the Revolution of Dignity and the war. VoxCheck analysts note that this indicator cannot be used to assess the scale of losses and mobilization in Ukraine.

Manipulation The UPA was engaged in terror of the population almost throughout the country, which is confirmed by the map

Propagandists distribute in anonymous telegram channels with pro-Russian rhetoric a map, which allegedly indicates the places where the UPA was engaged in terrorizing civilians. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that the map does not depict the terror of the UPA, but only the places of its activities on the territory of Ukraine. On it one can see the territory of activity UPA-North, UPA-West and UPA-South. For a reverse search of the map distributed by propagandists, one can find a supplement to the first part of Mykola Lebed's book “UPA. Ukrainian Insurgent Army”. In particular, it shows the actions of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the OUN underground on the territory of Ukraine during the occupation of Ukrainian lands by Nazi Germany.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to emphasize the cooperation of the UPA with the Nazis and justify Russia's aggression against Ukraine. In particular, although Russian “researchers” write about the crimes of the UPA, they do not mention that they were committed by NKVD detachments under the guise of the UPA. Yaroslav Faizulin, a participant in the Ukrainian World War II project, on the basis of archival data, claims that in the western regions of Ukraine, as of July 26, 1945, there were 156 special groups of the NKVD under the guise of UPA units.

Manipulation US armies raise salaries “for participation in Ukrainian battles”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that US military personnel stationed in Ukraine will receive an increase in salary. The authors refer to the material of the Army Times. This is manipulation.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project took up this case and determined that the journalists really reported on the approval by the US government of additional allowances for US military personnel serving in Ukraine. However, it is about a small group of American military personnel who are located in the American embassy in Kyiv and work as a security service. The material did not mention that this category of persons would participate in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The propagandists simply distorted the meaning of the material and pulled out only the theses that were beneficial to them.

Manipulation American boxer Mike Tyson urged Volodymyr Zelenskyi to fight drug addiction

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. American boxer Mike Tyson is reportedly suggesting that Zelenskyi “fight drug addiction”. The authors add that the whole world already “knows” about the dependence of the Ukrainian president and world leaders are trying to turn him, they say, onto the right path. An alleged video of the Reuters news agency is added to the publication.

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council explains that the video has been compiled. First of all, it is without sound, which means it is impossible to determine what the athlete was saying. Moreover, with the help of a reverse Google search, fact-checkers managed to find out that Reuters does not have exactly such a video with Tyson, where he tells something live in the studio. It is most likely that the news agency badge was superimposed on the video sequence, because this is not the original video.

That is, the authors of the messages did not provide hard evidence that the athlete called on the Ukrainian president to be treated for drug addiction. They posted the video without sound and the alleged source. This makes it easier for propagandists to manipulate and simply promote the thesis they want.

Manipulation In Ukraine, a woman was put behind bars because of correspondence with a relative from Russia

In the Russian segment of Facebook, information is being disseminated that residents of Cherkasy were sentenced to 10 years in prison, allegedly due to correspondence with their sister from Russia and criticism of Stepan Bandera. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications drew attention to the case. The woman's name is Tetiana Drobot, in October 2022 she received 10 years in prison. However, the reason was not the correspondence with the sister living in Russia, but the transfer to the Russians of data on the deployment of the Ukrainian military. Drobot also called for changing the border of Ukraine and incited ethnic hatred.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and military command. Russia simply reflects its actions and thus tries to present itself as a permanent victim of Ukraine's “aggression”. Earlier, we talked about the fact that a video is being distributed on the network, where people in uniform take everything valuable in a German family and say: “Heil Zelenskyi!”.

Manipulation The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throws the elite units to demine the fields with their feet

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are circulating a video of a Ukrainian soldier saying that the Ukrainian military is clearing minefields with their own feet. And this is confirmed by the fact that the military command is throwing elite units to the slaughter. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The propagandists used the story of Radio Svoboda (Liberty). On the video there is a fighter of the 47th separate mechanized brigade “Magura” with the call sign “Frenchman”. The video distributed by the propagandists and the video of Radio Svoboda (Liberty) are identical. The military says that the Russians densely replaced the fields and places where sappers cannot reach, the military will clear mines with their own hands. “It is very difficult because they have been standing here [the Zaporizhzhia direction] for more than a year, and all the fields are very heavily mined with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Unfortunately, we can say we will clear these fields with our own feet”, the military man said.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the high military command of Ukraine, which allegedly does not spare the Ukrainian military and leaves them to their deaths. They also try to show the incompetence of officials and therefore the impossibility of Ukraine winning the war. Earlier, we refuted the fake that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are calling for the destruction of all people in the de-occupied territories.