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Fake Zelenskyi said he would feed fish in Crimea this summer

Propagandists distribute a photo, allegedly a screenshot of the Russian version of the BBC news website. According to it, the President of Ukraine said that allegedly he personally will feed the fish at the pier in Crimea this summer. It's fake.

Analysts of the Georgian project MythDetector drew attention to it. They could not find the full version of the material mentioned in the “screenshot” in the public domain. In addition, they asked the representatives of the news program if they had published such an article. Correspondents of the Russian news BBC confirmed that the image is fake. In fact, Volodymyr Zelenskyi said at a press conference on February 24 that Ukraine is mentally prepared and is getting ready in a military sense for the de-occupation of Crimea.

Thus, propagandists are trying to personally discredit the President of Ukraine. Like, he does not understand what he is talking about and has lost a sense of reality. Detector Media has already written about how the Russians are trying to destroy Zelenskyi's image with the help of manipulations and fakes.

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