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Message Ukrainian air defense system shoots down only ten percent of Russian missiles

During the air raid on January 26, pro-Russian telegram channels wrote that the Ukrainian air defense system could not cope with massive rocket attacks. They say it shoots down only ten percent of the missiles, the rest allegedly hit the target.

Russian propaganda constantly accompanies massive missile strikes with information attacks, in particular, on the operation of the air defense system. They say that the Ukrainian authorities lie about the number of missiles and forbid showing their hit results in order to hide the real state of affairs. Allegedly, the president's office exaggerates the effectiveness of air defense and “invents” missile attacks. Or they manipulate the fact that if the Ukrainian air defense works as efficiently as possible, the West no longer needs to supply weapons to Ukraine.

The purpose of such information attacks is psychological pressure on Ukrainians in a period of emotional vulnerability. The Russians are trying to intimidate the Ukrainians even more, level out the trust in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and force them to surrender.

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