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Manipulation The US goal is to use the war in Ukraine to weaken the EU and Russia and maintain world leadership

Such messages are distributed by propaganda telegram channels, in particular MediaKiller. Such reports say that allegedly the United States will not grant Russia the status of a State Sponsor of Terrorism as because of this Washington will lose a number of privileges. In particular, this will lead to a rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia and will reduce the influence of the United States in the international arena. However, this is manipulation.

Indeed, according to Reuters, the US Senate recently introduced legislation that could recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. “The need for this action is more urgent than ever before”, said one of the authors of the bill, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal. Washington is not afraid to take such decisive action, and even more so actively supports Ukraine in the fight in the war unleashed by Russia.

Previously, it was indeed said that Russia should not be given such a status. The Biden administration did not comment further on the decision.

Thus, Russia wants to show its power and world support, as if the United States does not recognize it as a terrorist state because this will only make it worse. Like, it is not profitable for anyone to quarrel with Russia.

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