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Fake Olena Zelenska called the British freaks during an interview with a BBC journalist

Such messages are distributed on social networks, in particular, in the Russian segment of Facebook. They say that the first lady of Ukraine made a loud statement, allegedly calling the British freaks worried about every penny at a time when she herself was rescuing children from under the rubble of bombings. The author of the message wrote that this insult caused a crushing flurry of criticism of Olena Zelenska. However, there was no such quote in the interview at all.

In fact, according to fact-checker Myth Detector, the quote used is fictitious. Actually, the first lady of Ukraine never even used the phrase "British freaks", and also did not say that she got the victims out of the rubble. In an interview with the BBC Zelenska answering the questions of a journalist said that the economic crisis also affects Ukraine, and along with rising prices, Ukrainians are counting the dead.

The report also said that Olena Zelenska was having a good time in London during the bombing of Kyiv and only returned to Ukraine after the situation had calmed down. The day after the start of Russia's war against Ukraine, the president announced that he himself was staying in Kyiv, and his family was in Ukraine, and they were not going to leave the country. There is no evidence that Olena Zelenska left the country.

Propagandists spread these messages to discredit the leadership of Ukraine by saying that Ukrainians despise the people as the first lady did.

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