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Message The successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the merit of the direct participation of the Pentagon in the development of the plan

This thesis is circulating in the pro-Russian media, in particular, it was mentioned by the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatolii Antonov. He argues that significant successes on the Ukrainian fronts were achieved thanks to the participation of the Pentagon in developing a plan for the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, they say that the United States is another side in this war.

According to The New York Times, the Ukrainian side was really developing a plan for a counteroffensive with both Washington and London. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine keep their military strategy and data on the state of the army in secret, so all parties were only consulting with each other.

Also, in the words of the publication, US Intelligence does not have the information about Ukrainian operations that it would really like. Washington even has a better idea of the Russian military, its planned operations, successes and failures.

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