Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Pupils of Ukrainian schools are urged to inform teachers about their parents

This fake is spread by the Russian media, in particular in their telegram channels. Reports say that allegedly in Ukrainian schools, students are forced to complain about their parents if they suddenly speak Russian in everyday life or if their relatives live in Russia. Like, teachers post such ads in their classrooms. However, this is an outright lie.

As they say, if the cap fits, wear it. That is about the propagandist: due to poor-quality translation, instead of the phrase "Tell the teacher" (rozpovisy vchyteltsi) the Russians made a mistake and wrote "Rospovi vchytelke" so it is quite clear that this is another Russian fake.

Tell the teacher:

— If you have relatives in Russia;

— If your parents speak Russian at home;

— If your parents watch TV in Russian;

- If your parents speak badly about Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

In addition, in Ukraine there are no norms regulating the language of communication in everyday life. According to the law “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language”, its effect does not apply to the sphere of private communication. Even in many cities, in schools or kindergartens, children still communicate in Russian.

Such fake propagandists go around in order to discredit the Ukrainians and justify Russia in the war that it unleashed. Like, in Ukraine, they are forced to dislike everything Russian, starting from schools.

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