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Message The report about the abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia is an absurd hoax

Pro-Russian media disseminate such messages to foreign audiences. Like, reports of Russian crimes, including crimes against Ukrainian children, were deliberately invented by the US State Department. Allegedly, the State Department funded a Yale University study on the transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia for the sole purpose of holding Russia accountable for “fictional crimes”. They say that the studies deliberately focus on the fact that children in Russia are placed in camps, appealing in association with concentration camps. “In fact” children are placed in comfortable conditions of children's camps.

EU vs Disinfo analysts drew attention to the spread of the message. Russian propaganda is spreading these messages against the backdrop of the publication of a report by American researchers on how Russia is deporting and “re-educating” Ukrainian children. It states that Russia is committing “serious violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons”, that is, committing war crimes against Ukrainian children. There are at least six thousand children, the report says.

However, researchers from Yale University are not alone in drawing conclusions about crimes against Ukrainian children. This was confirmed by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. He believes that Russia violates the fundamental principles of protecting children in time of war by providing children in the temporarily occupied territories with Russian passports and permission to be adopted by Russian families.

Russian propaganda thus tries to hide its crimes and shift the responsibility for them to others. They say that the United States deliberately “come up with” evidence of Russia's crimes.

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