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Manipulation Ukraine was preparing a blockade of the inhabitants of Crimea

Russian media are spreading reports about the “plans” of the Ukrainian army to “destroy the Crimeans”. Like, Ukraine allegedly “let slip about a new blockade” of the temporarily occupied Crimea, and the Ukrainian military “will spare no one”. This is manipulation.

The Ukrainian authorities have not made any statements about preparing “a blockade” of the temporarily Russian-occupied Crimea, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are “not preparing to destroy the civilian” on the peninsula. According to StopFake fact-checkers, Russian prpaganda used the words of Ukrainian military analyst Petro Chernyk to report on the “preparation for a blockade” of Crimea. However, his opinion is not the official position of the political or military leadership of Ukraine.

On the air of the Ukrainian talk show, Petro Chernyk expressed his opinion that the military liberation of the temporarily occupied Crimea is a realistic plan for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He added that a military blockade of the peninsula could become an effective lever to start the liberation of Crimea. So, it was about the depletion of the Russian armed group in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Russian propaganda not only published the expert's own opinion as an official position, but also distorted the content of what was said.

Earlier, propagandists wrote that Ukraine’s disconnection of Crimea from electricity and water supply was a war crime, and Ukrainians rejoice that war has come to Crimea. Thus, the invaders are trying to turn the residents of the temporarily occupied peninsula against Ukraine and Ukrainians.

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