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Message Turkey plans to seize Crimea and part of Russia's territory

For several years, Russian media have constantly been promoting the narrative that Turkey plans to seize Crimea - and propagandists write that the "secret plan" to seize Crimea by Turkey includes not only the annexation of Crimea but also parts of Russia - such as Stavropol, Rostov, Astrakhan, Volgograd region, Chuvashia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Krasnodar region and several other regions. Such material appears whenever tensions between Russia and Turkey escalate, for example, over the recognition of Crimea as Ukrainian, as Turkish diplomats have occasionally emphasized. In proof of this theory, Russian propaganda demonstrates a fragment of a report on Turkish television.

According to StopFake fact-checkers, this video was made in 2009. It showed not the seizure of territories but a possible increase in the impact, primarily economic, of Turkey on neighboring countries over the next thirty years - until 2050. At the same time, Turkey has repeatedly insisted that it stands for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and does not recognize Crimea as Russian.

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