Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 11 March, on the 1111th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Message Information messages from the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly “hint” that women will soon be mobilized

This thesis was spread on social networks, in particular on anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports cite a video excerpt of a service woman allegedly saying “indirectly” that all women in Ukraine will soon be mobilized.

The VoxCheck analysts investigated this case and explained that the video did not contain any “hints” or information that women would soon be mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, propagandists interpreted the video of the fighting in their own way and put forward such a thesis. However, it is baseless and unfounded - no legislative initiatives that would regulate mobilization “everywhere” simply exist in Ukraine.

Using a reverse search, experts found the video that the anonymous telegram people referred to in their messages: it was published on the telegram channel of the airborne assault troops. It talked about Iryna Tokarchuk, a doctor at the medical center of the airborne assault troops. She voluntarily joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; in the video she did not call for joining the army, but only explained her position on why she went to serve: “The war is not in the East or the South, it is in our country. If I close my eyes, nothing will change, the war will not disappear. So I choose to walk with my eyes open”.

However, there is no basis for interpreting the words of the doctor as indicating the impending mobilization of women. She only expressed her motivation for voluntarily joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In general, doctors and pharmacists must indeed register with the military from October 1, 2023, but registration with the military does not mean mobilization or the establishment of restrictions on traveling abroad. The Ministry of Health notes: registration is necessary only to summarize data on the existing reserve of doctors in the country. The travel of this category of women is unlimited. To register for military service, this category of women will have three years - until December 31, 2026.

Among other things, we recommend reading another of our documented cases, in which propagandists claimed that Ukrainian doctors and pharmaceutical workers were supposedly “escaping” from Ukraine en masse through the so-called mobilization.

Fake Ukrainians seem to receive draft notices in the Diia application

Anonymous telegram channels are distributing a video that allegedly shows a draft notice  that came through the Diia government services portal. The authors add that the Ukrainian leadership “never keeps its promises”, because they previously assured that draft notices  would not be sent through the application. The messages claimed that the actions and words of Ukrainian officials could hardly be “trusted”. It's a lie.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project undertook to analyze the case, explaining that draft notices are not received in Ukraine because of Diia. At the same time, the image of the agenda itself shows signs of editing. For example, the draft notice indicates the first and patronymic, but does not indicate the last name. It is also written that the recipient needs to appear “at the military commissariat”. But, according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 23, 2022, the commissariats were reformatted into territorial recruitment and social support centers.

At the same time, the image indicates: the data in the agenda was allegedly updated in October 2023. So, the photograph of the “draft notice” has been compiled. Analysts emphasize that during the video the hero did not touch the screen with his fingers - so, most likely, the Kremlin’s minions used a formatted photo and passed it off as the Diia interface.

By the way, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov stated that agendas will not be sent through Diia. The service does not contain any military registration services or notifications.

Fake The Orthodox Church of Ukraine allegedly canonized the dog Patron

On social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, information is being spread that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has canonized the dog Patron. As evidence, the authors cite a “photo” of the iconostasis in one of the churches, which, according to propagandists, belongs to the OCU - and instead of the royal gate, an icon with the dog Patron was installed. At the same time, the publications add an alleged comment by the primate of the OCU, Epiphanius, who “stated” that such canonization would help attract more believers to the church, including children. However, this is not true.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project analyzed the case and came to the conclusion that there is no information about the creation and placement of the icon with the dog Patron in the church on the official pages of the OCU on the Internet. At the same time, Epiphany did not give any comments about the icon, which is probably just a fiction of Russian propaganda. Experts also checked the photographs using special tools and found that the images were created by artificial intelligence with a 99.9% probability.

The analysts further explained that propaganda publications do not indicate in which church such an icon was supposedly installed. But a reverse search on Google did not produce any results. It is most likely that these photographs were created using AI technology and passed off as photos of the OCU.

Read on Censor.NET: The OCU is praying for Ukraine to join NATO and the EU.

Fake In Ukraine, they allegedly distribute propaganda to older people so that they mobilize into the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Pro-Kremlin media are distributing photos of propaganda leaflets that are allegedly being distributed to elderly people in Ukraine. “You have already lived your life - go to the front”, “Age is only in your head - join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, they say in such “propaganda”. The authors of the messages add that employees of territorial recruitment and social support centers allegedly force people to leave their data in order to later be forcibly mobilized. And they add that a case of forced mobilization of an elderly person has allegedly already been recorded in Kyiv. It's a lie.

The fact-checkers at the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council recorded this case and explained that such propaganda was fake and could not have been distributed by representatives of the territorial recruitment and social support centers or other military command bodies. During general mobilization, all citizens of Ukraine liable for military service aged 18 to 60 years can be called up for military service, unless they have legal grounds for obtaining a deferment or exclusion from military registration.

And according to the classification of the World Health Organization, the age of 60-75 years is considered elderly, senile - 75-90 years. Those who have reached 90 years of age and older are called centenarians.

Indeed, such official campaigns do not exist; no one is going to mobilize older people. But this does not mean that anyone, including the Kremlin’s minions, cannot create such leaflets using graphic editors, and subsequently the news about their “distribution”. Experts from the Center for Countering Disinformation have not determined the authenticity of the photo itself.

By the way, in our recent study on how Russian propaganda talks about older people, we analyzed the Kremlin’s messages regarding the so-called mobilization of older people.

Fake A monument to Joe Biden will allegedly be erected in Kyiv

Anonymous telegram channels spread information that a monument in honor of Joseph Biden would be erected on the site of the recently demolished monument to Pushkin in Kyiv. The authors of the messages add to the publication a plan for creating the monument and its estimate: they explained that they plan to create a monument with Joe Biden shaking hands with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. They also named a real company that would create such a project and added a number of “documents” to the messages. It's a lie.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project investigated his case and determined that the company, which, according to fake documents, is the likely executor of the project, denied the report about the production of a monument to Joe Biden. Their press service explained that they are not working on the construction of the monument and at the same time they have not received such requests.

According to propagandists, the project was allegedly ordered by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. In general, this is an institution that is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. However, on the government procurement website Prozorro, for example, there is not a single tender for the installation of a monument to Joe Biden from this government agency. Neither the Ministry of Culture nor affiliated structures mentioned such a project on their social networks.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.