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Fake The Orthodox Church of Ukraine allegedly canonized the dog Patron

On social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, information is being spread that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has canonized the dog Patron. As evidence, the authors cite a “photo” of the iconostasis in one of the churches, which, according to propagandists, belongs to the OCU - and instead of the royal gate, an icon with the dog Patron was installed. At the same time, the publications add an alleged comment by the primate of the OCU, Epiphanius, who “stated” that such canonization would help attract more believers to the church, including children. However, this is not true.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project analyzed the case and came to the conclusion that there is no information about the creation and placement of the icon with the dog Patron in the church on the official pages of the OCU on the Internet. At the same time, Epiphany did not give any comments about the icon, which is probably just a fiction of Russian propaganda. Experts also checked the photographs using special tools and found that the images were created by artificial intelligence with a 99.9% probability.

The analysts further explained that propaganda publications do not indicate in which church such an icon was supposedly installed. But a reverse search on Google did not produce any results. It is most likely that these photographs were created using AI technology and passed off as photos of the OCU.

Read on Censor.NET: The OCU is praying for Ukraine to join NATO and the EU.

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