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Маніпуляція The Internet is spreading misinformation that women will be mobilized in Ukraine

Social media users are spreading a video that says that Ukraine has allegedly adopted a new law requiring all women between the ages of 18 and 60 to register for military service. The woman in the video says: "Okay, girls, line up, stand at attention! Ukrainian women are now subject to military service on an equal basis with men”.

In fact, the video was manipulated, as the StopFake project writes. It takes out of context footage from the ICTV channel's “Emergency News” program from December 23, 2021, which discussed expanding the list of professions according to which women aged 18 to 60 must register for military service. At the same time, according to Ukrainian law, only female doctors and pharmacists must register for military service. However, mobilization for them, like other women, remains voluntary.

By manipulating information, propagandists are trying to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and claim that the personnel situation at the front is allegedly so bad that women are already being mobilized. We have previously recorded such leaks. For example, we analyzed disinformation that Ukraine has created bulletproof vests for pregnant women, because they are supposedly going to send them to the front.

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