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Фейк Russian special forces killed Canadian sniper in Mariupol


Social media actively circulate information that Wali, the Canadian sniper, was killed by Russian special forces 20 minutes after the active combat operations in Mariupol.

However, this is not true. According to VoxCheck, the sniper debunked the information about his own death on March 14 and 22, 2022. “The Canadian sniper who goes by the name Wali is a former member of the Armed Forces of Canada and he is currently fighting on the Ukrainian side. In the beginning of March 2022, he joined the “international” legion of territorial defense of Ukraine. On March 14, 2022 he debunked the information about his death on his Facebook. He informed that for some time he was in Kyiv oblast and later retreated to a safe place because he was sick,” fact checkers say.

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