Фейк Fake video claims US elections are the main target of a “Ukrainian disinformation campaign”
On October 9-10, 2024, a conference dedicated to combating disinformation, the EU DisinfoLab annual conference, was held in Riga, the capital of Latvia. In response to this event, a Polish pro-Russian Telegram channel spread information that the conference reported that Ukrainian disinformation had become a problem before the US elections. Kyiv's main goal is allegedly to strengthen Kamala Harris' position as the main supporter of continuing the war and supplying weapons to Ukraine. And over the past 4 months, the amount of disinformation from “Ukrainian agents of influence” has allegedly increased by 55-60%. In reporting this, the propagandists refer to a video allegedly released by the American magazine WIRED.
In fact, this information is not true - the video is fabricated. It is not found on the official WIRED website or on the magazine's social media pages. It is likely that the propagandists simply put the WIRED logo on the video and faked the story itself.
In addition, the video mentions a report called Disinfo 2024: Ukrainian November, but no such report has been published online. Most likely, information about its existence was invented.
Finally, the website and social media of the EU DisinfoLab organization, which held the conference, also contain no information about a “Ukrainian disinformation campaign” ahead of the US presidential elections.
With this disinformation, propagandists are trying to deflect accusations against Russia regarding interference in the US elections. Earlier, we wrote about a BBC study that showed that the Kremlin is trying to interfere in the US elections with the help of AI and fake websites.