Маніпуляція Disinformation claim: Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly obliged to defend Denmark if the U.S. attacks Greenland
Russian Telegram channels have been spreading claims that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would have to fight against the United States if it attempts to seize Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark. The reports allege that Ukraine, after signing an agreement with Copenhagen in February 2024, supposedly committed to defending Denmark in the event of an attack by third countries on its territory.
However, this information is false, as reported by the StopFake project.
In 2024, Ukraine signed security agreements with partner states as part of the commitments made by the G7 countries during the NATO summit in Vilnius in 2023. Denmark became the fourth country to sign such an agreement with Ukraine. The agreement on security cooperation and long-term support was signed on February 23, 2024. The full text of the document is available on the website of the President of Ukraine.
The agreement outlines Denmark’s commitment to providing Ukraine with long-term military and financial assistance to counter Russia’s armed aggression. However, the document does not contain any obligations for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend Denmark or its dependent territories, such as Greenland.
The agreement also stipulates that in the event of a new armed attack by Russia on Ukraine, the parties must hold consultations within 24 hours to determine further actions. However, no similar provisions regarding the defense of Denmark’s territory are included in the agreement.
The Center for Countering Disinformation has also analyzed this manipulation. They noted that the agreement pertains solely to security cooperation and support for Ukraine in countering Russian aggression.
This disinformation attempt by Russian sources aims to damage relations between Ukraine and the United States, as well as to influence Washington’s support for Ukraine by creating doubt and mistrust.