Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Billboards allegedly appeared in New York in honor of “Victory Day”

Russian telegram channels distributed a video of a billboard in New York, which allegedly posted congratulations on “Victory Day” in the colors of the St. George ribbon.

However, this is actually fake. Thanks to Google's reverse search function, fact-checkers from the VoxCheck project were able to find out that a fragment of the video distributed by propagandists can be found in open sources - it was cut from a recording of a walking tour of the center of New York, published on YouTube on May 2, 2024. The propaganda and original videos are identical, with the exception of one billboard, which does not depict the symbols of “Victory Day”, but an advertisement for the French fashion house Saint Laurent.

When checking a video fragment in the Forensically tool using ELA analysis (Error Level Analysis), which identifies areas of the image with different compression levels, signs of editing of this billboard are noticeable.

Also, the video is distributed only by Russian telegrams and news resources.

Previously, we refuted the information that an advertising sign appeared in Rome on which they presented “Diavola Zelenskiy” pizza stuffed with “ammunition and body parts of the Ukrainian military”.

Із перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення експерти «Детектора медіа» щодня протистоять російській дезінформації. Ми спростовуємо фейкові новини, деконструюємо російські наративи та меседжі. І гартуємо медіаграмотність читачів.

Наша команда закликає долучитися до Спільноти «Детектора медіа», щоб разом боротися з російською пропагандою.
