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Фейк Russian media are spreading false information that the person detained for the attempted assassination of Trump served in the International Legion of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Some pro-Kremlin resources have spread information that 58-year-old American Ryan Wesley Routt, suspected of the second attempted assassination of Donald. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

In fact, this information is not true. The International Legion of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine wrote about this in an official message on its telegram channel: “US citizen Ryan Routh has never served in the International Legion of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and has no relation to the unit. The rumors spread about this in some media outlets are not true”.

Raut came to Ukraine after the full-scale invasion of Russia. In an interview with Romanian NewsWeek, he said his initial goal was to “come and fight”. But at 56, he had no military experience and, as Raut put it, “was not an ideal candidate for a real war”. So his plan B was to come to Kyiv and promote the idea of many others joining the International Legion. “We need thousands of people here to fight alongside the Ukrainians”, Raut said.

With this manipulation, Russian propaganda seeks to dissuade the United States from providing military and financial support to Ukraine in the war against Russia.

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