Spilnota Detector Media

Message Ukrainian officials "ask" Russia to deliver a new blow to the Ukrainian energy system

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. Like, in recent days, Ukrainian officials and opinion leaders have been so actively discussing possible missile strikes and “frightening” Ukrainians with their consequences that “there can be only two explanations for this.” Either they are trying to “repel” the desire of the Russians to strike, or, which is supposedly “most likely”, they are deliberately “provoking and asking for it”. Allegedly, this is how the Ukrainian authorities plan to hide their own mistakes and shift the blame to the Russians.

Russian missile strikes actually have worse consequences every time, because Russia deliberately hits the Ukrainian energy system with massive rocket attacks. In particular, those objects, the repair of which is long-term and requires significant financial costs. Naturally, officials and experts are trying to explain the consequences of the strikes already inflicted and analyze possible options for the further development of the situation. Understanding the real realities is necessary in order to prevent unnecessary panic and irrational actions of Ukrainians.

Message "There is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us"

Russian propaganda began to actively speculate in the domestic information space with one of the key slogans of World War II. Like, they have already "surrendered" Russian "Kherson", and what's next? Moreover, under such slogans, an alleged "protest" of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg took place. This message entered the Ukrainian information space through telegram channels, but it should not be taken literally.

In Russian discourse, the expression "There is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us" is generally used in the sense of "decisive battle", "fight to the death" or "last line of defense". However, it is clear that there is no physical danger for Moscow. Actually, Ukraine has never expressed its intention to attack Russian territories (except for the destruction of legitimate military targets) and has not encroached on the state sovereignty of Russia. The Ukrainian army protects and de-occupies exclusively Ukrainian territories, within the limits determined by Ukrainian and international legislation.

Message In Kyiv, there are kilometer-long queues at ATMs and taped outlets in restaurants

Such messages have been spread by Russian propagandists in telegram channels over the past few days. As proof, they use screenshots of posts from the telegram channel "Kyiv Dvizh" (Kyiv movement).

They say that Kyiv was left without electricity, people are panicking, it is impossible to withdraw cash and there are no places where you can recharge phones or other gadgets. In fact, propagandists would like an atmosphere of despair and helplessness to prevail in the capital of Ukraine. But the real picture is quite different. Among the dozens of reports on the impact of a power outage on the city on the Kyiv Dvizh channel, there are only two pessimistic photographers: on one of them, after rocket attacks, people began to queue up at one of the ATMs, because the other ATMs did not work without a power outage, and in supermarkets they accepted only cash; one of the establishments in Kyiv really taped the outlet. At the same time, all the other messages on this channel were about how people support each other, how cafes, restaurants, supermarkets and even pharmacies allow the use of sockets and electrical cords, how the people of Kyiv pay for each other in cash so that no one is left without the necessary thing. Propagandists filed isolated cases for mass ones in order to show a paralyzed Kyiv, sow panic among Ukrainians and cause people to revolt against the government, which allegedly led to a blackout due to the fact that it did not agree to Russia's ultimatum.

Message The European Parliament recognition of Russia as a sponsor of terrorism "has no consequences"

Russian media say that the resolution supposedly adopted on November 23 by the European Parliament recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism “has no consequences” for Russia. Also, propagandists accuse the European Parliament of "political bias". Like, the UN resolution "contributes to inciting conflict situations and humanitarian crises around the world," and is also designed to "legalize the robbery of Russia." The propaganda calls the European Parliament a rudiment that does not decide anything, but only incites enmity between countries. This is manipulation.

Now the EU really does not have a legal basis to introduce serious restrictive measures against a country recognized as a sponsor of terrorism. However, the essence of the resolution of the European Parliament is to create such an international legal framework. The adopted document is advisory in nature for implementation.

Message Russia withdrew from Kherson because Ukraine wanted to blow up the Kakhovka dam

This is the message Russian propaganda is spreading to Western audiences. Allegedly, Russian troops retreated from Kherson due to fears that Ukrainian forces would blow up a dam at the nearby Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. The flood could have caused the death of many military and civilians.

The fact-checkers EU vs Disinfo drew attention to the spread of the message. In fact, Ukrainian military intelligence reported on October 21 that the Russian army had placed two military vehicles loaded with explosives on the road crossing the dam. The dam of the Kakhovska HPP is 30 meters high and holds back 18 million cubic meters of water. Undermining the dam could lead to huge flooding of Kherson and smaller settlements around. It would also have a significant impact on the operation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, since this facility is inextricably linked with it. After the retreat of the Russian army from Kherson on November 11, the US satellite company Maxar reported that significant new damage to the dam in Nova Kakhovka in southern Ukraine was visible.

Message There was no Holodomor but an "all-Union" famine

Russian propaganda systematically denies Russia's culpability in the tragedy of 1932-1933. Moreover, in April 2008, Russia protested against the international recognition of the Holodomor as a crime against Ukrainians.

In order to shift the blame for this crime, the Russians systematically spread fake stories that the Holodomor was the result of “excesses at positions” or the result of a drought, and not a systemic policy of Russia. Like, local officials did not report to the leaders about the situation. They also argued that the Holodomor was a fiction of Western intelligence services to discredit the USSR. The Center for Counteracting Disinformation published key fakes of Russian propaganda on the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933. More about the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 and the Russian-Ukrainian war is here.

Message Zelenskyi wants to muffle blackout dissatisfaction with patriotic slogans

Russian propagandists are shocked by how courageously and unbendingly all of Ukraine is going through the third day of blackout, as Ukrainians, instead of criticizing the authorities and blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi for all the troubles, share tips on social networks on how to survive in dark times and help each other.

In this regard, Russian anonymous telegram channels launched messages that the Ukrainian authorities allegedly record the growth of rebellious moods in society due to the blackout, but in order to muffle them, they convince people to be silent and endure. Like, the one who meekly accepts the lack of electricity, communications and water is the best patriot.

With such messages, propagandists want to incite Ukrainians to take to the streets and protest against the authorities, and not to be obedient. It seems that if they do not do this now, it will be even worse in winter, and only the Office of the President is to blame for everything.

Message Ukraine missed its last chance for peace with Russia on February 10

Such a message is spread by anonymous telegram channels, which, according to the Security service in Ukraine (SSU), are controlled by Russian intelligence. Reports say that Ukraine could have prevented a war with Russia or rather avoided it. However, according to the authors of the messages, Ukraine, due to the incompetence of the leadership, missed its chance on February 10. According to the authors of the telegram channels, the last chance for peace was on that day, during the visit of the head of the office of President Andrii Yermak to Berlin. According to propagandists, in order for there to be peace, Ukraine should have simply started to implement the Minsk agreements signed in 2014. The authors of the messages also claim that the employees of the President's Office simply lied to people telling them that everything was fine, that there was no need to panic and in such a way they allowed the war. In fact, the Minsk agreements were systematically violated not by Ukraine, but by Russia, which started the war and occupied part of Ukraine in the spring of 2014. That is, experience proves that peace agreements with Russia do not work. However, Russian propagandists need such messages in order to shift the responsibility for the war from themselves to Ukraine. They say that the attack allegedly occurred due to the fact that Ukraine did not work well, and not because Russia is the aggressor. 

Message No one needs “invincibility points”: they were opened for the sake of PR and they provoke the enemy into missile strikes

This message is spread by anonymous pro-Russian telegram channels. In particular, by those that, according to the Security service in Ukraine (SSU), are controlled by Russian intelligence. The reports say that the “Points of Invincibility”, in which Ukrainians can stay warm in the conditions of emergency power and heat outages and charge electrical appliances if necessary, is an absurd invention of the Office of the President. Reports state that these points are not protected by anything at the time of missile strikes. Like, they even provoke the enemy to launch a missile attack, because they become a place of mass congestion of people. The authors of such messages even suggest that if an enemy missile hits one of the points, this will be a good informational occasion. In fact, the “Points of Invincibility” are needed by people who, due to rocket attacks on infrastructure, were left without electricity, water supply and communications. Such points were deployed in most cities of Ukraine, so that residents in the conditions of long blackouts could warm up at these locations, recharge gadgets or warm up food or drink tea.

Message Shelling of Ukraine's energy system will stop if Kyiv complies with Russia's conditions

Such a message today, November 24, when a significant part of Ukraine was left without electricity and water supply due to Russian rocket explosions, is being spread by pro-Kremlin propaganda media and anonymous telegram channels.

In the messages, they refer to the secretary of the Russian President Dmytro Pieskov, who openly stated that the leadership of Ukraine has every opportunity to bring the situation back to normal, has every opportunity to resolve the situation, comply with Russia's demands and thus stop all possible suffering of civilians.

Through such messages, Russia is blackmailing Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, inclining them to negotiate and agree to all the conditions of the aggressor. Also in this way, Russia is trying to shift the responsibility for its actions and crimes to the Ukrainian authorities. In particular, the Kremlin says that the lack of electricity and heat in many regions of Ukraine is the consequences of the actions of the Kyiv authorities, who refuse to negotiate. However, the lack of power supply is a consequence of enemy rocket attacks. And the fact that Ukraine agrees to negotiations may not mean that Russia will stop shelling Ukrainian energy facilities.

After all, it was Russia that started the war in Ukraine, and it was Russia that repeatedly violated agreements and so-called peace agreements. Such messages help Russia live up to its reputation and discredit the Ukrainian authorities, who allegedly do not care about the peaceful citizens of their country.

Message Investigation team issues flawed verdict on MH17 crash as no Russian experts involved in such investigation

This statement is spread online by Russian propaganda media. They say that the investigation of the MH17 crash was conducted according to one possible scenario that was beneficial to the Ukrainian side.

In the reports, the propagandists add that this happened due to the fact that representatives of the Ukrainian side were included in the joint investigation team, while Russian forensic experts and other specialists were excluded. That is why in Russia they are convinced that the verdict has many shortcomings, gaps and hidden facts. In fact, according to the EU vs Disinfo project analysts, the verdict of the Hague court, published on November 17, 2022, was based on strong evidence, and alternative scenarios were evaluated and excluded based on the evidence.

The Court in its decision noted that it is certain that MH17 was hit by a “Buk” missile fired from a farm field near Pervomaisk in Ukraine. This field was located on Russian-controlled territory. “This is clear from photographs of a smoke trail in the sky, statements by a protected witness, satellite images, intercepted telephone conversations and data on broadcast, photographs and video of delivery and dispatch of the “Buk”. Investigations in the Netherlands and abroad found no evidence of falsification. Alternative scenarios, such as that the “Buk” missile was fired from another location, are excluded based on the evidence provided”, the court said in its verdict.

Also, EU High Representative Josep Borrell called the verdict “an important first step towards truth and accountability”. He also stressed that "the EU once again calls on Russia to recognize its responsibility for this tragedy". However, Russia, spreading the theses that the investigation team worked poorly, seeks to cast doubt on the results of the investigation and, in the end, once again justify itself.

Message The desire for peace and an end to the bloodshed and the desire to further stuff Ukraine with weapons are mutually exclusive actions

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that the supply of weapons to Ukraine does not bring negotiations closer.

In fact, the message that the West is only continuing the war by providing weapons to Ukraine is one of the most powerful since the beginning of the war. However, propagandists are now manipulating it to force Ukraine into negotiations. The longer Ukraine opposes Russia, the more Russia tries to lead the situation to negotiations on its own terms. However, Ukraine's position on the negotiations remains unchanged - for this, Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine. The West provides Ukraine with weapons solely to protect Ukrainian territory. Russia, on the other hand, is destroying Ukrainian critical infrastructure, shelling the civilian population, and wants the surrender of Ukraine, not peace.

Message No more help for Ukraine

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that the White House (USA) is stopping aid to Ukraine. Like, all the hopes of Ukrainians collapsed.

Such messages are spreading against the background of the fact that the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has recognized Russia as a terrorist state and called for the creation of a special international tribunal. The decision was taken unanimously. The resolution contains a number of important decisions for Ukraine, in particular, on increasing arms supplies to Ukraine, developing specific steps for Ukraine's entry into NATO, and creating a mechanism for collecting reparations from Russia for the damage caused to Ukraine.

Thus, Russia is trying to disorient Ukrainians, worsen the attitude towards Ukraine's foreign partners and destabilize the situation inside the country.

Message Due to the "double evacuation" Kherson will become a ghost city

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that at first the evacuation of residents was carried out by Russia, now Ukraine. Therefore, the city supposedly will soon have no inhabitants left and it will become a ghost city.

After the de-occupation of the right bank of Kherson on November 19, the evacuation of residents began. There are problems with the supply of electricity, drinking water, heating in the city, there is also a danger of shelling the city, some of the objects in the city are still mined. Therefore, the Ukrainian authorities offered the citizens to evacuate to safer areas. However, this process is voluntary, people have the opportunity to leave the city according to their own will. Some citizens will still stay at home, despite the difficulties. Moreover, on November 19, the first train arrived in Kherson, by which Kherson residents, on the contrary, returned home, despite the danger. The city is recovering from the horrors of the evacuation and is trying to restore vital processes. In particular, Ukrposhta post office began to work, restoring communications and the Internet.

As for the “evacuation” carried out by the Russians, those who left the city were primarily those who collaborated with the occupiers in order to avoid responsibility for their actions.

Message Zaluzhnyi “was asked to reduce his level of publicity due to the conflict with Zelenskyi”

Pro-Russian websites continue to write about the alleged conflict between the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. This time the propagandists used an article from the British daily newspaper Financial Times "We hit them with slingshots': Ukraine's iron general shows his mettle" to make their lies more convincing.

Like, in the publication "a lot of attention is paid to the issue of the conflict between Zaluzhnyi and Zelenskyi".

The Financial Times article dedicated to Valerii Zaluzhnyi describes Zaluzhnyi's qualities, his tactics and style, thanks to which the Ukrainian army so successfully liberated Kherson and the Kharkiv region, and was able to defend Kyiv. They also mentioned his biography, how the general reached his current role, and what experience he had before.

The publication has no facts about the conflict with President Zelenskyi, but only suggests anonymous sources that Zaluzhnyi was asked to bring down his level of publicity. At the same time, the article further states that the General himself does not attribute victory and success in battles with the Russian army to himself, and does not lose the opportunity to thank the soldiers for their contribution to the future victory.

Message Kyiv fired missiles at Poland to drag it into the war

Such an opinion is promoted by pro-Russian bloggers in telegram channels. Allegedly, in the evening, November 15, the fall of a rocket in the village of Przewodów in eastern Poland near the border with Ukraine, which killed two people, was a provocation by Ukraine.

Propagandists are stuffing messages on social networks that this attack has warmed up the negative sentiments of the Poles towards Ukraine. It is not true.

Data from a joint survey by RMF FM and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna show that 70% of Poles believe that it will not affect Polish-Ukrainian relations.

Russia is trying to quarrel with its closest neighbors and partners, therefore it constantly promotes fakes about Poland and its relations with Ukraine.

Message Ukraine is preparing a "new Bucha" in Kherson

After the de-occupation of the right bank of Kherson, Russian media are spreading reports about “provocations” that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are allegedly preparing in the territories liberated from the invaders. In particular, the pro-Kremlin media claim that the Ukrainian government “forbade visiting Kherson” allegedly because “a new provocation like Bucha is being prepared there”.

According to StopFake, the “new Bucha” is a Russian propaganda message that emerged after Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine. With such messages, the Russian media react to every fact of the crimes of Russian soldiers against civilians, which can be considered as war crimes.

Russian media made the "news" that Zelenskyi "refused to let people into Kherson" by manipulating the President's words about the need to clear mines and check objects before allowing civilians into the city. According to propagandists, this allegedly indicates the "preparation" of some "provocations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

Proceedings have begun in the Kherson region. As of November 13th, investigators have documented more than 400 Russian war crimes, and continue to uncover the bodies of those killed - both civilian and military. First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Yenin said that torture dungeons were found in the liberated part of the Kherson region, in which the invaders probably abused and tortured the Ukrainians.

Message Ukrainian authorities do not warn Ukrainians to leave big cities

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that in big cities the situation is critical due to damage to energy, water and heat supply systems. However, the government is irresponsible, does nothing and is silent. This is not true.

The authorities have been talking about the difficult winter period for a long time. After rocket attacks on October 10, when 30% of Ukraine's energy system was damaged, such reports have become more frequent. The authorities, both at the central and local levels, informed the Ukrainians that it was necessary to stock up on drinking and technical water, candles and other essentials.

On the air of TV channels, radio stations and other media there are numerous explanations and recommendations for Ukrainians. The government also launched the state program "DrovaYe" (We have firewood) and exempted goods "important for the heating season" from VAT and import duties. At the local level, alternative sources of water supply are being developed in case of an emergency.

Message The Russian army works "filigree", there are hits, but no casualties

This was reported by pro-Russian telegram channels during the air raid due to a massive missile attack on critical infrastructure on the 15th of November. Like, even the Ukrainian authorities write that "there is no information about the casualties".

Russian propaganda is once again manipulating the facts. The Ukrainian authorities urge not to disseminate the results of rocket attacks, especially while the air raid continues. At that time, it was really not known about the dead or injured, when the rescuers were just starting their work. According to the latest data, it is known that one person was killed and six were injured due to rocket attacks. However, this is preliminary information, there may be more victims. A hit on residential buildings was also recorded, and critical infrastructure facilities were damaged.

Message To disable the entire energy system of Ukraine, 15 missiles are needed

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this after massive rocket attacks on November 15, 2022. They say that more than 90 missiles were fired in Ukraine, of which 70 were shot down. In total, they hit 15 energy infrastructure facilities.

In fact, Russian propaganda uses several manipulations at once. In order to achieve mass defeats, Russia has to produce several times more missiles. Therefore, all missiles fired are “counted”, and not just those that hit the target. Indeed, some regions, but not all of Ukraine, remained without electricity, water and heat supply.

Deliberate targeted attack on the civilian population or individual civilians who do not participate in hostilities and deliberate attack on civilian objects are war crimes. By spreading such messages, Russian propaganda indirectly confirms that the Russian army is deliberately committing war crimes and deliberately destroying critical infrastructure.

Message Rocket strikes on Ukraine are “revenge” for Kherson

This is written on social networks during an air raid due to the threat of missile strikes throughout Ukraine. They say that Volodymyr Zelenskyi did not need to go to the de-occupied Kherson and anger the enemy. So now we have a "retribution".

Russian propaganda is once again positioning rocket attacks on Ukraine's civilian and energy infrastructure as “revenge”. In October propagandists used similar excuses. Allegedly, the shelling was due to a drone attack in the Sevastopol bay and after an explosion on the Crimean bridge.

The fact-checkers of The Insider examined the specifics of aiming Russian missiles at civilian infrastructure and proved that the preparation of such strikes takes several weeks. So, as in October, today's attack could not be retaliatory strikes.

Message The Anglo-Saxons are trying to "scrape" legal grounds for the theft of "illegally" arrested Russian assets

Russian media write about this with reference to the words of Dmytro Medvediev. Like, because of the UN resolution on compensation for damage to Ukraine during the war, the Anglo-Saxons "legitimize" the theft of Russian funds.

The UN General Assembly at a special session on November 14 adopted a resolution on the payment of reparations from Russia for the damage caused as a result of a full-scale aggression against Ukraine. The authors of the document are Ukraine and about fifty other states. 94 countries voted in favor of the resolution, 73 abstained. 14 countries voted against.

The document recognizes the need to create, in cooperation with Ukraine, an international mechanism to compensate for damage, loss or damage that is the result of Russia's actions in Ukraine or against Ukraine. The resolution recommends that UN members create, in cooperation with Ukraine, an international register of damages to record evidence.

Message In Ukraine there is a "war to the last Ukrainian", even the unborn

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, both the President and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to send absolutely everyone to the front, even unborn children. In the messages, the propagandists manipulate the words of the President about the readiness of Ukrainians to defend their country and a video in which a pregnant Ukrainian woman talks about receiving a draft notice. Allegedly, the President's message has just such an embodiment.

The mobilization of women in Ukraine is voluntary. Military registration is required only for workers in the medical field. Pregnant women and women on maternity leave (to care for a child before the child reaches the age of three or in some cases the age of six) are exempted from mobilization in accordance with the law. Obviously, the woman received the draft notice by mistake.

The propagandists used the emotional video to promote several disinformation narratives at once: the mobilization of women in Ukraine, the incompetence of the Ukrainian authorities, and the weakness of the Ukrainian army.

Message Zelenskyi deliberately visited Russia

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this with reference to the representative of the Russian President Dmytro Pieskov. Like, Volodymyr Zelenskyi came to Kherson, although he knows that this is the “territory of Russia”.

In fact, the President of Ukraine visited de-occupied Kherson, which has always been and is part of Ukraine. Not only Ukraine, but the entire democratic world did not recognize the results of the illegal Russian pseudo-referenda, as well as Russia's decision to annex the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, contrary to all international legal norms.

Message In liberated Kherson, all men of military age are to be conscripted

Since November 11, such messages have been distributed by anonymous telegram channels. They say that with the arrival of Ukraine in Kherson, mass mobilization will begin, all men of military age, despite their state of health, will be taken into the Ukrainian army.

Such information does not correspond to reality, since conscription activities throughout Ukraine are carried out according to the same algorithm.

Currently, Ukraine does not intend to carry out additional conscription. Considering that a war is going on in Ukraine, the course of mobilization will depend solely on the situation at the front, explained Anna Maliar, Deputy defense minister.

Russian propagandists are inciting fear among civilians in the Kherson region that mobilization is one of the methods of “reprisal” and “cleaning” for the fact that people lived under Russian occupation. Like, those who allegedly collaborated with the Russians should wait for filtration, and, accordingly, torture, and all other men of military age should expect conscription.

Such messages are intended to sow doubts about the legality of the general mobilization, to cause distrust in the authorities of Ukraine and the Ukrainian army in the liberated territory, and to show that life was better under Russian occupation in the Kherson region and there were no dangers to the civilian population.