Spilnota Detector Media

Message Ukraine will take revenge for the drone attack in Sevastopol Bay

After the Russian occupiers announced an attack by drones on their ships in Crimea on October 29, messages on this topic appeared in anonymous propaganda channels.

NATO forces were allegedly engaged in a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay. It was allegedly their military training under cover of Ukrainian strikes. Once again, propagandists repeat the message that Ukraine has become a testing ground for Western and American weapons.

Allegedly, revenge is expected for this, and the Ukrainians will receive a response in the form of strikes on the energy system. Whenever the occupiers report an attack on the occupied sites, they resort to intimidation tactics against the civilian population. Propagandists spread similar messages on October 8 after the attack on the Crimean bridge.

The window of opportunity has allegedly opened for Russia to start a "full-scale war." However, Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has been ongoing since February 24, 2022.

The Russians terrorize millions of Ukrainians daily, destroy entire cities and villages, and attack the energy system. In this way, they want to sow panic among Ukrainians to start protests and force the Ukrainian authorities to negotiate with Russia, which means meeting the Kremlin's requirements and capitulating.

The shelling of the power system and residential buildings only angers Ukrainians more, and more Ukrainians say there can be no negotiations with a terrorist country.

Message Poland is building an energy bridge from the Khmelnytskyy NPP to Rzeszów because it wants to take over Ukraine

The Russian propaganda media spread this thesis. Reports say that Poland allegedly continues preparations for the division of Ukraine and, for this purpose, has started the construction of an energy bridge.

The reports' authors claim that the energy bridge construction is taking place within the framework of the project of reintegration of "historical" Polish lands. The Poles have allegedly been working for a long time to take control of the energy infrastructure of the western regions of Ukraine.

They believe this will allow Poland to strengthen its influence in Ukraine significantly. Online media Ye.ua drew attention to the message. It isn't the first time Russia has leaked information about Poland's so-called plans to occupy part of Ukraine. Propagandists have already spread information that Poland is trying to annex part of Ukraine and are preparing for this in every possible way. In particular, Poland is allegedly preparing a referendum in the Lviv region.

However, it is a fake, as is the case with the power system. It isn't Poland that wants to destroy the Ukrainian energy system and take it under control, but Russia, since October 10, has been systematically shelling energy facilities throughout Ukraine.

Message Europeans were forced to freeze because the leaders of the EU countries gave money to the Ukrainian Nazis to buy weapons

This information is spread by pro-Kremlin Russian media. Reports say that since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Europeans have been forced to save on electricity due to Ursula von der Leyen, Olaf Scholz, and Emmanuel Macron giving money to the Ukrainian Nazis for weapons. The reports add that Russian cultural centers in Finland and Luxembourg have already welcomed visitors who need to "warm up" as energy prices soar.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the message. As experts write, this message feeds the well-known Kremlin narrative that the West is falling apart. Instead, the Kremlin seeks to pressure and blackmail European governments and create public panic over energy insecurity/cost of energy.

In fact, Ukraine isn't a Nazi state, and Nazism isn't a Ukrainian ideology. The myth of Nazi authorities in Ukraine has been a cornerstone of Russian disinformation about the country since the beginning of the Euromaidan protests in 2013-14. It's beneficial for Russia to produce messages that the money of European taxpayers is spent on supporting the terrible Nazi regime to discredit Ukraine in the eyes of Europeans.

Moreover, with the help of such messages, Russia transfers responsibility for what is happening worldwide.

Message Ukrainian refugees aren't waiting "at home"

Pro-Russian Telegram channels write that Vice Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk allegedly said this. In fact, the propagandists distorted the words of Iryna Vereshchuk addressed to the refugees. She asked Ukrainians to stay abroad until spring. Vereshchuk voiced such a request regarding the destruction of critical infrastructure due to Russian missile strikes and increased load on the power system due to the heating season. Propagandists manipulate the fact that Vereshchuk's words allegedly contradict Volodymyr Zelenskyy's message about restoring infrastructure. The messages also add the theses that European countries have already been "quite exhausted" because of the aid to Ukraine, the accommodation of refugees, and the financial crisis. These messages add to enhance the effect of manipulation. So, the West is primarily thinking about dealing with its problems, not Ukraine.

Message Volodymyr Zelenskyy uses the same methods as Osama bin Laden

During October, propagandists promoted messages that Kyiv was allegedly preparing to use a "dirty bomb." Western partners regarded these messages as "unsuccessful blackmail and provocation." As the Center for Combating Disinformation writes, the Russians began to compare Zelenskyy with Osama bin Laden after not getting the desired result of their fake. He allegedly plans to use weapons of mass destruction against himself and his people. Russia again hasn't provided any evidence of preparation for the so-called "dirty bomb" in Ukraine.

Message Ukraine needs to be "de-satanized" and "de-shaitanized"

They came up with a new goal for the so-called "special operation" in Russia. The "Kyiv regime" allegedly turned Ukraine into a "totalitarian hypersect" that professes "neo-paganism" as the basis of "radical nationalism." The assistant secretary of the Russian Security Council of the UN, Oleksiy Pavlov, also believes that the number of "satanic sects" in Ukraine is unknown. Still, the count "definitely runs into the hundreds." Instead, Ramzan Kadyrov announced the goal of "de-shaitanizing" Ukraine. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, every citizen of Ukraine has the right to freedom of worldview and religion. Ukrainians can practice any religion or not, participate freely in religious cults and ritual rites, and conduct religious activities. This right is limited by law only if religious beliefs affect the protection of the population's public order, health, and morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of other people. The church and religious organizations in Ukraine are separated from the state. Therefore, the Ukrainian authorities cannot influence the religious views of Ukrainians in any way.

According to the network of religious organizations report, as of January 1, 2021, several pagan currents were registered in Ukraine. These are 161 organizations, only 0.4% of the total number of religious organizations. Some researchers of religious currents consider Satanists to be a religious group of neo-pagan native believers, but it is only one of the scientific approaches. Primarily paganism and neo-paganism in Ukraine are associated with the return of people to ancient Slavic beliefs, which existed even in the days of Kyivan Rus and had nothing to do with the cult of Satan. Moreover, pagans considered themselves a light cult and were forbidden to perform dark rituals. Oleksiy Pavlov's references to religious beliefs, totalitarianism, and radical nationalism are an unsuccessful attempt to equate Ukraine with Nazi Germany.

Message Ukrainians are "non-human beings who should be drowned and burned"

In pro-Russian Telegram channels, the message of the Russian propagandist, the director of the Russian-language broadcasting of the Russia Today TV channel, Anton Krasovsky, during an interview with the Russian fiction writer Serhiy Lukyanenko, is being distributed.

Anton Krasovsky called for killing Ukrainian children, and telegram channels are already calling for the extermination of all Ukrainians. In order to emphasize the "inhumanity" of Ukrainians, the reports use a fake that the Armed Forces allegedly "carry cats and dogs with them, which are not fed for several days, so that they can then be fed to dead Russian soldiers." The fact checkers of the NotaYenot project drew attention to the spread of the message. In fact, Russian propaganda has long been talking about the "inferiority and inferiority" of Ukrainians, accusing them of Nazism and cultivating intolerance and aggression towards Ukrainians.

Propagandist Krasovsky has spread anti-Ukrainian appeals before. He claimed that the so-called "special operation" would not end until Ukraine signs its capitulation and that Ukrainian children should be taken care of only when they "become Russian." Read more about Krasovsky's statements and the reaction to them. Pro-Russian Telegram channels are also not the first to show aggression towards Ukrainians.

After the massive rocket attacks on October 10, the Russians rejoiced at the death of civilians. As a result of the strike, Ukrainians were left without electricity, water, and heat. The spread of such messages causes an obvious emotional solid reaction in Ukrainians, which is then used by propaganda for its purposes. In this way, Russian propaganda tries to impose the opinion that "Ukrainians aren't sorry." They try to justify a full-scale invasion and the deaths of thousands of people.

Message The victims of the rocket attacks on Kyiv on October 10 "actually" are hired, actors

Such a message is spread, in particular, in the Belgian segment of social networks. Pro-Russian users share photos and videos of a lightly injured woman who took a selfie while ambulance workers treated her. If you were the victim of a missile strike, you don't seem to care about selfies or videos. So, according to propagandists, this behavior of people shows that they are actors and not really victims.

Belgian fact-checkers drew attention to the spread of the message. They write that the photos and video fragments shared on social networks are, in fact, taken out of context in such a way as to leave room for ambiguous conclusions.

Propagandists used the behavior of one of the least traumatized victims to promote their message while ignoring more serious human injuries and deaths. Other victims of the Russian attack can be seen in the photo's background, including people injured by glass fragments from the office center next to which the rocket landed. Numerous photographs and videos taken by Ukrainian and foreign journalists in Kyiv on October 10 confirm that the photos show seriously injured people, not actors. The photos were also published on the front pages of foreign publications, which Russian propaganda accused of posting fake images.

Message The Russian military cares more about Ukrainian civilians than the Ukrainian army

Such information is distributed on social networks; in particular, fake accounts advertise this information on Facebook.

The Russian military is allegedly evacuating civilians from Kherson to protect people from shelling and possibly undermining the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant. It shows that they treat civilians more carefully than the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainian army allegedly prefers to take cover as civilians during hostilities. Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Russian propagandists have been promoting the message that the Ukrainian military is using civilians as "human shields."

Propagandists show their careful attitude of the Russians towards the Ukrainians as a forced evacuation to Russia without the right to choose, the seizure of the homes of the people who evacuated, the abduction of children, and the intimidation that during the de-occupation all locals will be shot. Those civilians who disagree with Russian propaganda are kidnapped from their homes, tortured, and buried in mass graves.

"Human shield" is a standard element of the tactics of the Russian army: it was the case in Chechnya, Georgia, and Syria. It is happening now in Ukraine as well. The Russians practice creating a "human shield," organizing offline training in schools, creating huge queues of cars at roadblocks, and placing military equipment and personnel near residential buildings. Therefore, Russian soldiers are worse than terrorists who take hostages.

Message The supply of HIMARS and Bayraktar missile systems to Ukraine will be significantly reduced

Anonymous Telegram channels distribute such messages. They also spread posts about the lack of weapons and advertise the profiles of nameless people on Facebook.

The management of the drone company Bayraktar allegedly informed the Office of the President of Ukraine that they were forced to reduce supplies because Russia included such a condition in one of the clauses of the gas agreement with Turkey. Russian propagandists assure that the USA has refused to supply Ukraine with air defense systems and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). The West allegedly can only transfer a few air defense systems to Ukraine. At most, air defense will be able to cover the West and a small part of the Center of Ukraine. Other regions will allegedly be forced to solve defense problems on their own.

As you know, at the beginning of October, four additional HIMARS salvo fire systems arrived in Ukraine. On October 19, the manufacturer Lockheed Martin said that the US is increasing the production of HIMARS due to the Ukrainian military's successful use of these systems over the past few months. Baykar Makina also continues to support Ukraine with drones. The recent agreement between Turkish President Erdogan and Putin on creating a gas hub in Turkey doesn't affect their activities.

However, Putin has been offering Erdogan cooperation in the production of drones since the beginning of the summer of 2022. Such messages show that the Ukrainian army will have nothing to fight and Russia will win in a few days. This autumn, the Ukrainian military is confidently moving forward, liberating the territory in the Kharkiv, Kherson, and Donetsk directions. Instead, propagandists invented "news" about Ukraine's arms reduction to show that it was a fluke and that the Russian army would no longer allow a retreat from the territories.

Message Boguslayev is not a friend of Russia, and his arrest is a purge of Zelenskyy's competitors

Pro-Kremlin anonymous Telegram channels massively spread such messages.

On the evening of October 22 in Zaporizhzhia, the Security Service of Ukraine detained Vyacheslav Boguslayev, the honorary president of the Motor Sich joint-stock company, on suspicion of working for Russia. Investigators established that after 2014, the Motor Sich company continued to supply aircraft engines to Russian planes that bombed Ukraine. For the next few days, Boguslayev's arrest was actively discussed by Russian propagandists on social networks to prove that he allegedly had nothing to do with Russia.

At first, propagandists assumed that Boguslayev's arrest was a purge of Zelenskyy's competitors in the new political season. From 2021, the Ukrainian authorities allegedly arrested everyone whose opinion differed from Zelenskyy's policy. Propagandists claim that there is classified information on everyone who once cooperated with Russia, particularly on Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who once had business in Russia.

The West allegedly knows about it and decides when and whom to detain. Boguslayev became a "victim" of the "western curators of Ukraine" dispute. He reportedly earned money from Turkish bayraktars and has nothing to do with Russia. Russian propagandists emphasize that Boguslayev is a friend of Turkey and the USA but an enemy of Russia. Ukrainian politicians who fled to Russia spread the idea that Boguslayev's story is not about politics; it is only about money. Russian propagandists didn't accidentally whitewash Boguslayev's reputation.

Their messages were a kind of informational counterattack to the facts of the Security Service of Ukraine, which published audio recordings of the telephone conversations of the president of Motor Sich. These audios confirm Boguslayev's cooperation with Russia, that he didn't hide his pro-Russian views, and was repeatedly elected as a People's Deputy from the pro-Russian Party of Regions.

Message Kyiv prepares a provocation with the detonation of a "dirty bomb"

October 23, the Russian media once again began spreading the message that the Ukrainian authorities are allegedly preparing to detonate a "dirty bomb" or a low-power nuclear weapon on the territory of Ukraine.

The "dirty bomb" is allegedly manufactured under the direction of Western curators, the Eastern Mining and Processing Plant, located in Zhovti Vody, Dnipropetrovsk Region, and the Kyiv Institute of Nuclear Research are involved.

If the provocation is successful, Ukraine allegedly plans to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction to launch a powerful anti-Russian campaign in the world, aimed at undermining the trust in Moscow of many of its key partners. At the same time, the West will again try to raise the issue of depriving Russia of its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Russia spread messages about producing a "dirty" bomb in Ukraine even before a full-scale war. Although each time, this thesis attracted new "goals." Initially, the Ukrainian "dirty" bomb was one of the reasons why the Russian army launched a full-scale invasion. Subsequently, propagandists assured that in this way, the West is resorting to "nuclear blackmail"; therefore, Russia is forced to defend itself. The "third party" provokes Russia into a nuclear conflict. This time, Russian propaganda reduced the level of intimidation, and now the "dirty bomb" is the reason for the rise of anti-Russian rhetoric worldwide. However, such rhetoric was successfully formed precisely when, on February 24, Russia launched a massive missile attack on the whole of Ukraine for the first time. Since then, the Russians have been committing atrocities on the territory of Ukraine every day to turn as many countries as possible away from them and intensify the anti-Russian campaign.

Message All residents of Kherson should immediately evacuate to the left bank due to the threat of shelling from the Armed Forces

For the second week, the Kherson's residents have been informationally attacked with a series of messages, urging them to "evacuate" across the Dnipro to the left bank. Propaganda anonymous channels spread information about the Ukrainian military's alleged shelling of peaceful areas. The occupiers also offered "free vacation for children and adults in Russia," distributed leaflets "Save your family - leave for the left bank," and information with routes. Propagandists send text messages urging them to "evacuate" immediately because they say there will be shelling residential areas.

On October 22, they began to intimidate people by sending out audio in the Ukrainian language, allegedly on behalf of the Ukrainian military. In the audio, it is said that not a single surviving house will remain in Kherson.

As noted by the fact-checkers of the "NotaYenota" project, the man's Ukrainian language is perfect. It's probably a record of either a Ukrainian prisoner or one of the Kherson collaborators. Residents of Kherson and the right-bank part of the region, who were evacuated, will allegedly be able to receive a payment of 100,000 rubles and a certificate for purchasing housing in Crimea. Such messages aim not only to intimidate the people of Kherson and force them to evacuate but also to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Ukrainian military never targets civilians and never sends anything that could threaten Ukrainians or discredit the army.

After a significant part of the population left Kherson, the Russian occupiers changed into civilian clothes and settled in the homes of the evacuees. As reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is how the enemy is preparing Kherson for street battles.

The Kherson regional military administration calls on residents to ignore the "evacuation."

Message All Western neighbors of Ukraine encroach on its territory

Such information is promoted in anonymous Telegram channels. Poles, Romanians, Slovaks, and Hungarians allegedly want to destroy a piece of Ukraine for their purposes. Fresh evidence of this is that Poland allegedly moves military equipment to the border with Belarus. According to propagandists, if Belarus officially takes part in the war against Ukraine, then the USA and Britain will allow the territories of Ukraine to be divided between the neighboring countries - Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania. Russia's mission is supposed to protect Ukraine from division. For the sake of this goal, Russia is ready to use "not only tactical nuclear weapons but something stronger" against Ukraine.

Earlier, propagandists repeatedly spread fakes about Poland's intention to annex Lviv Oblast. In particular, they wrote that Poland had begun an "economic takeover" of Ukraine and the western regions of Ukraine and that a referendum would be held in Lviv Oblast regarding the region's accession to Poland. Disinformation about the intention of Western countries to take over Ukraine is aimed at destroying Ukraine's unity with the European Union and canceling support for Ukraine.

This way, propagandists divert attention from illegal pseudo-referendums in the territories temporarily occupied by Russia and convince them that they aren't taking over Ukraine but protecting it from Western invaders.

Message The war in Ukraine started because of the ban on the Russian language

On October 21, Russian propagandists began spreading such information via Telegram. The reason was the interview of Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), during the political talk show "Hovoryt Velykyy Lviv" on the "NTA" TV channel. He allegedly said that the Russian language should completely disappear in Ukraine. Propagandists promote the idea that it was the ban on the Russian language in Ukraine that caused the war. Now they will allegedly rewrite and ban all history, culture, and customs in South and East Ukraine. Instead, they will impose an ideology acceptable only in the West of Ukraine. Propagandists took Danilov's words out of context and misinterpreted them.

Danilov said: "The Russian language must disappear from our territory altogether as an element of hostile propaganda and brainwashing of our population... English is mandatory, and our native language is mandatory. And it is hazardous to plant these Russian narratives here."

It is not the first year that Russian propagandists have used the "language issue" and "discrimination against Russian speakers" to artificially incite enmity between Ukrainians and divide Ukrainians by place of residence.

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war in Ukraine, propagandists have regularly pushed the message that the Russian army is protecting Russian-speaking Ukrainians; otherwise, Ukrainians would be punished for communicating in Russian. Earlier, propagandists spread fakes that the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine plans to remove Russian literature from libraries. Propagandists also spread fakes that a woman was tied to a pole in Dnipro for speaking Russian.

Message If Ukraine continues to conquer territories, Russia will destroy them in return

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security Council, such a message is spread by Russian propagandists in the information space.

In particular, referring to the article of the former US ambassador to the USSR, Jack Matlock, in the publication Responsible Statecraft. The Kremlin media writes, "if Ukraine tries to return the territories by force, and such actions are encouraged by the USA and NATO, then Russia is very likely to destroy Ukraine in response."

According to the Center's message, with the help of such messages, Russia seeks to intimidate Ukrainian society. In addition to intimidation, according to analysts, such messages are intended to induce Ukraine to negotiate with Russia and agree to the aggressor's terms.

Message A military coup is being prepared in Great Britain

The Russian propaganda media spread this thesis. Reports say about a military coup allegedly planned in Great Britain in the coming days.

Within 10 days, the current Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, allegedly wants to occupy the chair of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. In their reports, the Russian media refer to an article in the Daily Express. However, it is not true. In fact, there are no reports of a military coup being prepared.

As StopFake writes, all this is fiction of the Russian media. The Daily Express article titled "Ben Wallace appointed 'emergency PM' as Liz Truss has just 10 days to save her premiership" talks about the political crisis in Great Britain and the likely candidates for the post of Prime Minister in case of resignation of Truss.

Message Ukraine has asked NATO to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia

Pro-Russian bloggers and Telegram channels spread this thesis. Reports claim that Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on NATO countries to launch a pre-emptive strike against Russia before it uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine. However, Zelenskyy didn't actually call on NATO to use nuclear weapons.

According to the EU vs Disinfo project analysts, the claim that President Zelensky called for pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Russia is fake and arose from a misinterpretation of a translated interview. As analysts write, in fact, neither the US nor the EU is interested in a nuclear scenario in Ukraine. Any nuclear explosion can have unpredictable consequences for the whole world. Nuclear fallout from the explosion at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 also reached the United States, although its concentration was lower than in Europe.

Instead, Russia constantly hints at the possibility of using nuclear weapons in a war against Ukraine. Ukraine's counterattack at returning its territories gave rise to a new wave of nuclear blackmail on the part of Russia. It is Russia that is trying to keep the international community in tension with contradictory statements about the use of nuclear weapons.

Message Kyiv mocks the graves of the dead in Lyman by exhuming them

Russian propaganda media spread such messages. Propagandists claim that Kyiv is committing an "insult" to Ukrainians who died due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

This information is spread to whiten the reputation of the Russian occupiers. Russian propagandists call the exhumation of the bodies of people who died under occupation and buried in mass graves "the height of cynicism."

"Kyiv, to satisfy its political ambitions, mocks the graves of the dead civilians of Lyman... Kyiv not only brutally killed all these people but also tried to use them for its criminal purposes after their death," claim the propagandists.

Stopfake fact-checkers drew attention to the message. According to fact-checkers, the exhumation of bodies from spontaneous burials discovered in the de-occupied Lyman is necessary to establish the identity of the dead and the cause of their death. Most of those killed as a result of the actions of the Russian invaders are civilians.

Earlier, the Russian occupiers spread the same message about the mockery of bodies after the liberation of Izyum, where Ukraine also had to exhume the bodies.

Message Ukrainian air defense "actually" doesn't work

During the air alert throughout Ukraine (October 19), pro-Russian Telegram channels spread messages that allegedly the Ukrainian air defense couldn't cope with mass shelling. The Ukrainian authorities allegedly inform about the work of the Air Defense Forces, and local officials deliberately write about it. Then the authorities wait until the missiles hit the target. If the witnesses don't record the "arrivals" on video, they report that they have successfully shot down all aerial targets. Telegram users deny the propaganda message. At the same time, many channels that report on explosions and air raids post numerous photos of the work of Ukrainian air defense in the sky. There are also messages about the operation of air defense systems from users (without identification of the systems` location).

Russian propaganda manipulates official sources' reports to spread panic among the townspeople directly during the shelling.

Message There is no point in donating to the Armed Forces and helping volunteers

Pro-Russian Telegram channels spread this information to discredit Ukrainian volunteers. Voluntary donations won't allegedly save the country, whose economy is bursting at the seams, and foreign partners are in no hurry to support it. In this way, Russian propaganda promotes another message - Ukraine isn't supported in the West.

Propagandists suggest buying gas stoves, firewood, and generators instead of donating to the army because this will allegedly help "as soon as tomorrow." The fact that it is necessary to prepare for winter doesn't exclude the need for help from the army. Artificial confrontation is one of the common tactics of propagandists. Moreover, propaganda writes that donations of 200-300-400 hryvnias "only create an emotional background," but any amount of help is important, saves lives, and helps the Ukrainian army. One of the reasons for the active discrediting of the volunteer movement was the record collection of funds for the purchase of drones for the Ukrainian army. At first, the propagandists accused Serhiy Prytula and Serhiy Sternenko of "cynically collecting money" during the attacks. Then began a wave of discrediting the actual drones that were planned to be purchased. Both their cost and technical characteristics were manipulated in the messages. In this way, the propagandists tried to show the allegedly dishonest work of Ukrainian volunteers and the ineffectiveness of spending the collected funds. Moreover, propagandists often manipulate the topic of reporting in the work of volunteers; allegedly, not all reports on the purchase of equipment or certain devices for the army can be made public through social networks because the enemy can use this information. However, propagandists manipulate emotions by leaving facts out of context. Since 2014, the Ukrainian volunteer movement has supported the Ukrainian army significantly. That is why propagandists try in every possible way to devalue and discredit the work of volunteers. More details.

Message Ukrainians are Russians who have become ill and brutalized

It is the opinion spread by Russian propagandists in the media and Telegram channels.

The main characteristic of Ukrainians should supposedly be the Ukrainian language, but no one communicates in it, except on television. It can be seen in the video during the Russian attack on Kyiv by kamikaze drones when people reacted by speaking Russian and using Russian profanity.

The thesis that Ukrainians are "sick" and "possessed" Russians has been spreading since at least the beginning of April 2022. As "Detector Media" already recorded, Tymofiy Sergeitsev, propagandist and author of the plan for "denazification" of Ukraine for 25 years, believes that Ukrainians don't exist, but only "malorosy" or simply sick Russians. Moreover, separatist Pavlo Gubarev called for the killing of several million Ukrainians "until they understand that they are sick and need to be treated."

Thus, propagandists justify Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine and motivate Russians to go with weapons to "treat" Ukrainians. More details.

Message Russia is not fighting at full capacity, but it will start soon

In this way, pro-Russian bloggers on social networks intimidate Ukrainians. Soon, the regrouping of the Russian army will allegedly take place in all directions, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine will launch a counteroffensive. As a result, Ukraine is allegedly facing defeat, which will be called "the turning point in the war of 2022".

Such messages are spread by pro-Russian bloggers in Telegram channels drawing their conclusions from the news that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China calls on its citizens in Ukraine to evacuate immediately because Ukraine "has a serious security situation.

China is an ally of Russia, and therefore, allegedly, "Moscow could have warned Beijing about its future actions."

Every time the Russian army suffers heavy losses and withdraws from the occupied territories of Ukraine, propagandists change the subject and resort to intimidation, spreading messages about regrouping, an upcoming offensive, and another attack.

The Russian army allegedly previously fought at half strength, and soon new forces will be brought up, and they will not allow any more retreats.

Message The Ukrainian military purposefully destroyed the civilian population during the liberation of populated areas

Since the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the city of Lyman in the Donetsk region, anonymous telegram channels controlled by the FSB have been spreading such information. During the counteroffensive, the Ukrainian military allegedly received an order to destroy all the people who lived under the occupation. They mainly actively spread the message that it is as if the military is under orders to throw grenades into basements and shelters where people are hiding.

Message The supply of air defense systems to Ukraine continues the war

The Russian media write about this concerning the press secretary of the President of Russia, Dmytro Peskov. The aid allegedly won't change the goals of the so-called "special operation" and its final result but will only prolong the "conflict" and make it more painful for Ukrainians.

Propagandists have been spreading this message periodically since the beginning of the great war after reports of new weapons supplies to Ukraine. In this way, they are trying to discredit the supply of air defense systems for the protection of the civilian population of Ukraine, which the Western partners reported after the massive missile attacks on October 10-11. As the Center for Combating Disinformation writes, the supply of air defense systems will nullify one of Russia's biggest trump cards — missile attacks.

Previously propagandists wrote that the Ukrainian military refuses to use "Bayraktary" to discredit Western weapons. Supposedly, Ukraine will no longer receive American HIMARS MLRS and their missiles. France is complicit in "crimes" against the civilian population, as Ukraine fires at Donbas from French self-propelled guns, "Caesar," etc.