Spilnota Detector Media

Message Ukrainian farmers are doomed to bankruptcy

Such theses are disseminated by propaganda channels, in particular by RIA Novosti. These reports say that Polish companies have organized the purchase of farmers’ products at a reduced price. In this way, allegedly Poland dooms Ukrainian enterprises to bankruptcy. And since then the Poles seek to buy the assets of companies and Ukrainian lands at reduced prices. However, this is all lies.

As the specialists of the Brekhunets (Lier) project explain, the current harvest campaign is really difficult. Due to the loss of access to ports, after the full-scale invasion of Russia, those who grew grain were the first to suffer. In addition, part of the crops in the temporarily occupied territories was also lost: fields were burned, equipment was destroyed.

The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine noted that there are only a few bankruptcy cases.

Now, for example, ports have started to work, and if the dynamics are the same as now, then export volumes will be at the level of 4-4.5 million tons, it is quite possible that in September talks will begin between banks and manufacturers about new repayment and credit schedules.

Media Detector has already written about a fake on the impossibility of selling agricultural land to foreign citizens. Moreover, this applies as well to legal entities - food companies.

Message Liz Truss is incompetent and her politics is Russophobia

The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss has become the object of undisguised discredit from Russian media representatives and authorities. They declare its total incompetence, mediocrity, Russophobia and express skepticism about the ability to overcome the energy crisis and food inflation as a result of anti-Russian sanctions adopted by Britain.

The media also cite Russian dictator Putin, who allegedly said that the procedure for electing the head of state in Britain is undemocratic, since it takes place within the framework of the ruling party, and not with the participation of the people.

Such reports are trying to show in a bad light an unfriendly politician, which means that they indicate expectations of tough actions against Russia and in support of Ukraine in the confrontation with Moscow.

After Johnson's resignation, propaganda claimed that Britain's attitude towards Ukraine could well change, because he allegedly did not have support precisely because of his actions against Ukraine.

However, Liz Truss has already promised  “to become Ukraine's biggest friend” and declared that “Putin will fail and face the strategic defeat in Ukraine, and Russia will be limited in the future”.

Liz Truss took office on September 05, after winning the election to lead the Conservative Party against her opponent Rishi Sunak, with 81,326 votes to 60,399.

Message The modern “Bandera” language is an anti-Russian political language, so Russia must “purify” it, remove “totalitarian and terrorist influence

Russian media and pro-Russian resources write about this. Allegedly, there is a classical Ukrainian language, very close to the Russian language and which every Russian understands. Like, it's just a version of the Russian language. The modern Ukrainian language is allegedly the work of political technologists. As if Russian words are replaced by a large number of Polish and English words. And this “artificial, totalitarian and terrorist” modern Ukrainian language is taught to schoolchildren. That is why, according to the Russians, it is necessary to completely eliminate this “artificially created language”, since it originates from the “terrorist methods” of Ukrainian nationalists.

Ukrainian is a real language that has been different from Russian for many centuries. It is more similar to other Slavic languages ​​than to Russian.

They tried to destroy the Ukrainian language many times, and forcibly russify Ukrainians. Targeted bans and oppression of the Ukrainian language with the aim of its destruction and assimilation in Ukraine are called linguocide.

Message Western sanctions against Russia are in vain

Russian propaganda conveys to Russians the impression that the Kremlin is moderately optimistic about economic performance as a result of anti-Russian sanctions. Russia accuses the West of “irrationality and illogicality of the sanctions that provoked chaos and destabilization of world economic relations” and insists on their cancellation. Russian Foreign Minister Serhii Lavrov accused the West of failing to fulfill its promise to lift sanctions on the export of Russian grain and fertilizers to world markets as part of the “grain agreement” with Ukraine.

As the Center for Countering Disinformation writes, because of the war the Russian economy is heading towards one of the longest recessions in its history. Several scenarios of a long-term depression of the Russian economy are probable. The first option is “inertial”: the bottom will be reached in 2023 by 8.3% below the level of 2021. The second is “stressful”: the maximum drop in GDP in 2024 by 11.9% from the pre-war year. The third is “targeted”: in 2022, a fall of 2.9% and a resumption of economic growth of 16.9% in 2030.

Message Hundreds of containers with the causative agent of anthrax and cholera were taken from Odesa to the USA

This thesis is actively disseminated by the Kremlin propaganda media with reference to the Russian Defense Ministry. Allegedly, one of the priority tasks of Ukrainian laboratories is to collect and send to the United States strains of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases - cholera, anthrax, tularemia.

Russian propagandists claim that at the Research Anti-Plague Institute named by Mechnikov, hundreds of containers with the causative agent of anthrax and cholera were stored in Odesa, which were allegedly taken to the United States in February 2022. At the same time, in Russia they refer to an employee of the Odesa Institute whose name is not called.

The representative of the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Serhii Bratchuk, believes that the Russian invaders have no choice but to invent fables, because they have no real victories.

One of the most widespread fakes of Russian propaganda is the development of biological weapons in Ukraine. Recently, these messages have become more frequent. In particular, in the first days of September, the Russians spread the thesis that Ukraine was a biological threat and that the United States had developed a drone that would transport “infected insects”.

Message Ukraine was preparing to seize the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant during the visit of the IAEA mission

Russian propagandists spread several theses about the visit of a mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the alleged plan of the Ukrainian authorities to take control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

First, the pro-Kremlin media noted that on September 01, at dawn, “an unsuccessful assault began.” Allegedly, Ukrainian saboteurs on seven boats and two self-propelled barges tried to disrupt the IAEA mission in Enerhodar, temporarily occupied by Russia. The Russians blocked their landing, the British-trained elite fighters were massacred and the barges were sunk.

According to another version of the Russian Ministry of Defense, specially selected and trained "media representatives" from Ukraine, the United States and Great Britain, in the presence of the IAEA mission, were supposed to inform the world community about the transfer of the station to the control of Kyiv. Therefore, all unauthorized persons, when trying to cross the demarcation line, along with the IAEA motorcade, stopped and were not allowed through.

And it did not happen without accusations of Ukraine in the shelling. They say that the Russian side ensured the arrival of more than 60 journalists from France, the USA, China, Denmark, Japan, Germany, Turkey, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries. In the morning of September 01, they witnessed an attempt to attack the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by Ukrainian saboteurs, could see massive artillery shelling by the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and hid in a bomb shelter.

Remember that the IAEA mission headed by its head Rafael Grossi on September 01 visited the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant being seized by Russia since March 4. 14 experts stayed at ZNPP for two and a half hours. On that day, the Russian army conducted a powerful shelling of the corridor through which the IAEA mission was supposed to follow from Zaporizhzhia to the nuclear power plant, so the experts traveled quite a long time.

The Russians did not allow independent Ukrainian and Western journalists to enter the ZNPP. As President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said, despite the agreements with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi, the IAEA mission arrived at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant without journalists, there were only propagandists from Russia. Enerhoatom confirmed that “the overwhelming majority of “media from all over the world” who arrived at the plant on September 01 were Russian propagandists.”

Message Ukraine is a vacuous state

With such a hidden meaning, the first autumn lessons "Talks about important things" by Volodymyr Putin and "Historical memory as the road to the future" by Oleksandr Lukashenko were held. Allegedly, these measures should concern Russia and Belarus, respectively, but they also talked about Ukraine there.

Volodymyr Putin said that allegedly schoolchildren in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions consider the Crimean bridge a fabrication. Also, children do not know that "Ukraine and Russia were once one country - the Soviet Union." Like, they weren't taught this at school. Thus, Putin once again demonstrated Russian chauvinism based on manipulation and distortion of reality.

In fact, the automobile part of the bridge across the Kerch Strait was opened on May 15, 2018, its railway part - on December 25, 2019 for passenger transport and on June 30, 2020 for cargo. Russia occupied Crimea and part of the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014. Therefore, the question of the “quality” of education in the occupied territories should be asked precisely to the occupying “authorities”, and not to the Ukrainian one.

Putin also once spoke about Russia's modern mission - "to stop this war", "to protect both the people and Russia itself", because on the territory of today's Ukraine "they began to create an anti-Russian enclave." In fact, Putin may well end the war he himself started. To do this, he should give an order and withdraw troops from the territory of Ukraine. He transfers responsibility for the start of the war and the crimes committed to Ukraine and to the West.

Oleksandr Lukashenko told Belarusian schoolchildren that the alleged events in Bucha were an artificially created picture. They say that in Belarus they “calculated” the numbers of cars and established the identities of those who brought “corpses in plastic bags” for “provocations”. Lukashenka also recalled an old fake that supposedly now “grain and black soil” are being exported from Ukraine to “rich Europe”. As the fact-checkers of The Insider write, the last time this fake appeared in the information space was in April, on a site of parody news.

Message German citizens are less and less supportive of anti-Russian sanctions

Allegedly, high energy tariffs and the predicted difficult winter period led to this. Russian propaganda makes such conclusions allegedly on the basis of individual materials from the German media (Die Welt, Tagesschau, etc.).

In fact, according to the latest Tagesschau polls, more than 53% of Germans support sanctions against Russia despite the difficulties in the economy. As the Center for Counteracting Disinformation writes, Russia is repeating for Europe the scenario already worked out in Ukraine to intimidate society with an energy crisis. Russia propaganda has been spreading similar disinformation predictions about frozen Ukrainians and an imminent governance crisis in the Ukrainian information space since 2018. Now the Kremlin is intimidating the Germans with a cold winter and the potential resignation of the government due to the inability to get through the heating season.

Message The West dreams of the death of Ukraine

This thesis is spread by pro-Kremlin propagandists. They say that it is the leaders of the West who incite discord and that the West will allegedly support Ukraine in the fight against Russia "to the last Ukrainian." Thus, propaganda is trying to create the appearance that the West wants to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians.

In fact, Western states, in particular the European Union, support Ukraine's resistance against Russian aggression and took part in the Crimean Platform initiated by Ukraine. It was after this event that Russian propagandists began to actively promote the thesis that the West wants the death of Ukraine. The platform aims to increase the effectiveness of the international response to the long-term occupation of Crimea, increase international pressure on the Kremlin, prevent further human rights violations and protect the victims of the occupation regime, as well as achieve the main goal - the de-occupation of Crimea and its peaceful return to Ukraine.

Message Counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army as fabrication of drug addicts and criminals

This thesis is spread by propagandists who deny the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson region. These messages say that everything seems to be a lie, since the military personnel are not capable of anything - they are drug addicts.

According to EU vs Disinfo analysts, Ukrainian forces have broken through the first line of defense in unspecified areas of Kherson region and have been trying to take advantage of the gap in Russian offensive lines caused by Ukrainian HIMARS strikes for many weeks.

At the same time, Ukraine has not yet confirmed the dismissal of a single settlement. As we said before, it is too early to guess the results of the counteroffensive , if it is successful or not. Military action of the magnitude of this counter-offensive does not resort and fail in a day or a week.

Previously, propagandists claimed that the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army failed immediately after it began.

Message Ukraine bears a biological threat

This is one of the most common statements of Russian propaganda. It seems that Ukraine poses a biological threat to the world, because it creates biological laboratories, artificially spreads various diseases, including cholera or plague. After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, disinformation about "dangerous" research and biological weapons programs with the participation of the United States acquired a special scope.

Russia actively disseminated information about outbreaks of cholera in different cities. In particular, in Odesa, Kyiv, Bila Tserkva and others. In fact, all these are outright fakes with the aim of intimidating and spreading panic among the population. According to analysts of the Myth Detector project, in any natural environment there are pathogens of many diseases, including cholera. For example, in Ukraine, as well as anywhere else, there are natural cholera alarms. Of course, under certain climatic conditions, the likelihood of infection increases. However, propagandists greatly exaggerate the fact of a probable infection.

They are referring to real disease outbreaks that have happened before. However, these outbreaks are natural and, as a rule, are not associated with the artificial spread of infection. Infection occurs mainly from water, less often contaminated food. In general, poor sanitation contributes to the spread of the disease.

In addition, during the global outbreak of Ebola (the pathogen) in Ukraine, there was not a single confirmed case of infection. Therefore, all cases are only natural. That is why Ukraine cannot pose a biological threat.

Message Fraudsters offer to pay VAT compensation to Ukrainians

Messages with such a proposal are actively distributed on Facebook. In particular, on the pages of Inform UA and UA Media. As they say in the reports, according to the new signed decree, each Ukrainian can receive a payment from eight to ninety thousand hryvnias. However, what kind of decree is in question and who exactly signed it, the reports do not specify. By clicking on the link indicated in the message, on the page where the photo of President Zelenskyi is posted, users are invited to take part in receiving compensation. Next, the user is taken to a page disguised as the websites of official Ukrainian structures: the page is designed in the colors of the websites of government agencies, has a similar design and layout. On this page, the user must enter their email and the last 6 digits of their bank card to check if they can receive a refund. By the way, Facebook has blocked pages in Ukraine from which fraudulent information is disseminated, but these messages are available to users in other countries. In particular, Germany and France, where there are also a lot of Ukrainians now, who are probably targeted by the fraudulent scheme. This is not the first attempt by scammers to lure Ukrainians out of money in this way. Similar schemes were common even before the war, and now they have become even more popular. In particular, sometimes scammers tried to promote their schemes using the faces of public figures, of course, without them knowing about it. We are talking, for example, about Alla Mazur and Lesia Nikitiuk. Recently, Ukraine's government emergency response team CERT-UA identified an increase in the number of fraudulent Facebook pages and published a list of them. The department urges users not to fall for such schemes and to be prudent. "Never enter payment card details on unfamiliar and suspicious websites, and also set up control over the movement of funds (connect SMS-informing, set limits on transactions)", the department urges.

Message The counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army in the south of Ukraine can be considered a failure

 This thesis is actively spread by the Kremlin propaganda media. Like, an attempt at a counteroffensive undertaken by the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed instantly, and the Ukrainian army is not capable of anything. In such reports, Ukraine is called a helpless puppet of the West, which allegedly prompted the start of a counteroffensive right now. According to analysts at the Institute for the Study of War, the Russian Defense Ministry launched an information operation to present Ukraine's counteroffensive as a decisive failure almost immediately after it was announced - on August 29. Several well-known military bloggers — even those who have been critical of the Kremlin — are pushing the message, according to the Institute. The Institute also reports that there are those who are spreading the message that the Western leaders of Ukraine pushed Ukraine to launch a counter-offensive prematurely and/or too late for “political” reasons. In fact, it is too early to talk about the results of the counteroffensive, if it is successful or not. At the same time, it is beneficial for Russia to say that the Ukrainian offensive is failing in order to create the appearance of its power and invincibility.

Message Ukraine is provoking a nuclear catastrophe in the world

This is not the first time that Russian propagandists have been spreading this thesis, trying to accuse Ukraine of destabilizing the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. In particular, the propagandists claim that the Ukrainian military themselves are shelling nuclear power plants; they argue that it is not beneficial for Russia to shell the station, which it itself controls; they assure that they do not harm the facility, but on the contrary, they save it from an abandoned condition, to which Ukraine allegedly brought the station.

In fact, the ongoing shelling at nuclear power plants really poses a nuclear threat. This has been repeatedly mentioned by IAEA experts. However, it is not Ukraine, but Russia that is responsible for the regular shelling of the ZNPP and all the threats arising from them. It was Russia that started the war in Ukraine and illegally seized a strategic facility.

According to the fact-checker VoxCheck, the ZNPP territory was shelled on August 5 and 6, and on other days, and it is Russia that is to blame for all the shelling. According to Enerhoatom, on August 5, the Russians fired at the ZNPP territory twice with the help of MLRS. As a result of attacks on one of the power units, emergency protection worked, so one of the three active power units was turned off. The invaders also damaged the nitrogen-oxygen station and the joint auxiliary building. On August 6, Russian troops were hit by a rocket at the ZNPP site right next to the station's dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel. Due to shelling, three radiation monitoring sensors around this site were damaged. One station worker was injured. On August 11, Enerhoatom published an analysis of the video on propaganda telegram channels, which proves that on August 6, it was Russian troops who were shelling the ZNPP, approximately from the industrial zone located between the nuclear power plant and Enerhodar.

Message The Russian army does not advance towards the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction according to the “wall” strategy

In response to the information wave about the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army, anonymous telegram channels, citing their Kremlin source, write: the Russians do not go on the offensive not because of a lack of forces or a tactical situation, but according to their strategy. It allegedly consists in building a “wall” through which Ukrainian forces will suffer losses and not advance far. Allegedly, now the Russian army has chosen a plan "B", different from the situation in Sievierodonetsk, which the correspondent of the telegram channel called a "meat grinder". The point is that the current strategy will force the Ukrainian army to suffer numerous losses and show them to society.

In all likelihood, this message fits into the communication concept of the Russian Federation from the beginning of a full-scale offensive - supposedly "everything is going according to plan." Imagine, at first they planned to “demilitarize” Ukraine in a few days, then until May 9 and then until the end of the summer.

Message US-provided weapons do not end up in Ukraine. Russian media disseminate such reports with reference to an interview with Acting Inspector General of the US Department of Defense Sean O'Donnell to the American edition of Bloomberg

Allegedly, O'Donnell admitted that neither the United States nor Ukraine can say with 100% certainty where the weapons they sent to Ukraine end up. It is not true.

As the fact-checker of the Georgian project Myth Detector writes, Russian propaganda manipulatively quotes only those parts of the interview that talk about possible violations, and do not mention measures of information about the established weapons control mechanisms. O'Donnell did say that the Pentagon would consider possible cases of weapons entering the “black market”. But so far we are talking only about an assumption, and not about a fait accompli of violations. The article also explains that the Pentagon has detailed arms monitoring mechanisms, which also include the US European Command and a new defense attaché office in Kyiv. As noted in the Bloomberg article, O'Donnell's team was in Germany in June and discussed this issue with representatives of the European Command.

Russian propaganda systematically uses quotes taken out of context to advance their narratives. Previously, propagandists spread messages that the United States and Germany do not trust the Ukrainian authorities.

Message The main problem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is “the depressed state of Ukrainian soldiers who do not see the prospect of victory”

Russian media "quotes" the Director of the Center for Intelligence and Global Affairs, Joshua Huminski, who allegedly called the condition of the personnel one of the key problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's like Huminski wrote about it for The Hill. Anonymous telegram channels added to the news that allegedly the Ukrainian military did not trust "neither Zelenskyi nor their commanders." Huminski's words allegedly confirm the results of a survey published in Deutsche Welle, which says that no more than 25% of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to fight for Ukraine. The rest allegedly “sympathize” with Russia, or are “extremely passive” and “ready to show themselves to the enemy in order to stay alive.”

As the StopFake fact checkers checked, Huminski's quotes are distorted and taken out of context, and the statistics are made up. In fact, on August 24, The Hill published an article by Huminski entitled “How a long, cold winter could dampen Western support for Ukraine” in the “own thought” section of The Hill. The author reflects on how the countries that support Ukraine determine an acceptable political solution to end the war in Ukraine. He notes that now neither Ukraine nor Russia can end the war on the battlefield or create more favorable conditions for negotiations. He also noted that the West can provide Ukraine with all possible weapons, but cannot create more Ukrainians. These words were used by propagandists for manipulation, although the author of the article did not consider the emotional state of the Ukrainian army. Also, Huminski never spoke about the trust or distrust of the soldiers in the leadership of the state.

As for the statistics cited by propagandists, Deutsche Welle did not publish a survey on the motivation of the Ukrainian military or similar topics. In total, according to the results of sociological surveys, more than 90% of Ukrainians believe in the victory of Ukraine.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates quotes taken out of context in order to pass off wishful thinking. Propagandists used similar tactics to convince Europe to force Kyiv to make concessions to Russia.

Message The US is pushing Europe into the abyss

Pro-Kremlin media write about it. Like, the United States forced the EU to abandon Russian energy sources, break off economic cooperation with Russia and close Europe to Russians. Allegedly, the main "US puppets" in Europe are the UK and "non-sovereign states" such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine. This "Russophobic coalition" also includes Poland, the Czech Republic and Finland. Like, Washington wants to keep the world under its control and is ready to sacrifice the well-being of European states for this.

The message was refuted by the fact checkers of the EUvsDISINFO project. The European Union is a sovereign association created on the voluntary initiative of the European nations, and it has its own, independent foreign policy. The US cannot influence his decision.

Economic sanctions, including sanctions in the energy sector, were introduced by the European Union as a reaction to Russia's aggressive behavior towards Ukraine. The first sanctions were introduced in 2014 after the illegal annexation of Crimea and part of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The European Union imposes sanctions against Russia on its own initiative, but also coordinates with partners, including the United States. After the full-scale invasion, sanctions pressure on Russia has increased significantly. The decision to ban Schenhen visas for Russians has also not yet been made.

Russian propaganda constantly promotes the message that supposedly economic sanctions harm the West more than Russia. Russian propaganda tried to blackmail Europe with the fact that allegedly cheap Russian gas can only be obtained in exchange for loyalty to Russia, or they convinced that the ban on Schenhen visas for Russians was discrimination on the basis of nationality.

Message The US and Germany do not trust the Ukrainian authorities

Russian media write about this with reference to Western publications (Der Spiegel, Bloomberg and Watson). Like, despite the statements of the heads of the United States and Germany, which were made on the Independence Day of Ukraine regarding the supply of weapons, due to distrust of the Ukrainian authorities, the partners may not supply the weapons they promised.

According to the Center for Counteracting Disinformation, the Russians used manipulative quotes and presented their own assumption as a fait accompli. In fact, foreign media write about how the Pentagon will control financial spending and monitor the supply of weapons, and also emphasize that Ukraine cannot use these weapons for strikes on Russian territory.

Manipulating quotes from the media or politicians is a common practice for propagandists to pass off wishful thinking. They also systematically try to discredit the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine. Previously, propagandists claimed that the Ukrainian army overestimated the number of its tank brigades in order to get more weapons. The same tactic was used by spreading messages allegedly by representatives of the White House that Ukraine has no chance of returning the territories occupied by Russia.

Message Ukraine is a terrorist state

This thesis is spread by Russian propagandists in the light of the events around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and the murder of Daria Duhina. Moreover, the Russian State Duma planned to recognize Ukraine as a terrorist state at a meeting on August 25. The corresponding bill has already been introduced by Russian politicians. Calling Ukraine a terrorist state, Russia uses disinformation messages aimed at justifying the invasion of Ukraine, which the Russian Federation continues to call not a war, but a special operation. According to EUDisinfo, Russia continues to come up with various explanations and reasons for its aggression.

According to the Center for Counteracting Disinformation, the Russian Defense Ministry said that over the past 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had carried out large-caliber strikes on the ZNPP area seven times, and in Kaliningrad, a “saboteur” with a bomb was detained, who admitted that his plans were coordinated with Azov. In fact, it was Russia that started the war against Ukraine, brutally killing Ukrainians and Ukrainian women, destroying Ukrainian cities and villages. It is Russia that can be called a terrorist state, especially after rocket attacks on shopping centers in Ukrainian cities, which killed dozens of civilians. Spreading the thesis that Ukraine is a terrorist state, this is not the first time that Russia shifts responsibility for its own and seeks to justify itself in the eyes of other states. Also, in this way, the Russian Federation wants to divert the attention of the world from its own war crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

Message British intelligence may be involved in the murder of propagandist Duhina

This thesis is spread by the Russian propaganda media. They say that British intelligence may be behind the murder of Russian propagandist Daria Duhina, because at first the British media Daily Mail reported about her death. In fact, according to EuDisinfo fact-checkers, there is no evidence to support the claim that British intelligence is behind the murder in Moscow of Darya Duhina, daughter of Oleksandr Duhin.

The murder of Daria Duhina was indeed reported by the British edition of the Daily Mail, as well as numerous international media. All in all, there is no evidence linking Daily Mail reports to British intelligence agencies.

Recall that earlier Russia also accused Ukraine of murder, providing only doubtful evidence that cannot be verified. In particular, accusing the Azov servicemen of the murder. Ukraine denies any involvement in the attack.

This is not the first time that Russian propaganda has accused the governments and intelligence services of other states of various crimes, instead of conducting a proper investigation on its own. In particular, propagandists have repeatedly claimed that MI6 was involved in the January protests in Kazakhstan; convinced that the UK is pushing Ukraine to fight Russia, promising help with a nuclear strike and so on and so forth.

Message Due to the fact that Ukraine did not comply with the Minsk agreements, a food crisis and chaos will come in the world

Information of such content is distributed in social networks in Russian. They say that over the next year there will be mass protests in the world, a change of power, “state defaults” due to the economic, fuel, food, and resource crisis. And, of course, according to correspondents, all this trouble in the world will come through the fault of Ukraine and Ukrainians. The reports add that all these phenomena could have been avoided if Ukraine had followed the Minsk agreements at the time.

VoxChck analysts drew attention to the message in the info field. According to their report, the authors of reports about the fault of the Ukrainians do not provide any arguments why Ukraine is responsible for a possible crisis. In fact, only Russia bears full responsibility for the war in Ukraine and for what is happening in the world as a result of it. It was this country that committed aggression against Ukraine on February 20, 2014, and on February 24, 2022, it launched a full-scale invasion. Ukraine did not resort to provocations, did not violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, but only defended and continues to defend its own integrity and independence.

As fact-checkers write, it was Russia that repeatedly violated any peace agreements. In particular, the ceasefire regime in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and before the large-scale invasion, Russia recognized the independence of the so-called LNR/DNR. It was because of Russia's actions that the food and energy crisis worsened, and a new wave of refugees appeared in Europe. By spreading the thesis that Ukraine is to blame for everything, Russia seeks to shift the responsibility for its crimes to another state and justify its criminal actions.

Message Shelling the ZNPP benefits no one in Russia because Russia controls it

Russian propaganda spreads this thesis. In particular, the American economist Jeffrey Sachs stated this in the program of the propagandist Soloviov. He accused Ukraine of shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. They say, most likely, the Ukrainians are shelling it themselves, since what is the point of shelling a Russian nuclear power plant if it controls it. In fact, Ukraine has repeatedly stated about the provocations of the Russian military on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is now really controlled by Russia, which poses a significant danger. As the Center for Counteracting Disinformation writes, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov called the shelling of the territory near the ZNPP a provocation by Russian infidels. Also, the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported on 23.08 about Russian shelling of the ZTES ash pits in order to cause radioactive dust. In addition, Jeffrey Sachs, according to whom propaganda concludes that it is not profitable for Russia to shell the ZNPP, is not at all competent to comment on such issues. Sacks is an American economist and economic advisor to governments in Latin America, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union countries, Asia, and Africa, but he is not an expert on nuclear security or military strategies. Of course, he can express his opinion about the situation at the ZNPP, but you should not take his words seriously. Remember that Russia has repeatedly tried to shift the responsibility for its crimes to Ukraine. For example, this was the case of shelling the colony in Olenivka. Using all sorts of foreign experts broadcasting theses that are beneficial for propaganda, Russia seeks to stake out the opinion that any provocations and shelling at nuclear power plants are not beneficial to it and thus absolve itself of responsibility for possible crimes.

Message The supply of weapons to Ukraine is similar to a "black hole".

Several Russian publications wrote that the Americans allegedly compared Ukraine to a black hole and criticized the supply of weapons by Western countries.

In fact, Russian propaganda published a commentary by an anonymous user spreading Russian propaganda narratives, in the opinion of all Americans. Such a generalization cannot reflect public opinion. As StopFake writes, in order to leave a comment under a Newsweek article, you need to register on the site, nationality is not important for this. Users from any country can comment on articles, following the rules of the site.

Opinion polls among Americans show a high level of support for Ukraine and support for the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Propagandists systematically use the tactic of publishing the opinions of individual users according to the general opinion of the audience. Earlier, in this way, they reported that the Americans allegedly accused the United States and Ukraine of stealing 40 billion dollars in military aid, or they talked about the dislike of the French and Germans for Ukrainians.

Message Either a successful counteroffensive or a tragedy will help Ukraine return to the pages of Western publications

Anonymous telegram channels on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day write, citing "their" sources, that the "West" offered Ukraine two strategies for returning to the international arena: a successful counteroffensive with tangible results, or a tragedy like a nuclear catastrophe. According to the propagandists, only under these conditions will Ukraine continue to receive support, and the decision is supposedly the “Banking” one.

Propagandists simultaneously resort to classical technologies:

fake dilemma - they offer readers an alleged ultimatum, both options are associated with losses and affect emotions;

repeated repetition - again and again they talk about Ukraine's dependence on the West and try to reduce the influence of the Ukrainian authorities.