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Message Ukraine hush up aftermath of attacks to make Zelenskyi's New Year's speech “heroic”

On December 19, after another nighttime mass drone attack on Ukrainian territory, Russian propagandists began to praise the effectiveness of drones. They say that the Ukrainian authorities hide the real scale of damage to the energy system of Ukraine and are silent about the hit, forbidding Ukrainians to publish photos / videos from the places of “arrivals”. It seems that this is due to the fact that there is no panic and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi could address people with a victorious accent on New Year's Eve.

Russian propagandists distribute such messages after virtually every attack on Ukraine in order to provoke them to take pictures and immediately publish the consequences of hitting energy systems and other strategic facilities. Such evidence would become for the Russians a "report" of their aggression and an opportunity to correct subsequent hits. This time, the propagandists emphasized that the consequences of the hits are hushed up because of the need to record Zelenskyi's “heroic” speech on New Year's Eve.

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