Spilnota Detector Media

Message Russia will avenge the “innocently killed” soldiers in Makiyivka

In the Russian information space and pro-Russian telegram channels, they are discussing the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Makiyivka at midnight on January 1, as a result of which up to 10 units of enemy military equipment of various types were destroyed. Also, according to preliminary data, it was the death of about 400 Russian servicemen and about 300 more wounded. According to the latest reports, the Russian General Staff acknowledged the death of only 89 soldiers.

Russian propaganda depicts the dead military as “innocently killed” and calls for revenge on Ukraine for the death of “sons and men”. At the time of death, the armed Russian military were in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and were directly involved in the war against Ukraine. That is, according to international law, they were a legitimate target for the Ukrainian army, defending its territory and its people.

Despite the fact that Russia started a war against Ukraine, Russian propaganda systematically spreads messages about revenge on Ukraine for any successful military actions and denies the right of Ukrainians to defend their state.

Message In the war “to the last” Ukrainians will “run out” faster than Russians

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that the Americans are allegedly satisfied with the state of affairs in Ukraine, in particular, the course of the war. Like, the Americans understand that statistically there are four times more Russians than Ukrainians, but they “like everything”.

To promote the message, the Russian propaganda took the words of US Senator Lindsey Graham out of context. Graham said that he likes the way the United States is now supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia and this is very important. It was about the fact that US assistance allows Ukraine not to give up. The propagandists are shifting the focus to the literal perception of Graham's words about “struggle to the last Ukrainian” and manipulate the reference to statistics.

Message In Kyiv, the only city in the “former Ukraine”, energy supplies are to be quickly restored with the help of West

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. They say that people of Kyiv are very happy that electricity has been restored in their homes. Allegedly, this is not the merit of power engineers, but of the “West” and weather conditions. However, it will soon become colder and people will again be left without electricity and heating.

With this message, propagandists are trying to achieve several goals at once. Firstly, to devalue the work of Ukrainian power engineers and workers who ensure the operation of critical infrastructure. Secondly, to fix the narratives about “external governance”, “loss of subjectivity by Ukraine”, “Ukraine as a “failed state””, etc. Thirdly, to distort foreign aid to Ukraine to restore energy supply. Also, the Russians are once again trying to oppose certain parts of Ukraine to each other. They say that restoring electricity in Kyiv is “more important” than in other parts of Ukraine.

Message Ukrainian refugees “walk” around Europe in “dirty underwear”

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Comments are added on social networks, such as “why is there such massive diarrhea abroad”.

In fact, in this way, Russian propaganda ridicules mass actions, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of foreigners to the war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine, in particular, numerous rapes in the temporarily occupied territories. During actions, people are dressed in “bloody” underwear and with bags on their heads. This image symbolizes the victim, the crime and its consequences. In particular, the actions were held in Austria, Latvia, and Estonia.

Message Attacks on priests of the Moscow Patriarchate Church happened due to Zelenskyi's policy

Pro-Russian telegram channels are spreading the news about the attack on the priest of the Moscow Patriarchate Church in the Vinnytsia region and accusing the “politics” of Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the “tacit consent” of Ukrainian society with it.

Russian propaganda is using reports of an attack on Archpriest Antonii Kovtoniuk to promote a disinformation message about the “persecution” of the Moscow Patriarchate church in Ukraine. There is no official information about the motives of the attacker yet - an investigation is underway. Propagandists are trying to give greater significance and “systematicity" to a single crime, so they write about “attacks in temples”.

Message The West will stop sponsoring Ukraine without success at the front

Russian media and pro-Russian resources are spreading messages that Europe will get tired of supporting Ukraine if the Ukrainian army fails to demonstrate new successes on the battlefield. Allegedly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi understands that prolonging the conflict will entail criticism and therefore signals to the West that in 2023 he will be “ready for peace talks”. Like, that's why Zelenskyi initiated the convening of a special peace formula summit this winter.

To spread such messages to an international audience, the propagandists used the words of the former national security adviser to former US President George W. Bush, Michael Allen, who has repeatedly spoken out in support of Russia.

Message They constantly lie to Ukrainians about the number of Russian missiles

On January 31, during a massive rocket attack on Ukraine, anonymous telegram channels spread the message that the Ukrainian authorities were hiding the truth about the number of Russian missiles. Allegedly, government officials downplay the number of Russian missiles fired at Ukraine and reassure people that Russia will soon run out of missile stocks.

Like, the reality is completely different, and this evidence is a photograph of the sky over the Russian city of Astrakhan, covered with traces of launched missiles.

In fact, neither the Ukrainian authorities nor the Department of Strategic Communications of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hide the number of missiles that Russia fired at Ukraine, nor are they silent about the consequences of the hits and the results of the work of the Ukrainian air defense forces.

In the Ukrainian information space, a photograph of the sky with traces of launched Russian missiles was distributed by the Strategic Communications Department of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “The sky in Astrakhan. Traces of “gifts” from the invaders who launched them in the direction of Ukraine. The bastards won't calm down”.

Russian propagandists spread such messages in order to intimidate Ukrainians and cause distrust in the authorities.

Message The new law on media introduces a "total" state dictatorship in the information space

Pro-Russian resources and telegram channels reacted to the adoption of the new media law with numerous fakes and manipulations. Like, this law is “worthy of the worst authoritarian states”. It seems that the authorities are “cleansing” the information space and introducing censorship. It seems that telegram channels remain the only platform where there is still “freedom of speech”.

In fact, this law is one of those that had to be adopted in the context of Ukraine's European integration. Media professionals and members of the public were involved in its development. The law establishes rules that did not exist before and regulates certain media processes. This will make it more difficult for Russian narratives to enter the Ukrainian information space. Therefore, before the adoption of the law, Russian propaganda launched a campaign to discredit it. Instead, Ukrainian media professionals welcome the adoption of the law, despite challenges in its implementation.

Message Kyiv becomes a ghost city

Russian media and pro-Russian resources are spreading reports that residents are allegedly leaving Kyiv en masse. Like, because of the actions of the authorities, the city is emptying, the real estate market is not working. Kyiv is in decline.

Russian propaganda once again gives out wishful thinking. Despite massive rocket attacks, problems with energy supply, the number of Kyiv residents is returning to pre-war levels. In Ukraine, there is indeed increased migration now, but it is not caused by “decline”, but by Russian aggression. StopFake notes that the message of Russian propaganda about the departure of people from Kyiv and the state of the real estate market is a fiction of propagandists.

Message Ukrainian refugee women in the EU as “a new face of European racism”

Kremlin information resources are distributing a publication stating that supposedly Ukrainian women who have gone abroad refuse to provide sexual services to African Americans and Asians. They seem to be showing racism.

According to StopFake, the publication referred to by the Russian media does not exist. A photo-edited screenshot of a Vision Times publication published on March 24 is being circulated online. It talks about the high risks of sexual exploitation of Ukrainian women who were forced to move to the EU after a full-scale Russian invasion. The propagandists changed the title of the article “War in Ukraine puts refugee women at risk of human trafficking and sex maniacs” to “Ukrainian refugee women involved in sex work refuse to sleep with blacks and people of color: the new face of European racism”. They also changed the author and the release date of the article.

Russia systematically discredits Ukrainian refugees. Read more about gender disinformation in the Detector Media study.

Message Americans provoke Russia into missile attacks on Ukraine

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that a period of “positional war” has begun in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Allegedly, there will be no serious “breakthroughs”, only “DRG-raids” (reconnaissance sabotage group raids) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russian airfields. Russia “in response” will launch massive missile strikes on Ukraine. The Americans, on the other hand, will warm up the situation “from around the corner”. They say that in this situation, “ordinary” Ukrainians will lose the most as they will have to cope with the consequences of missile strikes.

Such messages are part of a disinformation campaign of Russian propaganda on aid from the US and other Western partners. Russian propaganda spreads the message of “retaliatory strikes” after any massive missile attack on Ukraine. Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to emotionally put pressure on the Ukrainians and convince them that “negotiating with Russia”, that is surrendering, is the only possible way to end the war. In fact, Russia is cynically attacking Ukraine's critical infrastructure, in particular the energy system.

Message Zelenskyi is manipulating Washington by saying that Russia could strike other US allies

Such messages are spread by pro-Russian telegram channels as a reaction to the first foreign visit of the President of Ukraine since the beginning of the big war. The message that “Ukraine is blackmailing the West to obtain weapons and other assistance” is part of Russian disinformation narratives.

In fact, the Kremlin media systematically tells Russians about possible strikes against Europe, in particular, against the capitals of France, Germany, Great Britain, and Poland. Recently, the propagandists in the video tried to intimidate the United States with the blows of the “Sarmatians”. So, the rhetoric about “attacks on allies” is typical of Russian propaganda.

Message The EU “hides” its war crimes in Ukraine by creating a tribunal for Russia

Russian media write about this with reference to Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Serhii Vershynin. It seems that the European Union, initiating the creation of a tribunal over Russia, is allegedly trying to “hide its involvement in war crimes in Ukraine”. They say that the creation of such a court allegedly “is at odds with the UN Charter”, and the world community “does not have an evidence base” for Russia’s crimes against Ukraine. Allegedly, this is a manifestation of russophobia of Western countries, ready to “violate the UN Charter”.

The EU has not committed any illegal actions against Ukraine and its citizens. Russia, on the other hand, systematically violates the norms of international law, stirs up wars on the territory of sovereign states, and commits crimes against the civilian population.

According to StopFake, the creation of a body investigating the crimes of the aggressor state does not contradict the UN Charter. But the attack on a sovereign country, the occupation of Ukrainian territories and the holding of illegal pseudo-referenda in Ukraine at gunpoint is a direct violation of the UN Charter by Russia.

Message Zelenskyi’s trip to Bakhmut is a performance

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that Volodymyr Zelenskyi did not go to Bakhmut. They say that with the use of Western editing technologies, he can be “organized” anywhere, even a “trip to the Kremlin”. They also say that the residents of Bakhmut allegedly did not recognize the building on the video. Moreover, as if this is not Bakhmut, but the outskirts of Kharkiv.

Russian propaganda spread similar messages during Zelenskyi’s trips to the liberated territories, namely to Izium and Kherson. In particular, propagandists wrote that Zelenskyi deliberately visited Russia when he traveled to Kherson. The fake that Zelenskyi uses chromakey has already been debunked, but propaganda again resorts to such manipulations.

Message The call for Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine is an attempt to divert attention from corruption in the EU

Such information is disseminated in the Russian propaganda media. Reports say that NATO and the EU are preparing another charade for domestic consumption, the protagonist of which is Russia. Like, considering the general corruption of the European Commission and the European Parliament, they urgently need a smokescreen to divert the attention of their citizens from this problem. It is in this way that propagandists call the EU demand put forward by Russia to withdraw from Ukraine as a distraction. Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case in the network. According to experts, this disinformation story concerns a future joint EU-NATO statement promising support for Ukraine and urging Russia to stop the invasion and withdraw from Ukraine. However, this statement has nothing to do with the corruption scandal that erupted in December 2022 after several members of the European Parliament were accused of taking bribes from at least one country.

Message Great Britain, together with its vassals, creates an anti-Russian coalition

Messages of this content appeared in Russian propaganda media and in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. The authors of the messages claim that Great Britain, together with its vassals - the Baltic countries and Poland, are preparing an anti-Russian coalition. Like, the Baltic countries are only colonies and vassals of Great Britain, and London is trying to build an anti-Russian coalition in order to reduce the influence of Russia. Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case in the network. According to analysts, Russian propaganda seeks to present the Baltic countries and Poland as dependent or even puppets of Western states (in this case, Great Britain). In this way, propagandists convince the world that because of ties with the UK, other countries are losing their sovereignty. The propagandists expanded the same narrative in relation to Ukraine. They say that Ukraine is controlled by third forces: both the countries of the West and NATO, and it is they who allegedly set Ukraine and Ukrainians against Russia.

Message A group of Islamists from Syria will fight on the side of Ukraine

Such information appeared in the Russian-language media space. In particular, messages are distributed in anonymous telegram channels broadcasting a pro-Russian position. They say that a new group of radical Islamists went from northeast Syria to Ukraine to fight as mercenaries on the side of Kyiv. However, there is no evidence in the propagandists' reports to support such a claim. Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case.

Message Ukraine calls for nuclear war

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, Ukraine cannot shoot down Russian missiles, therefore, “in plain text” calls on the world to use nuclear weapons.

The propagandists used the words taken out of context of the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat to promote the message. Ihnat said that the Ukrainian air defense system is depleted. In particular, the means that are primarily supposed to protect against aviation have to shoot down not only missiles, but also kamikaze drones. According to the speaker, Ukraine should continue to ask for all possible funds from the international community. However, we are talking about replenishing the air defense system, and not about using nuclear weapons.

Message US and NATO have been planning a war in Ukraine against Russia for years

This message is being spread by Georgian pro-Russian resources with reference to German ex-chancellor Angela Merkel. Like, the belligerent position of the West in relation to Russia has existed for decades - the United States and NATO have been planning a war against Russia for years. In addition to Merkel, the article also quotes pro-Russian “expert” Scott Ritter, who said that Berlin's policy provides for gaining time for Ukraine before the war with Russia.

In the article referred to by the propagandists, there is not a single quote from Merkel that confirms the thesis of planning a war. MythDetector fact-checkers note that the article contains only one Merkel quote, taken from an interview with Der Spiegel, where the former chancellor says that 2008 was not the right time for Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO. The words of Scott Ritter echo the statements of Russian officials regarding the Minsk agreements.

Message Ukraine plans to protect nuclear power plants from itself

Anonymous telegram channels write about this. Like, planning the construction of new NPP units, taking into account military threats, is ridiculous. Allegedly, only Ukrainians around the world dared to deliberately shell nuclear power plants. Like, there are no other “suicidal people” anymore.

The propagandists are manipulating the words of Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko. He spoke about the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Ukraine and noted that the seizures and systematic shelling of ZNPP by the Russians drew attention to the need to improve the safety system at nuclear power plants. Russian propaganda uses ridicule tactics to discredit Ukrainian officials and cover up the crimes of the Russian army.

Message Europe has set a limit on the price of Russian oil for its own enrichment

Russian propagandists spread such messages to the Western audience. Allegedly, if Russia is forced to sell oil cheaply, this will put pressure on other suppliers from the markets to sell oil to Europe also cheaper. Like, Western countries will continue to thrive on cheap oil, even if it is not from Russia. However, this is not true.

According to the analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project, this thesis contradicts another narrative that was previously spread by propagandists that supposedly limiting oil prices would destroy Europe.

The purpose of the restriction is not to benefit Europe. The price limit for Russian oil was set as an additional sanction for Russia's illegal aggression against Ukraine. Price restrictions were initiated by the G7 countries and supported by the European Union.

The Council of the EU said in a statement: “Limiting the price of Russian oil will limit the price spikes caused by emergency market conditions and will sharply reduce the revenues that Russia received from the sale of oil after it resolved its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. This will also contribute to the stabilization of world energy prices and mitigation of negative consequences for the energy supply of third countries”.

Message Ukraine hush up aftermath of attacks to make Zelenskyi's New Year's speech “heroic”

On December 19, after another nighttime mass drone attack on Ukrainian territory, Russian propagandists began to praise the effectiveness of drones. They say that the Ukrainian authorities hide the real scale of damage to the energy system of Ukraine and are silent about the hit, forbidding Ukrainians to publish photos / videos from the places of “arrivals”. It seems that this is due to the fact that there is no panic and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi could address people with a victorious accent on New Year's Eve.

Russian propagandists distribute such messages after virtually every attack on Ukraine in order to provoke them to take pictures and immediately publish the consequences of hitting energy systems and other strategic facilities. Such evidence would become for the Russians a "report" of their aggression and an opportunity to correct subsequent hits. This time, the propagandists emphasized that the consequences of the hits are hushed up because of the need to record Zelenskyi's “heroic” speech on New Year's Eve.

Message Ukraine resumes the export of electricity and that is why people turn off the light

Such a message is spread by Kremlin propagandists in a month. The other day, a letter appeared on social networks allegedly from the head of the board of Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudrytskyi to the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine about the “resumption of exports” of electricity.

The national energy company Ukrenergo drew attention to the mistake of the authors of the fake.

They are “in such a hurry that they apply from the “board of directors” of Ukrenergo, while the Ukrainian system operator has only a supervisory board and a board. The Russian grid operator has a “Board of Directors”, from which Ukraine has permanently disconnected after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion”, Ukrenergo noted.

The fake email is yet another failed attempt to convince citizens that the power outages are the fault of the power industry, and not, as of December 19, ten massive waves of Russian attacks.

Message Ukraine envies restoration of occupied Mariupol

This opinion is spread by Russian propagandists in the media and social networks. Allegedly, the Ukrainian authorities promised to restore houses destroyed during the war, but they did nothing and people near Kyiv live without windows and in the cold. But in Mariupol, which the Russians occupied, they say they are restoring the infrastructure, helping in every possible way and importing books from all over Russia. Allegedly, the Ukrainian media do not talk about this, because they are jealous of how quickly Russia is restoring the occupied city.

Earlier, propagandists promoted the message that very soon there will be houses in Mariupol in which people are settled, but in Ukraine they cannot build anything.

Message The US provides Patriot complexes to prolong the war in Ukraine

A network of telegram channels, led by Russian intelligence, is spreading the following message: it seems that the United States has volunteered to provide Ukraine with air defense, including Patriot systems, in order to prolong the war in Ukraine. It seems that this is being done so that the United States continues to earn on the supply of weapons and to continue the effect of sanctions in order to weaken the European economy.

This is another invention of Russian propaganda. Ukraine has repeatedly turned to European partners, the United States and Israel, to get modern air defense systems, especially after Russia launched massive rocket attacks on energy infrastructure. Israel refused Ukraine. Germany, after two rockets fell on the territory of Poland and two people died, offered its own “Patriots” to Poland, but Poland made a different proposal: to send the complexes to Ukraine. Finally, Germany refused after a lot of consultation and evasion. But now these complexes have been agreed to be supplied to Ukraine by the United States. America is doing this precisely on the persistent appeals of Ukraine, which wants to get the Patriot complex in order to better protect both the population and the military.

The thesis about the “prolongation” of the war is also one of the common messages of Russian propaganda, which first threatened to “seize” Ukraine in two weeks, and then came up with “the prolongation of the war by the United States” to explain its own defeats at the front.

The war has led to many consequences, including an energy crisis, and is not beneficial to Ukraine, the US, the EU, or Russia itself, which can stop it at any moment. And it is Russia that is responsible for protracting this war.

The US provides Patriot complexes to prolong the war in Ukraine.

A network of telegram channels, led by Russian intelligence, is spreading the following message: it seems that the United States has volunteered to provide Ukraine with air defense, including Patriot systems, in order to prolong the war in Ukraine. It seems that this is being done so that the United States continues to earn on the supply of weapons and to continue the effect of sanctions in order to weaken the European economy.

This is another invention of Russian propaganda. Ukraine has repeatedly turned to European partners, the United States and Israel, to get modern air defense systems, especially after Russia launched massive rocket attacks on energy infrastructure. Israel refused Ukraine. Germany, after two rockets fell on the territory of Poland and two people died, offered its own “Patriots” to Poland, but Poland made a different proposal: to send the complexes to Ukraine. Finally, Germany refused after a lot of consultation and evasion. But now these complexes have been agreed to be supplied to Ukraine by the United States. America is doing this precisely on the persistent appeals of Ukraine, which wants to get the Patriot complex in order to better protect both the population and the military.

The thesis about the “prolongation” of the war is also one of the common messages of Russian propaganda, which first threatened to “seize” Ukraine in two weeks, and then came up with “the prolongation of the war by the United States” to explain its own defeats at the front.

The war has led to many consequences, including an energy crisis, and is not beneficial to Ukraine, the US, the EU, or Russia itself, which can stop it at any moment. And it is Russia that is responsible for protracting this war.