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Message Peaceful Ukrainians are engaged in telephone terrorism and sabotage in multi-storey buildings in Russia

Such a message is being shared by propagandists on social networks and in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. It says that Ukrainians allegedly started calling Russian schoolchildren on behalf of representatives of the gas service and asking them to turn on the gas and go and get some rest. Allegedly, peaceful Ukrainians are arranging sabotage and want to blow up multi-storey buildings. The authors of the messages add to the publication the so-called “audio recording of the call”, during which the woman asks the child to turn on the gas burners, “and go to rest in another room for two hours”. The woman herself claims that she is calling from the gas service, and so they conduct “remote checks”.

As the StopFake fact checkers explain, in fact, such an audio recording was previously distributed among users in the Kazakh segment, and has nothing to do with Ukraine. Back in 2018, this case was discussed on the national TV channels of Kazakhstan. It was discovered that the recording itself was made somewhere in their country, as local names were used.

Propagandists spread this message in order to destabilize the situation and once again nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis who do not even feel sorry for children.

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