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Fake The West and WHO are preparing Moldova for war with Russia

Such a message is being shared by propagandists in their telegram channels and in the Kremlin media. It says that Moldova is preparing for war, and the West and World Health Organization are helping it in this. They say that the Western leadership, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, arranges training in medical care. That is why, according to propagandists, Moldova is preparing for an offensive. However, this is not true.

The specialists of the StopFake project explained that the Western countries are not preparing Moldova for a war with Russia - this is a stuffing and a conspiracy theory of the pro-Kremlin media. The WHO training for doctors from Moldova was aimed at training doctors to provide assistance to the wounded who arrived from Ukraine.

In addition, the representative office of the World Health Organization in Moldova emphasized that the need for such training is closely related to Russian aggression against Ukraine. The WHO noted that the acquired skills will help Moldovan doctors provide the necessary assistance to refugees from Ukraine who suffered from Russian aggression. There was no mention of “training Moldovan doctors for military operations against Russia” at the training.

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