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Message “Remains” of Ukraine will not become “South Korea”

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels, based on the words of Dmytro Medvediev. The Russian politician posted a message to his telegram channel allegedly criticizing the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war according to the “Korean scenario”. Like, such a development of events is only a “whim” of Ukraine to become “South Korea” after the war. According to him, the “remnants” of Ukraine will never reach such a level of development as South Korea. Moreover, according to the “Korean scenario”, two independent states were formed. At the same time, Ukraine allegedly will never be independent, because it is “controlled by the West”.

Dmytro Medvediev's message is manipulative. The “Korean scenario” involves the distribution of territory between the warring parties along the conditional “38th parallel”, that is, along the front line. That is, the Russian politician is trying to create the impression that Ukraine is considering the possibility of giving up part of its territories in favor of Russia. He also notes the “post-war” future of Ukraine, which supposedly will be difficult. They say that the temporarily occupied territories will “finally” become part of the “strong, independent state”, which allegedly is Russia. At the same time, the “remnants” of Ukraine will “remain” under external control.

In fact, Ukraine does not consider the “Korean scenario” of ending the war. This was confirmed by National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Secretary Oleksii Danylov. He noted that the message about the “probable” “Korean scenario” is deliberately promoted by Russian politicians and pro-Russian resources.

Russia did not achieve the original goal of the so-called ‘special operation”, that is, the rapid capture of Ukraine, therefore, now in this way it is trying to realize the most acceptable option for ending the war. At the same time, Ukraine seeks to return the territories temporarily occupied by Russia.

Message Ukraine spends too much ammunition

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that the number of artillery shells that Ukraine allegedly uses per day would be enough for a small European country per year in peacetime. They say that the production of ammunition can be increased, but this will take several years. Allegedly, Europe now cannot but satisfy the “appetite” of Ukraine, since there is a crisis with ammunition.

These messages are manipulative. Any country in peacetime spends much less ammunition than in time of war. The intensity of hostilities, and hence the consumption of ammunition, can also be different. No country, for security reasons, can give Ukraine all its ammunition. That is why Eastern Europe and the United States have been increasing the production of ammunition since 2022. Eastern European businesses are now turning out weapons, artillery shells and other military equipment at a rate not seen since the Cold War to help Ukraine fight Russia.

By spreading the message that other countries are running out of weapons, that Ukraine does not want to supply weapons, new supplies will escalate, or that low-quality or obsolete weapons are being transferred to Ukraine, Russian propaganda is trying to devalue Western aid and demoralize Ukrainians.

Message Ukrainians do not want to return home

Such a message is distributed in anonymous telegram channels. They say that many Ukrainians who were forced to move abroad fleeing away from the war do not want to return home and plan to stay forever in the EU countries. Propagandists cite various data as “evidence”. For example, allegedly Ukrainian migrants in Poland, primarily those who do not live in state aid centers for refugees, are guaranteed to receive a payment equal to 200 euros. That is why, according to propagandists, Ukrainian refugees will not want to return to Ukraine, where the economy is already teetering on the brink.

The authors of such reports deliberately miss the root cause of Ukrainian migration, namely Russian aggression, without naming it. In addition, the provision of payments for Ukrainian refugees in Poland does not depend on whether the person lives at the state aid center. Although the practice of guaranteed issuance of social benefits for Ukrainian refugees is widespread in Poland, these payments do not reach the level of 200 euros and are one-time.  

Moreover, practice shows that Ukrainians, despite all the difficulties, are ready to return home and see their future in Ukraine. According to a survey by the Rating sociological group, 85% of Ukrainians have such intentions.

Russian propaganda spread such messages to demoralize Ukrainians and cause panic, as well as to create the illusion that Ukrainians really left only for a better life. Read more about the messages of Russian disinformation related to Ukrainian refugees in the Detector Media investigation.

Message In Ukraine, they “hunt for men”

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, in Ukraine there is a “hidden” mobilization. There are “colossal” losses at the front, so men are “caught” on the streets to be sent to the front.

In fact, mobilization in Ukraine has been going on since February 24th. This law has been extended several times. According to the latest changes, martial law and general mobilization will continue until May 20, 2023. However, propagandists systematically manipulate the topic of “hidden” mobilization, using the technique of substitution of concepts. Russian propaganda also uses real facts of violations in the mobilization process to reinforce its messages and make them more credible.

Systematic mobilization manipulations discredit the Ukrainian army and affect Ukrainians emotionally. Earlier, propagandists said that the Office of the President wants to send everyone to the war, so the female deputies were banned from traveling abroad and are stepping up mobilization.

Message It makes no sense to negotiate with Ukraine

A similar message was recently heard on a talk show on a Russian propaganda channel. According to the propagandists, Ukraine resembles a “flower jar” to which there is no point in explaining anything at all, and the negotiation agreement is also a useless thing. Like, this is not even a country, but a toy in the hands of Western curators. Moreover, as if it was the West that attacked Russia and that, they say, now ordinary Russians understand who the real enemy is.

In fact, propagandists deliberately distort reality. It was Russia that attacked Ukraine, which has been pursuing an aggressive policy towards neighboring countries and their partners for at least several decades. Russia also distorts history and actively uses it even in cases like this one. In addition, Russia creates the appearance that there is no point in negotiating with Ukraine, because it is allegedly the Ukrainian government that does not want this.

Thus, Russia nourishes two big narratives at once. The first of these is the “Western governance” narrative. Like, there is no point in negotiating with Ukraine, because all Western curators decide for it. The second narrative is that the aggressor is actually not Russia, but Ukraine, with which there is no point in negotiating, because it is the Ukrainian authorities that allegedly are not interested in a peaceful settlement of the war. However, in reality, Ukraine is not ready for negotiations on Russian terms, which include the annexation of Ukrainian territory.

Message In Odesa, even without Russian shelling, the energy system would not have survived

This message is actively spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Reports say that the energy system in Odesa and the region was already very poorly equipped and depleted, and therefore would not have survived despite Russian shelling. That is, according to the propagandists, the blackouts would have awaited the residents of Odesa even if Russia had not fired missiles at infrastructure facilities. In addition, local authorities were accused of hiding the real “details” of the situation and unequal distribution of electricity. They say that the reason for the problems with electricity is not the Russian bombing, but the “old age” of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure and the “inaction” of the Ukrainian authorities, which is only profiting from problems with electricity.

In fact, the difficult situation with electricity in Ukraine arose solely because of Russian aggression. Outrages in different regions of Ukraine began on October 10 after the first massive missile attack on infrastructure. As of today, according to information from Ukrenergo, the Ukrainian energy system has already survived 13 missile attacks and 15 waves of attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles. Unequal distribution of electricity often arises due to the technical complexity of the power grid, as well as other logistical circumstances.

Propagandists deliberately spread this message in order to distort reality and shift responsibility for their actions to others. In addition, such messages are aimed at creating mistrust towards the Ukrainian authorities and Ukraine as a whole.

Previously, Russian propaganda actively spread disinformation about problems with electricity in Ukraine. In particular, the propagandists accused the Ukrainian authorities of selling electricity abroad.

Message The United States, a weak ally, is of no need in Ukraine

This message was spread by pro-Russian telegram channels in the context of the discovery of a Chinese balloon in US airspace. According to China, it was a meteorological airship that allegedly went astray. The propagandists wrote that the American air defense system failed to do its job, so the United States did not immediately shoot down the balloon. To promote the message, they also used quotes from US ex-president Trump and US senators supporting him. Trump said that the bullet should have been shot down immediately and if he was still president, he would have done it faster. The propagandists came to the conclusion that the US is “really” a weak ally for Ukraine due to Biden’s “indecisiveness”. Moreover, the US is supplying its “inefficient” air defense systems to Ukraine.

In fact, the US did not immediately shoot down the balloon, as they verified the purpose of its stay in US airspace. After it was confirmed that the bullet was following US military units, it was shot down. It was impossible to shoot down the balloon without proper confirmation, since this could really lead to an escalation of relations between the United States and China. Trump's quotes in this context are manipulative, as Bloomberg found that during his presidency he ignored at least three similar situations with Chinese spy balloons. That is, the US leadership and the US military acted according to established rules, and did not show weakness, as Russian propaganda states.

By spreading messages about the “weakness” of the United States, Russia is trying to devalue partner assistance for Ukraine and discredit the United States in the eyes of Ukrainians. In fact, the issue of the war in Ukraine remains important to American politics. This is proved by new decisions on additional military assistance for Ukraine.

Earlier, propagandists wrote that the United States allegedly supported Ukraine in the war because of its interest in Ukrainian titanium, or would turn Ukraine into a new Afghanistan.

Message Poles want to enslave Ukrainians since childhood

This message was circulated on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukraine plans to include the Polish language in the list of subjects for which it is possible to take an EIT (external independent test). According to the authors of the message, the Ukrainian authorities want Ukrainians to assimilate under the Poles from their school years. Like, Poland will gradually enslave the Ukrainians, which will help it seize the territory of Ukraine.

The Ministry of reintegration explained the possible introduction of the Polish language into the list of exams by the fact that uniting with the Poles is the key to the sustainable development of states, and education and language are the main tools with which such an association begins.

Taking the EIT in foreign languages is not a mandatory component of passing the exam, except for taking the exam in English in the form of the DPA (state final examination). German, French, Spanish and subsequently Polish will remain subjects chosen by the applicants themselves.

Moreover, Poland is also introducing the Ukrainian language into its educational space: Poland recognizes Ukrainian documents on basic general secondary education (grade 9 of graduation certificates). Also, the results of the EIT are counted for admission to Polish higher education institutions. The Poles announced their readiness to introduce the Ukrainian language into the list of subjects. That is why communication is taking place on both sides, the main goal of which is to strengthen the educational sphere of the two sovereign fellow states.

Propagandists use this message to nourish the narrative that Poland is seeking to take over Ukraine, in particular, to cut off the territory of the western regions. However, Poland does not plan to annex the territories of Ukraine, but on the contrary, it remains a devoted strategic partner that helps Ukrainians fight the enemy.

Message Until February 23, 2022, there were no Russian military in Ukraine

Russian propaganda spreads the message to a foreign audience that before the start of a full-scale invasion, there were no Russian military personnel on the territory of Ukraine. Like, before the start of the special operation, Russia did not offer military assistance to Donbas. But Moscow noticed the militarization of Ukraine and the mood for a forceful resolution of the conflict. EU vs Disinfo analysts drew attention to the spread of the message.

This narrative is not new. It has been periodically distributed since 2014, when Russia seized Crimea and part of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. A new round of its distribution should once again present Russia as a victim of the “collective West” and emphasize to the Russian audience that “the motherland is in danger - it must be defended”. Russia systematically uses the tactics of substitution of concepts to distort reality and advance its own interests.

Message Russia will burn all Western tanks provided to Ukraine

Anonymous telegram channels spread the words of the press secretary of the Russian president Dmytro Pieskov. Like, the Russian business offered a reward for every burned Western tank. It seems to be a good incentive for Russian military personnel to destroy Western equipment.

In fact, in spreading this message, Russian propaganda resorts to intimidation tactics. The message that Western tanks will not help Ukraine has been spread before. They tried to scare not only Ukrainians, but also Germany. Like, Russia will consider Germany a “party to the conflict” if there is permission to supply tanks to Ukraine. Also, propaganda systematically spreads fakes about the “achievement” in the destruction of Western technology. Recently, the Russians said that they destroyed four American Bradley armored vehicles and an M1 Abrams tank, despite the fact that Ukraine does not yet have these weapons.

Message Female deputies were banned from going abroad, the Office of the President wants to send everyone to war

Anonymous telegram channels write that the Office of the President has banned female deputies and civil servants from traveling abroad. Like, this indicates that in the near future women will be sent to serve in the army on an equal basis with men.

In fact, Russian propaganda manipulates changes in legislation. The decree of the president of Ukraine and the resolution of the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine concern professions, not gender. That is, the restrictions apply to officials in general, both men and women. Now they will be able to cross the border only in the case of a business trip or under certain personal circumstances (visiting minor children, death of a relative, etc.).

Propagandists are also manipulating the mobilization of government employees. According to the current legislation, the mobilization of women is voluntary. Men working in the public sector may be exempted from mobilization by decision of the body in which they work (reservation of an employee by position). Consequently, in the event of a change in the legislation, only the presence of public sector employees in Ukraine for the period of martial law is regulated. Features of the mobilization of public sector workers have not changed.

Previously, propagandists talked about the forced mobilization of women, children and even dogs.

Message In Ukraine , air raid sirens to be turned on to make it easier to hand draft notices to men in shelters

A network of telegram channels controlled by Russian intelligence is spreading the message that now in Ukraine the authorities will turn on air raid sirens more often than usual, taking advantage of the fact that Belarus is holding another joint military exercise with Russia. It seems that the Ukrainian authorities do not care whether there is a threat of shelling from the territory of Belarus or not. And the sirens are turned on so that the men go to the shelter, and at the end of the alert, representatives of the “military registration and enlistment offices” will hand out draft notices. It's fake. Air raid alert sounds throughout Ukraine when Russian missiles are launched or threatened, including from Belarus.

The channel network, which presents itself as Ukrainian, constantly uses the topic of mobilization in Ukraine to whip up panic and increase social tension. Along with reports that draft notices would now be distributed in shelters, another channel from this network reported that Ukraine has massively violated the rights of the mobilized and conscripts, and that it was necessary to apply to the ECHR (European court of human rights) about this - and to get “20-30 euros” guaranteed. . Also, in these telegram channels, they constantly state about the pressure that the Office of the President allegedly exercises on the media in order to force them to keep silent about the mobilization.

Mobilization has been going on in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and as with any general mobilization, many violations occur during the war, including the rights of mobilized or conscripts. But this is written about in the Ukrainian media, lawyers talk about the duties and rights of both representatives of recruitment centers and those who are being served with a draft notice. This is a complex topic manipulated by Russian propaganda, including writing dozens of reports that draft notices were handed out to people in shelters and churches, without giving any evidence of this.

Message Poland benefits from the war in Ukraine lasting as long as possible

A network of telegram channels run by Russian intelligence is spreading the message that Poland is receiving huge sums of money for the repair of Ukrainian military equipment, and therefore is interested in continuing the war.

This is another Russian propaganda message about Poland, which seems to be the most interested party in the war. From the very beginning of the war, propaganda has been writing about Poland, which seems to be planning to divide Ukraine and annex or occupy the western part of Ukraine. Also, propaganda constantly promotes the message that Poland received a lot of cheap labor at the expense of Ukrainian refugees. Now propaganda is spreading the thesis that Poland seems to receive at least 10 billion dollars for the repair of Ukrainian military equipment. These figures are not supported by anything, but on January 29, The Wall Street Journal published an article about the repair of Ukrainian military equipment in Poland, which talked about a secret repair factory that restores artillery and armored vehicles. Poland will continue to repair damaged equipment, including American and European tanks, in the future, journalists write.

Poland is one of the most important partners of Ukraine, and Russian propaganda is constantly trying to present Poland as the aggressor or beneficiary of the war, once again trying to shift the responsibility for the invasion, in particular, to the United States and NATO countries.

Message In the territories occupied by Russia, the healthcare sector is at the highest level

This message was circulated on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that in the temporarily Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine, life is not just going on, and healthcare is flourishing, but high-tech operations are being carried out with the most modern equipment. The publications add that allegedly the administration of the temporarily occupied region, Kherson in particular, is working to improve the healthcare sector.

In fact, as VoxCheck project analysts explain, Russians have a shortage of doctors in the temporarily occupied territories, because local Ukrainians refuse to cooperate with the occupiers. To replenish the medical staff, the Russians import doctors from their country and encourage them with additional payments from 4.5 to 18 thousand rubles.

In addition, there have been cases when Russian doctors treat only their own personnel. For example, in the Henichesk district of the Kherson region, the Russian military is modifying kindergartens as field hospitals, because the hospitals are overcrowded.

At the same time, only wounded Russian soldiers are treated, and local residents are forbidden to come to hospitals. Russia is silent about the robbery of medical equipment by the Russian military in Skadovsk, Nova Kakhovka and other occupied cities.

By spreading such a message, propagandists are trying to convince people that life is good in the temporarily occupied territories under the leadership of Russia. Russia creates the appearance that after the so-called liberation - which is occupation - ordinary people began to live better than under the criminal Ukrainian government. However, in reality, as practice shows, the cities and villages that the Ukrainian army liberates from Russian infidels are in a terrible state. Such a situation could be observed in the liberated Kyiv region, Kharkiv region, Chernihiv region, as well as in the liberated Kherson. In particular, in Kherson, after the withdrawal of Russian troops, the critical infrastructure did not work, there was no water, food, medicines. That is, there was no talk of any development of medicine under the conditions of Russian occupation, on the contrary, by constant shelling and robbery, the Russians provoked devastation in the city.

Message Ukrainians began to denigrate Orthodoxy

This message is spread by pro-Russian users of social networks, including the Georgian segment of Facebook. The publications say that after the sanctioning of the churches of the Moscow patriarchate in Ukraine, Ukrainians began to behave not like real Christians, and their level of spirituality, according to the authors of the message, is low. Like, Ukrainians denigrate canonical Orthodoxy. As proof, Facebook users attach a series of video clips to the message, in which, allegedly, “goodness knows” happens in Ukrainian churches, and this contradicts all Christian canons.

Fact-checkers of the MythDetector project explained that people began to massively distribute video clips from the Russian-language segment of TikTok on Facebook. In fact, the video shows a regular Vertep (Nativity scene) performing one of the scenes adapted to real life. In the video, one can see the likeness of Putin, devils and death. From the dialogue of the parties it is clear that Putin is equated with Herod - a very cruel, ferocious person. Actually, Herod is the main antagonist of the Nativity scene, because he dreams of killing the newborn Jesus. In a new interpretation, he wants to create a “Russian world” and defeat Ukraine, but death kills Putin. Death in the classical Nativity scene appears as the protagonist of Herod. The rest of the performance is not visible in the circulated video.

Fact-checkers add that the theatrical scene took place in Greek Catholic churches, and not in the churches of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. One of the videos was filmed in Zarvanytsia, Ternopil region, in the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsia, and the other was made in Truskavets, in the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Theotokos. However, this does not change the essence of the fact that the Nativity scene is a tradition of the Ukrainian church and, despite the denomination, we celebrate the only Christmas.

This message is beneficial to Russian propaganda in order to discredit Ukrainians, to show that their values are unworthy. Earlier, Detector Media debunked a number of fakes about allegedly incorrect Orthodoxy in Ukraine, including that paganism is being spread in Ukraine.

Message They put a stop to hospitalization of Ukrainian civilians

This message was spread by propagandists on social networks and the Kremlin media. The report says that the hospitalization of Ukrainians in Kyiv is ending. According to the propagandists, this was due to “overcrowded beds by the military from the front”. Like, because of the large number of wounded, there are no more places for sick civilians.

As VoxCheck explains, in early December, the Ministry of Health did recommend that regional military administrations consider suspending planned operations and hospitalizations. However, the reason was the systematic massive shelling of the energy infrastructure by Russia, and, accordingly, threats of a possible complete blackout. The recommendations refer to the stabilization period of the energy supply.

However, the recommendation does not mean a complete ban on hospitalization, and subsequently a possible operation. The final decision is made by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

This message is aimed at destabilizing the mood of Ukrainians and discrediting the “incompetent” government. It seems that at the front “everything is so bad” that civilians are not given the opportunity to receive decent treatment.

Message Ukrainian air defense system shoots down only ten percent of Russian missiles

During the air raid on January 26, pro-Russian telegram channels wrote that the Ukrainian air defense system could not cope with massive rocket attacks. They say it shoots down only ten percent of the missiles, the rest allegedly hit the target.

Russian propaganda constantly accompanies massive missile strikes with information attacks, in particular, on the operation of the air defense system. They say that the Ukrainian authorities lie about the number of missiles and forbid showing their hit results in order to hide the real state of affairs. Allegedly, the president's office exaggerates the effectiveness of air defense and “invents” missile attacks. Or they manipulate the fact that if the Ukrainian air defense works as efficiently as possible, the West no longer needs to supply weapons to Ukraine.

The purpose of such information attacks is psychological pressure on Ukrainians in a period of emotional vulnerability. The Russians are trying to intimidate the Ukrainians even more, level out the trust in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and force them to surrender.

Message Due to corruption, international support for Ukraine goes down

Russian propaganda spreads messages to foreign audiences that countries are reducing aid to Ukraine because of corruption. Like, CIA director William Burns admitted this during his visit to Kyiv.

According to EU vs Disinfo analysts, Burns did say that it would be more difficult for Ukraine to get help from the United States. However, this is due to changes in US domestic politics, but not to corruption in Ukraine. Russian propaganda once again distorted the Western official's quote to advance their interests. Support for Ukraine abroad is not decreasing. Moreover, a number of countries, including the United States, announced a decision to provide Ukraine with regular aid packages and military equipment, including tanks.

Russian propaganda is systematically spreading messages to discredit Western aid to Ukraine. Allegedly, Ukraine is being supplied with “scrap”, and it will never receive the desired weapons.

Message Ukraine lost Crimea and part of the East due to Poroshenko, and the loss of territories is even bigger due to Zelenskyi

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels in the context of the fact that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recognized that Russia's aggression against Ukraine began in 2014. Russia, thus, uses the tactics of substitution of concepts and shifts the responsibility for the events in Ukraine to the Ukrainian authorities.

Russia in 2014 sent troops to the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The Russian President launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. This has been recognized by the whole world. Russia is trying to divide Ukrainians with such messages, sow internal discord, playing with sympathies or antipathies for the current and former president.

Russian propaganda is systematically trying to shift the responsibility for the full-scale invasion and war crimes of the Russian army to Ukraine. They say that it is not Russian missiles that are guilty of civilian deaths, but the work of Ukrainian air defense; the Americans are guilty of provoking Russia to attack Ukraine; Ukrainian officials are to blame, because they are allegedly “asking” Russia to deliver a new strike to the Ukrainian energy system.

Message Ukraine is not a subject of geopolitics, but a battlefield

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that Ukraine itself does not take any decision on military operations. Allegedly, the Ukrainians are assigned the role of “cannon fodder”. Like, this is confirmed by the visit of CIA Director William Burns to Kyiv to give instructions to Zelenskyi. The United States is slowly “pushing through” the decisions they need, affecting the speed of military assistance. Allegedly, sanctions against Russia are introduced gradually as an element of bargaining with Russia.

These messages nourish the “outside governance” narrative in Ukraine that has been going on since before the full blown upheaval. Also, Russian propaganda has repeatedly distributed memes that in Ukraine Russia is at war with the United States, NATO or the “collective West”. Thus, propagandists are trying to undermine the credibility of both the Ukrainian authorities and Western partners and destabilize the situation in the country. The United States is helping Ukraine resist Russian aggression, so Russia is trying to discredit the aid in every possible way.

Earlier, for this purpose, they wrote that the United States is using Ukraine as a testing ground for the development of weapons and the law on lend-lease involves huge debts, and that America is not profitable for Ukraine's victory. Like, Ukraine should fight on behalf of NATO. They also wrote that allegedly the United States is pushing Europe into the abyss.

Message West of Ukraine is to be given to Poland if Warsaw pays US debt instead of Kyiv

Russian propaganda spreads the message to the Western audience that allegedly Poland can receive part of the Ukrainian territories as “compensation” for paying the “Ukrainian debt” to the United States.

This message has no legal basis and is an invention of Russian propaganda. Thus, they are trying to promote the narrative about Poland's plans to seize part of the Ukrainian territories. EU vs Disinfo analysts drew attention to the spread of the message.

Earlier, as part of this narrative, propagandists spread messages that Poland considers the West of Ukraine to be its “colony”, that Poland needs the territory of Ukraine without Ukrainians. The propagandists also spread fakes about the referendum on the accession of the West of Ukraine to Poland and photos of voting ballots for the secession of the Lviv region from Ukraine and joining Poland.

Message Russia will consider Germany a “party to the conflict” if it allows to supply tanks to Ukraine

Russian propagandists are spreading messages that Germany will become a “direct participant in the hostilities” and “a legitimate target of Russia” if it allows the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Thus, propagandists are trying to intimidate the Germans and prevent the supply of necessary weapons to Ukraine. Despite the fact that on social networks, at the initiative of German activists, “Viche” launched a flash mob to protest against the German government’s delay in supplying Leopard tanks to Ukraine, propagandists spread fakes that the Germans did not support the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Russian propaganda used similar tactics of intimidation and emotional pressure earlier in relation to France. Propagandists spread messages that France was an “accomplice in genocide” in the East of Ukraine, as Ukraine was shelling Donbas from the French Caesar self-propelled guns. Allegedly, the use of French weapons makes France an accomplice in “crimes” against the civilian population.

Since the beginning of the great war, Russian propaganda has been spreading messages that: “Western weapons only continue the war and increase the number of victims”; “actually” in Ukraine “Russia is at war with NATO”; “The West supplies Ukraine with obsolete and low-quality weapons”. Read more in the Detector Media investigation.

Message Zelenskyi needs Western weapons to “at least” stop Russia, they are no longer talking about the liberation of the occupied territories

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels after the meeting in the Ramstein format. Like, if earlier the President of Ukraine spoke about the liberation of the territories occupied by Russia, now he asks for weapons in order to “at least stop Russia”.

In fact, the rhetoric of the Ukrainian president has not changed. Russian propaganda manipulates Volodymyr Zelenskyi's quote from Ramstein speech. The propagandists took out of context a part of the speech with a call to “start a principled supply that will stop the Russian evil”. However, Zelenskyi's calls to guarantee the kind of artillery and air defense that would break terror and ensure victory were ignored. “So, let your decisions hit exactly! Just like our heroes are on the front line”, the President of Ukraine said.

Propagandists are systematically trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi both in Ukraine and abroad. Previously, they claimed that Zelenskyi signed the act of surrender during a visit to the United States. Allegedly, Zelenskyi could stop the war, but the West did not let him do it.

Message Europe has no freedom of speech

This is the message propagandists use in their telegram channels and in the pro-Kremlin media. The report says that the propaganda TV company “Russia Today” is massively shut down in European countries. In particular, the enemies cited the example of France and said that there is no “freedom, equality and fraternity” there, hinting that the countries of the European Union do not profess the foundations of freedom of speech and the EU states comprehensively regulate their own media. It seems that one will not find out any truth from local media.

In fact, Russia Today is the center of Russian propaganda that spoke to a multinational audience by spreading Russian propaganda narratives against Europeans. The TV company was repeatedly accused of spreading lies, including about the war in Ukraine.

At the same time, on December 7, 2022, the European Commission made a proposal for the ninth package of sanctions against Russia, which provides for a restriction of almost 200 individuals and legal entities. In addition, the EU sanctions provided for the blocking of propaganda of the Russian Federation in Europe. As suggested by the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the ninth package provided for the impossibility of broadcasting four Russian channels. That is, the broadcasting of channels in Europe is stopped in order to prevent the spread of propaganda by Russia, which is waging a bloody war in Ukraine, and not because of the lack of freedom of speech.

Message Peaceful Ukrainians are engaged in telephone terrorism and sabotage in multi-storey buildings in Russia

Such a message is being shared by propagandists on social networks and in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. It says that Ukrainians allegedly started calling Russian schoolchildren on behalf of representatives of the gas service and asking them to turn on the gas and go and get some rest. Allegedly, peaceful Ukrainians are arranging sabotage and want to blow up multi-storey buildings. The authors of the messages add to the publication the so-called “audio recording of the call”, during which the woman asks the child to turn on the gas burners, “and go to rest in another room for two hours”. The woman herself claims that she is calling from the gas service, and so they conduct “remote checks”.

As the StopFake fact checkers explain, in fact, such an audio recording was previously distributed among users in the Kazakh segment, and has nothing to do with Ukraine. Back in 2018, this case was discussed on the national TV channels of Kazakhstan. It was discovered that the recording itself was made somewhere in their country, as local names were used.

Propagandists spread this message in order to destabilize the situation and once again nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis who do not even feel sorry for children.